

Danbor hotsak entzuten dira hurrunean...... nire urtebetetzeko zozketaren irabazlea zein den argitaratuko dut... TAAAAA DAAAAAAAAA!

We hear the sound of the drum in the distance...I will present the winner of my birthday´s giveaway...

Merche da!!! Sarreran e-maila jarri zenidanez, laister idatziko dizut.

Merche is the winner!!!You left your e-mail in the post, so I´ll write you soon.

Felicidades Merche!!! Me alegro un montón de que hayas ganado, espero que te gusten las cositas que he elegido  :-)


Bloggerrak artisautza azokan! Bloggers in the craft fair!

Oiane, Amaya, Rosa.
Pasadan zapatuan inguruan bizi diren bloggerrei aurpegia jarri nien ;-) Amaya, Oiane, Rosa eta nik zita izan genuen Barakaldon. Ondo pasatu genuen, hori dela eta beste batean ere biltzekoak gara. Norbaitekin jostearen inguruan hitzegiteak ilusio ikaragarria egin zidan, eskerrikasko neskak! Hurrengoan gehiago!

Last saturday I met three bloggers who live near here ;-) Amaya, Oiane, Rosa and me had an appointment in Barakaldo. We had fun, so we are going to meet another time. Talking with others about sewing I was thrilled, thank you ladies! The next time more!

In the workshop.
BECen izan zen artisautzako azokan izan ginen eta oso ondo pasatu genuen!! Azoka jendez eta gauzaz gainezka zegoen eta apur bat estresauta bukatu genuen alde batetik bestera genbiltzalako gauza guztiak ikusi nahian. Gainera tailer piloa antolatzen zituzten eta gu batera apuntatu ginen. Bertan boltso bat egin behar zen, egonkortasuna ematen zion material bat erabiliz. Egia esan tailerra ez zen oso baliogarria izan, baina guk ondo pasa genuen!

We were in BEC, in the Craft Fair, and we enjoyed it very much!! There were many people and there were many stuff, we went from one stand to the other in a hurry because we wanted to see all the things exhibited. Apart from the stands, there were worshops about many kind of crafts. We took part in one for sewing a pouch. We sewed it with a material to give rigidity. The truth is that we didn´t learn many things there, but we had a great time sewing together!

Our pouches.
Boltsoa egiteko ehuna ez zitzaidan batere gustatu....eta etxera bueltatu nintzenean dena soltatu eta gustoko dudan ehun batekin egitea pentsatu nuen. Hori dela eta nire joste zerrendara gauza bat gehiago gehitu dugu! Kar, kar, kar!!!

The teacher chose a fabric that I didn´t like...and when I came to my home, I released all pouch´s layers, to sew it with a different fabric. So I have a new item in my sewing list! Ha, ha, ha!!!

It was a pouch...

Erropak jostearen inguruko gauza gutxi zeuden azokan, baina lasai hala ere ezin izan nintzen esku hutsi bueltatu eta hainbat gauza erosi nituen.

There were few things about sewing clothes, but still I bought cute goodies.

My cute goodies!
Beno ba zapatu berezi eta polita pasatu nuen, jostea maite duten pertsonekin eta egia esan gehiagotan biltzeko gogoa piztu zidaten hiru neskatila eder hauek :-) Hori dela eta musu handi bat hirurontzat eta hurrengorarte guapak!

So it was a very special and cute saturday, I love spending time with people who like sewing and these three ladies are sooooo great ;-) A big kiss for them and I will see you next time!

Three happy seamstresses!!


Sketching my body or a mini-maider!

Ez ahaztu zozketa bat egiten ari naizela! Aurreko sarrera irakurri!

Don´t forget to comment in my previous post! I am hosting a giveaway!


Pasadan asteko helburu guztien ostean ez nintzen ausartzen ezer egitera marrazkia egin aurretik... astebetean egin beharrak alde batera uztea benetan lotsagarria izango zelako :-) Hori dela eta buruan ditudan proiektuak marraztu ditut "mini-maider" honen laguntzaz. Ez zaitezte gogorregiak izan mesedez...kar, kar, kar! Ez da hain gaizki irten ezta?

Last week, I wrote about my new year´s resolutions , if you remember I have to draw my sewing project, before starting...I was a little embarrassed to start something without drawing, so with the help of my "mini-maider", I hope all my projects will be better. Please not judge too harshly my dolls....ha, ha, ha! They aren´t very uglies, aren´t they?

