
Hurrengo urterako helburuak/ New Year´s resolution

Pasadan astean, Mercheren urte berrirako joste desioak irakurri nituen eta nik horrelako zerbait egin beharko nuela pentsatu nuen, Merche zure joste aro berriak inspiratu egin ninduen. Urtebete pasatu da bloga idazten hasi nintzenetik, 2012 osoa sarrerak idazten eta josten pasa dut. Hasiera batean, joste ordu gutxi izaten nituen edo behar nituen, baina orain ezin naiteke josi gabe egon, edo patroiak kuxkuxeatu gabe egon edo blogosferan zertan zabiltzaten begiratu gabe egon. 

Nire sormena filtratzeko era ezin hobea da! Nire egunerokoan, lana eta sormena beti uztartu izan ditut eta. Produktu diseinatzailea naiz eta gauza berritzaileak sortzea nire ogibidea da. Fantasia handiko pertsona naiz, nire ogibiderako perfektua dena, baina egia esan, askotan nire buruaren abiadurak harritu egiten nau... patroiek 3D forma hartzen dute nire burmuinean eta ia ezer idatzi gabe ala argibideak erdi purdizka irakurrita, ebakitzen eta josten hasten naiz. Ez pentsa...askotan txarto irteten zait eta nire joste antsietatea bueltaz pasatu eta proiektua desastre hutsa bihurtzen da. Baina beno, nire sormenari irteera eman izan diot horrela.

Hurrengo joste urteari, emozioa, jakituria eta joste lagunak eskatzen dizkiot:

Last week, I read Merche's new year's sewing resolutions and I thought I should do something similar. Merche your new sewing resolutions, inspired me. It's already been a year since I first started writing this blog, I've gone the whole 2012 sewing and writing. At the beginning I had enough with a few sewing hours, but nowadays I can't be without sewing, looking over for patterns or checking what's new in the blogs.

The way I filter my creativity is the best! Day to day I have always mix my job with the creativity as I am a product designer, and creating and innovating is my job. My imagination is huge, which is great for what I do, but sometimes I even surprise myself at the speed my brain works... Patterns begin to take 3D shape in my mind and without writing a word or half reading the instructions, I begin to cut and sew. Well, many times it doesn't work out and my anxiety to sew turns out in a disaster, but that's how my creativity works.

My Next sewing year's resolution are excitement, knowledge and lots of sewing friends.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.
Emozioa, josteko emozioa behar delako. Ehuna eskuetan izaten duzunean eta patroia buruan momentu izugarria izaten da, konexio inter estelarra! Kar, kar, kar... Gainazal batek zure gorputza perfekto biltzen duela konturatzen zarenean sentitzen duzun emozioa, ezin da hitzekin azaldu. 

Jakituria, hobetzen jarraitu nahi dudalako, gauza berriak ikasi eta erronka berriei eraso egin! Gauza piloa ditudalako ikasteko!

Eta azkenik joste lagunak nahi ditut. Blogosferak asko laguntzen nauen arren, norbait alboan izango banu oraindik eta dibertigarriagoa izango zela pentsatzen dut. Hori dela eta joste-tailerrekin jarraitu nahi dut, ikasle bezala eta irakasle bezala, zeren eta batek daki inguruko norbait afizionatzen bada zapatu goizeko kafea josteko makina baten alboan igaro dezakegu ;-)

Aurreko helburu guzti hauen alboan joste helburuak jarriko ditut, hau da zer josi nahi dudan 2013an zehar. Zerrenda honek zentratzen laguntzetik aparte, hurrengo urtera begira ia txintxoa izan naizen esaten lagunduko dit. Hauek dira hurrengo urtera begira derrigorrez josi beharko ditudanak:

  • Barruko erropa. Blogger askok josi dituzte kulero eta titizorroak, nik azkenengoekin ez dakit ausartuko naizen, baina kuleroekin bai! Overlockerra ez izan arren, zeozelan josiko ditut, zin dagit! Kar, kar, kar...
  • Trenka bat josi, hau da, eurirako jaka bat. Hau ere ez dakit nire makinarekin josi al den...beno ehuna ondo aukeratzearekin erdia egina daukat.
  • Mahuka luzeko alkandorak josi.
  • Gonak josi. Aurten ez dut ganoradun gonarik josi...pare bat ahalegin egin ditut baina egia esan, ez zait bat bera ere gustatu.
  • Kolore beltza erabili. Kolore bat aukeratu beharko banu ehunak erostera noanean "ostadarra" esango nuke, kar, kar, kar....Bai hala da, erropa dendatan kolore neutro asko dagoenez, nik zeozer josi behar dudanean ehun koloredunak erosten ditut. Hori oso ondo dago, baina beltza ere asko gustatzen zaidanez eta ia danarekin ondo doanez, beltz koloreko lau proiektu josi beharko ditut: praka bat, alkandora bat, gona bat eta jantzi bat.
  • Rosy egiten ari den sew-alongerako nire patroia egin nuen nire neurriekin eta hainbeste gustatu zitzaidan esperientzia, patronajearekin jarraitzea ezinbestekoa dela.
  • La Inglesitak bota duen erronkari urte osoan zehar eutsiko dut! Bere erronka sinplea baina zaila dela esango genuke. Hurrengo hilabeteko Burda aldizkaria erosi ahal izateko aurreko hilabeteko Burda aldizkariko modeloren bat josia izan behar duzu. Ideia ona ezta?
  • Azkenengo eginbeharra, zaila egingo zaidala uste dut... josi baino lehen sketch bat marraztu beharko dut. Hau da, nire gorputzaren eta nire joste proiektuaren sketch bat. Carolynek urte berrirako dituen erronken