Lehenengo egin nahi dudana Burdako modelo hau da. La Inglesitari zor diodan proiektua da...ez badut josten ezin dut otsaileko Burda erosi. Hori bai aurreratuko dizuet pasadan astean begirada bat eman niola ta bueno... patroi batzuk aldaketa txiki batekin errepikatu dituztelakoan nago. Baina beno harira! Zer iruditzen zaizue?

The first project is going to be, this Burda´s model. I have to sew this tunic for the challenge of La Inglesita, because otherwise I can not buy next month Burda. Do you like this pattern and my doll?¿?¿?

 Ehun zoragarri bat erabiliko dut patroi hau egiteko, pasadan urtetik gordeta nuen brodatutako ehuna. Nahiko zabal geratzen den patroia da, hori dela eta praka estuekin jantziko dudalakoan nago. Bestalde proiektu hau interesgarriagoa izan dadin erronka batzuk gehitu dizkiot, inoiz egin ez ditudan joste lanak. Alde batetik botoiak ehun berdinaren zintatxo batekin lotuko ditut eta bestalde kanesua eskuz josiko dut brodatzearen antzeko teknika bat erabiliz, hau aurrerako azalduko dizuet.

I chose a gorgeous fabric to sew this tunic, it was in my stash since last spring. It´s a beatiful cotton satin embroidered and perforated in brown and purple colour. The pattern fits  loose, so I will wear it with skinny pants. To make more interesting the project, I have two  challenges in this project: a button loop in the back pieces and a fagoted seam on the yoke. The fagoted seam is like a embroidery seam, I will tell you more about that in following posts.

Hurrengoa Rosyren Sew-alongean egingo dugun hurrengo proiektua da: fuksia koloreko berokia.

The next project is going to be the garment, we are going to sew in the sew-along hosted by Rosy: the fucshia coat.

Kolore izugarri polita eta distiratsua daukan artilezko ehuna erosi dut proiektu honetarako. Gainera ehun honek istorio polita dauka bere atzean :-) Rosyk ez zuenez kolore hortako ehuna aurkitzen ba truke bat egin genuen, nik fuksia kolorekoa erosiko nion eta berak gorri kolorekoa. Euskal Herria eta Kanariar Irlak ehunaren bidez eta korreoz batu ditugu!!! Ze ederra den joste komunitatea!!! Pertsona bikainak ezagutzeko aukera izaten duzu. Rosyk ere bere istoriaren zatia blogean idatzi du (hemen sarrera).

Eta hemen dago Rosyk bidali didan ehuna, gorri koloreko artilea.

This fucshia wool has an awesome colour, super bright. Also it has a cute story behind its :-) Rosy couldn´t find a wool with this colour so I bought her the wool and we made a barter, I have sent her a package with the fucshia wool and she has sent me another package with a red wool. We have connected the Basque Country and the Canary Islands with our fabrics!!! How nice is our sewing community!!! You can find special people here. Rosy wrote a post about our barter.

And this is the fabric sent by Rosy, a red wool.


Eta paketea zabaltzerakoan izan dudan sorpresa!!! Rosyk beste ehun bat bidali dit oparitan!! Eskerrikasko Rosy!! Berak ehun gorriarentzako forro bezala erabiltzeko bidali didala zioen, baina nik fuksia koloreko berokirako erabiliko dut, beroki horri ikutu erromantikoa emango diolakoan nago, kutsu "victorianoa" esango nuke. Ai ama beroki hau hasteko irrikitan nago!

And when I was opening the package, surprise!!! Rosy has sent another piece of fabric!! Than you Rosy!! She told me that I can use the fabric like lining for the red coat, but in my opinion it will be great for the fucshia coat. It gives a romantic touch to the coat, could be a "victorian" touch. I´m looking forward to starting the sew along!

Eta azkenengo proiektua Coletterieko patroi bat da: Juniper prakak. Praka hauek josteko materialak erosiak ditut, baina ez dakit noiz hasiko naizen...egia zen gabonak eta gero 2013ko lehenengo proiektua izango zela pentsatu nuen, baina azkenean beste bi horiek jarri zaizkio aurretik. Ia martxo aldean josten dudan, gehien bat erosi dudan ehuna negurako aproposa baita! 

And the third project in my list is: Coletterie´s Juniper trousers. I bought all the material on december, but I don´t know when I´m going to begin....I thought that it´s going to be my first 2013´s project but finally it isn´t possible. I hope, it will be finished for March because I bought a winter fabric to sew them.

Praka hauek hanka zabalekoak dira, hori dela eta takoiekin hobeto joango zirelakoan nago. Aparte jaka estuekin ederto konbinatuko dute! Erronkarik handiena aurrekaldeko pieza jostea izango da.

Zer iruditu zaizue nire planteamendua?

These trousers have a wide leg so I would wear them with heeled shoes and a waist -fitted jacket. The main challenge to sew this pattern is the fly front.

Do you like my list?



Things I love and my birthday!

Gaur nire urtebetetzea da! Zorionak zuriiii zorionak niriiiii! Jostun amorratu honek joste erregaloak izan ditu, ez zenuten honen inguruko dudarik izango ezta? Lehenengo nire buruari oparitu diodan liburua erakutsiko dizuet: The Colette Sewing Handbook.

Yes, it´s my birthday! Happy birthday to meeeeee! And in a seamstress´ birthday can´t miss, sewing gifts, you don´t have any doubt about that, do you? First, the gift I have done to myself: The Colette Sewing Handbook.

Sure that in this moment I am reading it!

Pasada bat da!!! Bost bat kapitulo irakurri ditut eta benetan oso ona da. Jostun hasiberri edo erdi mailako batentzat oso liburu interesgarria da. Nik nire burua erdi mailakoen talderantza hurbiltzen nabari dut!. Kar, kar, kar... Liburuan, Coletterieko 5 patroi dituzu eskuragarri eta joste prozesurako pilo bat truko eta azalpen daude. Hainbeste gustatu zait liburua, bere inguruko post bat idatziko dudala pentsatu dudala. Adi izan zaitezte!

I love it!!! I have read a couple of chapters and I have to tell you, that it´s an interesting sewing book, specially for a novice-intermediate seamstress. Yes I think that my level is approaching to intermediate! Ha, ha, ha... In the book you can find 5 Colette´s patterns and many tips and help to sew better. I like the book, so I´m going to write a review about it in the following weeks. Be aware!

Beste joste oparia nire bikoteak egin dit. Ai ene paketearen tamaina ikusterakoan segituan konturatu naiz.... OVERLOCKER BAT SEGURU!!!!!! Ba bai Jata markako overlockerra oparitu dit!!! Ez dakizuenentzat nire beste makina ere nire bikoteak oparitu zidan orain dela pare bat urte, nire joste afizioaren errudun handienetarikoa da, eskerrikasko!!!!!

This morning my boyfriend has left a big box on the table, I have guessed ...AN OVERLOCKER SURE!!!!!! Yes, it was! The "Solid overlock 900" from Jata brand. If you don´t know, I have to tell you that my first sewing machine was a present from him. Well he is one of the culprits of my hobby, thank you very much!!!!!

My new baby ;-)

Beno ba hainbeste oparirekin...bada zuei ere oparitxo bat egin nahi nizuen ;-) Noodlehead blogean zozketa berezi bat ikusi nuen, gustoko zituen 33 gauza bidaliko zizkion zozketaren irabazleari. Gauza horien artean, kuadernoak, kremallerak, txokolatea eta pilo bat gauza gehiago daude. Ideia harrigarria iruditu zait eta nik ere horrelako zerbait egitea pentsatu dut. Baina nik 33 beharrean 13 aukeratuko ditut, gehien bat 33 gehiegi iruditu zaizkidalako eta ez nuke jakingo zer jarri, eta bestalde 13 zenbakia gogoko dudalako!

Beno ba zozketan parte hartu nahi duzuen guztiok, sarrera honetan komentarioa utzi dezakezue eta urtarrilaren 31rarte parte hartu. Hori bai, zer irabaziko duzuen sorpresa izango da, nik maite ditudan gauzatxo politak izango direla esan dezaket :-)

Beno ba ondo pasa eguna eta nire omenez topa egin dezazue!

It´s my birthday but...I want to give away something to you ;-) I read on Noodlehead about a cute giveaway, she was picking 33 things she loved to giveaway. All of them packed in a box, will arrive to a lucky reader. She picked up nice stuff like note cards, zippers, chocolate and many things more. I thought that it was a cute initiative, so I´m going to make the same but with 13 things. Because 33 are too for me...I wouldn´t know how to chose... and because I love the 13, they will be 13!

So if you want to participate, leave me a comment in this post with your e-mail to contact to you. You have till 31th of january to participate. You don´t know what the giveaway is, but they will be things I love :-)

Have a nice day and let's make a toast in my honor!


Hurrengo urterako helburuak/ New Year´s resolution

Pasadan astean, Mercheren urte berrirako joste desioak irakurri nituen eta nik horrelako zerbait egin beharko nuela pentsatu nuen, Merche zure joste aro berriak inspiratu egin ninduen. Urtebete pasatu da bloga idazten hasi nintzenetik, 2012 osoa sarrerak idazten eta josten pasa dut. Hasiera batean, joste ordu gutxi izaten nituen edo behar nituen, baina orain ezin naiteke josi gabe egon, edo patroiak kuxkuxeatu gabe egon edo blogosferan zertan zabiltzaten begiratu gabe egon. 

Nire sormena filtratzeko era ezin hobea da! Nire egunerokoan, lana eta sormena beti uztartu izan ditut eta. Produktu diseinatzailea naiz eta gauza berritzaileak sortzea nire ogibidea da. Fantasia handiko pertsona naiz, nire ogibiderako perfektua dena, baina egia esan, askotan nire buruaren abiadurak harritu egiten nau... patroiek 3D forma hartzen dute nire burmuinean eta ia ezer idatzi gabe ala argibideak erdi purdizka irakurrita, ebakitzen eta josten hasten naiz. Ez pentsa...askotan txarto irteten zait eta nire joste antsietatea bueltaz pasatu eta proiektua desastre hutsa bihurtzen da. Baina beno, nire sormenari irteera eman izan diot horrela.

Hurrengo joste urteari, emozioa, jakituria eta joste lagunak eskatzen dizkiot:

Last week, I read Merche's new year's sewing resolutions and I thought I should do something similar. Merche your new sewing resolutions, inspired me. It's already been a year since I first started writing this blog, I've gone the whole 2012 sewing and writing. At the beginning I had enough with a few sewing hours, but nowadays I can't be without sewing, looking over for patterns or checking what's new in the blogs.

The way I filter my creativity is the best! Day to day I have always mix my job with the creativity as I am a product designer, and creating and innovating is my job. My imagination is huge, which is great for what I do, but sometimes I even surprise myself at the speed my brain works... Patterns begin to take 3D shape in my mind and without writing a word or half reading the instructions, I begin to cut and sew. Well, many times it doesn't work out and my anxiety to sew turns out in a disaster, but that's how my creativity works.

My Next sewing year's resolution are excitement, knowledge and lots of sewing friends.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.
Emozioa, josteko emozioa behar delako. Ehuna eskuetan izaten duzunean eta patroia buruan momentu izugarria izaten da, konexio inter estelarra! Kar, kar, kar... Gainazal batek zure gorputza perfekto biltzen duela konturatzen zarenean sentitzen duzun emozioa, ezin da hitzekin azaldu. 

Jakituria, hobetzen jarraitu nahi dudalako, gauza berriak ikasi eta erronka berriei eraso egin! Gauza piloa ditudalako ikasteko!

Eta azkenik joste lagunak nahi ditut. Blogosferak asko laguntzen nauen arren, norbait alboan izango banu oraindik eta dibertigarriagoa izango zela pentsatzen dut. Hori dela eta joste-tailerrekin jarraitu nahi dut, ikasle bezala eta irakasle bezala, zeren eta batek daki inguruko norbait afizionatzen bada zapatu goizeko kafea josteko makina baten alboan igaro dezakegu ;-)

Aurreko helburu guzti hauen alboan joste helburuak jarriko ditut, hau da zer josi nahi dudan 2013an zehar. Zerrenda honek zentratzen laguntzetik aparte, hurrengo urtera begira ia txintxoa izan naizen esaten lagunduko dit. Hauek dira hurrengo urtera begira derrigorrez josi beharko ditudanak:

  • Barruko erropa. Blogger askok josi dituzte kulero eta titizorroak, nik azkenengoekin ez dakit ausartuko naizen, baina kuleroekin bai! Overlockerra ez izan arren, zeozelan josiko ditut, zin dagit! Kar, kar, kar...
  • Trenka bat josi, hau da, eurirako jaka bat. Hau ere ez dakit nire makinarekin josi al den...beno ehuna ondo aukeratzearekin erdia egina daukat.
  • Mahuka luzeko alkandorak josi.
  • Gonak josi. Aurten ez dut ganoradun gonarik josi...pare bat ahalegin egin ditut baina egia esan, ez zait bat bera ere gustatu.
  • Kolore beltza erabili. Kolore bat aukeratu beharko banu ehunak erostera noanean "ostadarra" esango nuke, kar, kar, kar....Bai hala da, erropa dendatan kolore neutro asko dagoenez, nik zeozer josi behar dudanean ehun koloredunak erosten ditut. Hori oso ondo dago, baina beltza ere asko gustatzen zaidanez eta ia danarekin ondo doanez, beltz koloreko lau proiektu josi beharko ditut: praka bat, alkandora bat, gona bat eta jantzi bat.
  • Rosy egiten ari den sew-alongerako nire patroia egin nuen nire neurriekin eta hainbeste gustatu zitzaidan esperientzia, patronajearekin jarraitzea ezinbestekoa dela.
  • La Inglesitak bota duen erronkari urte osoan zehar eutsiko dut! Bere erronka sinplea baina zaila dela esango genuke. Hurrengo hilabeteko Burda aldizkaria erosi ahal izateko aurreko hilabeteko Burda aldizkariko modeloren bat josia izan behar duzu. Ideia ona ezta?
  • Azkenengo eginbeharra, zaila egingo zaidala uste dut... josi baino lehen sketch bat marraztu beharko dut. Hau da, nire gorputzaren eta nire joste proiektuaren sketch bat. Carolynek urte berrirako dituen erronken artean, egunero jazten duenaren marrazkia egitea dago, eta egia esan oso ideia ona dela iruditu zaidanez, nik nire bertsio sinplifikatua egingo dut. Proiektua egin aurretik marraztu, ideiak argiago izateko.

Excitement, because to sew you need to be excited. When you hold the fabric between your fingers and the pattern is in your mind, it's a really fascinating moment, intergalactic connexion!!! Ha, ha, ha... the feeling of a perfect cover embracing your body can't be explained just with words!!

Knowledge, because I want to continue improving, learning new things and facing new challenges!! I have so many things to learn!!

And finally, I would like to make sewing friends. Because even though the bloggers help us a lot, I believe it would be so much funnier to have someone beside me. That's why I want to keep up with my sewing workshops, both as a student and as a teacher. Who knows, if someone around me becomes fond of it, we could take the saturday morning coffee next to a sewing machine.;-)

Next to my new year's resolutions I will list my sewing projects. This helps me to focus myself and  next year to be able to check if I have been a good girl and have done my homework. This is what I have to sew  next year:
  • Underwear: Many bloggers have sewn knickers and bras. I don't think I will go for the latter, but I will give a try to the former one.  Even tough not being a Overlocker, I will sew them, I swear! Ha, ha, ha...
  •  I want to sew a raincoat. I don't know if my sewing machine can do it, but with the right fabric, I will be half the way.
  •  Long sleeved shirts.
  • Skirts. This year I haven't sewn a decent skirt. I had a couple of tryings, but I didn't like any of them.
  • Use the black colour. If I had to chose a colour when I go to buy fabrics, that would be...Rainbow!! jajaja!!Yes, that's it, clothes shops are full of neutral colours, so when I'm going to sew something for myself I always buy coloured fabrics. But black is also nice, I like it and it suits with everything, so I have four black coloured projects: some trousers, a shirt, a skirt and a dress. 
  • I´m participating in a sew-along hosted by Rosy and we made a self drafted pattern that I enjoyed very much. This year I want to continue doing my own patterns. 
  • I´m going to participate in the challenge hosted by La Inglesita. I can not buy the magazine the following month, if I will not sew something for the previous issue. It´s a simple but difficult challenge, isn´t it?
  • This last one I think it will be a difficult one...Before sewing I will have to draw a sketch of myself and my sewing project. Among Carolyn's new challenges it is to draw a sketch of what she wears every day. I think it's a great idea, therefore I will do a simplify version of it. Before sewing I will draw it, to clear things up. 

Beno ba guzti honekin amaitu dut! Nire hausnarketak aspertu ez izana espero dut, kar, kar, kar... zuekin partekatu nahi nituen nire pentsamenduak, nire joste afizioa gero eta handiagoa bada ein handi batean zuen gomendio, berba polit eta proiektu interesgarriengatik da eta, hori dela eta eskerrikasko blogger eta irakurle maiteak!!!!

Well, that's all, I hope I haven't bored you with my thoughts! Ha, ha, ha! I just wanted to share with you my feelings, because my sewing desire keeps up mainly due to your recommendations, good words, and interesting projects. So Thanks a lot to all of you bloggers and readers!!


Nire Amaren jantzi elegantea! / My mother´s elegant dress!

Kaixo! Gaurko jantzi honekin 2012an josi ditudan guztiak aurkeztuta izango ditut. Gaurkoa gainera espeziala da ez dudalako niretzako josi, nire amarentzako josi nuen :-)

Hi there! With this dress, I have just finished showing you my 2012´s projects. Moreover, this project is special, because I have sewed for my mother :-)

Ehuna bion artean aukeratu genuen, Bilbon erosi genuen Rafael Matiasen. Elastikotasun apur bat daukan Jacquarda da, bere koloreak marroia eta urdina dira. Ehuna hain ederrak, patroi sinplea behar zuen eta Burda aldizkariko iraileko zenbakira joan nintzen. Aurtengo iraileko zenbakia izugarria izan da! Zenbaki hortako pila bat modelo ikusi ditut blogosferan. Guk Burda 09/12 mod.109 a aukeratu genuen, josteko oso erraza eta gainera zenbaki hortako joste tailerra modelo honekin idatzia zegoenez, oraindik eta errazago!

We chose the fabric in Rafael Matias, a store from Bilbao. It´s a brown and blue jacquard with some elastic. It´s a gorgeous fabric so we need a simple pattern for showing all the elegance of the fabric. The pattern we chose is from Burda, more exactly September number. This number was succesfull in the blogosphere, you can find many garments made with patterns from this issue. Our pattern is the Burda 09/12 mod.109, very easy to sew and with a tutorial in the magazine, so easier yet!

Nire amak ez zuen forrorik nahi, ehuna nahiko lodia da, hori dela eta nik ez nion forrorik josi. Patroiari ez diot aldaketa bakarra ere egin, baina egia esan kremallera ez nuen zertan josi behar, Amak esan didanez,  jazterakoan ez da zertan erabili behar.

My mother didn´t want lining in her dress, because of the fabric´s thick, so I didn´t sew lining. I didn´t make alterations in the pattern, but my mother told me that the zipper is unnecessary because of the fabric elasticity.

Elegante dago ezta? Lepokoa eta berokia Olentzeroren oparia izan da, zelako begia daukan Olentzerok, kolore guztiak oso ondo doakioz!

She is elegant, isn´t she? The necklace and the coat is a Christmas´s gift, an Olentzero´s (the basque Santa) gift. Olentzero has an incredible sense of fashion, all the colours combine very well!

Zer iruditu zaizue nire 2012ko azkenengo joste proiektua?

Do you like my last 2012 project?

Dress´s pattern:  Burda 09/2012 #109.
Dress´s fabric: jacquard with elasticity.
Coat: Zara.
Necklace: Sew a Song.


Belaino artean / In the fog

Masustak in the fog. (Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan).

Eskerrikasko Rosy!!!!!!!!!!!! Bai hau da Rosyren Sew-alongeko jantzia. Eta zer da hori? Galdetzen didazue, bada Rosyren laguntzarekin "New girl" telesaieko protagonistaren erropak josten ari gara (sarrera hontan azaldu nizuen erronka honen nondik norakoak). Gabon zahar egunerako amaitu nuen eta egia esan ikusi nindutenak oso harrituta geratu ziren, asko gustatu zitzaien jantzia eta artista itzela naizela esan zidaten, ze harro nagoen! Kar, kar, kar...

Rosy jostun abila izatetik aparte irakasle bikaina da, josi dudan jantzi hori patroi gabe egin dut edo hobeto esanda patroia nik sortu dut! Gure gorputzaren neurriak hartuta, nola egin behar den azaldu zigun Rosyk.

Thank you very much Rosy!!!!!!!!!!! Yes I did, last week I finished Rosy´s sew-along dress. And what is that? you are asking me,  I explained you (in this post) that Rosy is going to sew all the New Girl´s costumes. I was wearing this dress on New Year´s Eve and all my family and friends told me that it´s an amazing dress very well done, I was soooo proud of me! Ha, ha, ha....

Rosy is an spectacular seamstress but also she is an incredible teacher, because this dress is made without pattern, we drafted our own pattern! Rosy explained us how to take our body´s measures and then how to draw the pattern.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Ehuna ebaki nuenean ez nuen Rosyk azaldu zuen eran egin, nik kremallera albo batean jarri nuelako. Gorputzeko pieza ebakitzerakoan, ez nuen hainbesteko joste tartea utzi behar, ehunaren lodiera dela eta gorputzaren pieza handiegia geratu da eta bularreko pintzak bata bestetik hurrunegi geratu dira, baina beno inor ez da konturatu ere egiten...jostun begi azkarrak baino ez!

When I cut the fabric, I didn´t continue Rosy´s explanations because I sewed my zipper underarm. Now I know that this kind of fabric, mine is soooo thick, you have to cut carefully because my front and back piece were too big and the bust´s darts were far from each other, but nobody told me something about that...only a well-trained eye of a seamstress would notice!

Yes, I did... I watched "Harry Potter" on TV... ha, ha, ha!! (Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan)

Aldaketaren batzuk egin dizkiot telesaieko jantziari, mahukak luzeagoak egin dizkiot eta gona guztiz aldatu dut. Rosyk ederto azaldu zuen gona nola josi, baina nik erositako ehuna horrela josteko lodiegia zela iruditu zitzaidan hori dela eta gona zirkularra egitea pentsatu nuen. Nire bizitzan josi dudan era honetako lehenengo gona izan da, neurriak eta nola ebaki jakiteko Fickle Senseko tutoriala erabili nuen, pasada bat da, oso ondo azaltzen dute! Horrelako gonak gehiagotan josiko ditudalakoan nago. Ez dakit konturatu zareten baina ehuna ebakitzerakoan akats bat egin nuen eta ehunaren norantza ez dago guztiz ondo...baina beno hau ere jostun abilek baino ez dute kontutan hartuko.

I made alterations to the TV serie´s costume, my sleeves are longer and my skirt is completely different. Rosy sewed a folded skirt, but for my thick fabric I thought that it would be great a circle skirt. I had never sewed a circle skirt before, so I read a tutorial from Flickle Sense, it´s super well done and it has many pictures. I think that I´m going to sew more skirts like that, I love it! I don´t know, if you noticed, but I had a fault with the grainline while I was cutting the skirt....but this is other thing that only a well-trained eye of a seamstress would notice!

Cutting back and front pieces. Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Cutting the circle skirt. Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Gona zirkularra egitea erabaki zuzena izan da, pilo bat gustatu zait ehunak egiten duen efektua, 60. hamarkadako jantzia dirudi orain! Piramide forma duelarik geldi-geldi geratzen da.

Make a circle skirt has been the correct way, because now I love the fabric´s effect, it´s like a 60´s dress! Because of the skirt´s material is stiff, it has a pyramidal form.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Euskal Herrian egunotan, freskotxo egiten ari dela esango nuke eta ia goizero belainoa izaten dugu gure bailaretan. Gaua disdiratsua eta goiza belaino artean, baina egia esan gustoko dut ;-) ez dakit zer daukan belainoak baina hain misteriotsua da erakarri egiten nauela! Hori dela eta belaino artean atera ditugu argazkiak, zuhaitz biluzien inguruan eta orbelaren gainean... a ze poetikoa!

This week was cold in the Basque Country and every morning we had fog in our valleys. A starry night leaves at the morning, a forest full of fog, but the truth is that I like the fog ;-) I don´t know why, but it´s so misterious that it attracts me! So I wanted taking pics in the fog, next to the naked trees and above the leafs...it is very poetic!

The sun is shinning! (Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan).

Beno ba sarrera hau amaitu baino lehenago berriz ere eskerrak eman nahi dizkiot Rosyri. Benetan Rosy pila bat ikasi dut eta asko disfrutatu dut eta orain nire patroia nire gorputzaren neurriei egokitua daukat, edozein gauza josteko kapaza sentitzen naiz!!! Konfidantza piloa eman dit jantzi honek, eskerrikasko benetan! Eta eskerrikasko nire argazkilari maiteari, artista bat zara!

Before finishing the post, I want to thank Rosy again. I learned many things with you Rosy and I enjoyed very much and now I have a pattern self-drafted with my measures, I feel like I can do anything!!! You have given me a lot of confidence, thank you again! And thank you to my talented photographer, you are an artist!

The whole outfit (Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan).

Dress pattern: self-drafted with the help of Rosy from Sewingadicta.
Pin: A ze txapa.
Shoes: Geox.
Coat: Pull&Bear.
Hat: H&M.


New year, old project

Lekeitio (Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan).
Urte berri on!! Zer moduz hasi duzue urtea? Nik kiloren bat gehiagorekin eta umore onez :-) Gabonetam jan ditudan gauza guztien ostean globo aeroestatiko baten antzera zeruan bueltaka ez nabilenez, hemen nago proiektu berri-zahar batekin. Urte zaharrak egindako proiektuak pilatuta utzi dizkit, baina lasai astiro-astiro denak erakutsiko dizkizuet. Gainera Rosyren Sew-alongeko jantzia bukatua eta estrenatua daukat.

Happy new year!! What about your new year´s start? I have won a couple of kg and I began the 2013 happily  and with my family :-) I am surprised, that I´m not flying away like a balloon in the sky because of my gluttony, but not, here I am with a new but old project. The past year leaves me, finished projects that I have to show you but take it easy. Also I have finished Rosy´s sewalong dress and I wore it in the New Year´s Eve.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Jantzi hau irailean josi nuen, urrian ezkontza neukan eta zerbait espeziala nahi nuen. Ehuna Eibarko denda batekoa da, egia esan ez da betere ehun ona. Zeta dirudien arren sintetikoa da eta hilabete hauetako erabilpenaren ondorioz apur bat arrakalatu da... baina ederra da ezta? Mihise gainean marraztutako lorak dirudite. Ehunaren gauzarik onena bere arintasuna da, airearekin bris bris egiten du ;-)

I sewed this dress in september, and I was wearing it to assist to a wedding, we had on october. I wanted something special for the event. The fabric I bought, looks like silk, but it´s a synthetic fabric. I have to tell you, it hasn´t a good quality because the seams are unraveling...but the print is marvelous, isn´t it? The watercolor florals are soooo cute! The best, fabric´s attribute, is its weight, it´s light and it has a nice drape.

Picture from Burdastyle.

Patroia Burdakoa da, Burda 08/2012  #115, eta nik aldaketa batzuk egin dizkiot. Alde batetik sakelak kendu nituen ehuna hain arina izanda, gona puztu egingo zuelako eta bestalde zama aldeko detailea ez nion egin, ezkontzarako askosaz eleganteago geratzen zelako detaile hori gabe.

Patroi hau josteko erraza izatetik aparte, gorputzera perfekto egokitzen da. Ez dakit konturatu zareten baina gerriaren lerroa ez da zuzena, ipurdi aldera heltzen doan einean jeisten doa, efektu hau duten jantziak gomendatzen dizkizuet ipurdi zabala baduzue, forma ederra egiten dute gorputzean, gainera patroi hau luzeago da atzealdetik.

The pattern is from Burda, Burda 08/2012  #115. I made some alterations in the pattern, I omitted the pockets and necklace´s detail, I thought that in this way the dress would be more elegant.

This pattern is so easy to sew but apart of this, it´s very flattering. I don´t know if you notice that the waistline isn´t in the same surface, when it´s arriving to the back, it´s going down. If you have a big bottom, this pattern, will be perfect for a nicer body shape.

Ezkontzara eramateko beste era batera konbinatu nuen, takoidun zapata eta jaka beltza jarri nituen. Gaurkoan egunerokoan erabili dezakedan outfita aurkezten dizuet, epela eta oso eramangarria. Zer iruditu zaizue?

To assist to the wedding, I wore heeled shoes and a black jacket, but today I present you a "day by day" outfit, comfy and flattering. What do you think?

Jantziaren patroia/ Dress pattern: Burda 08/2012  #115
Bitxiak/Necklace: Laida.
Zapatak/ Shoes: Agashu.
Jertsea/Pullover: Sandra Belli.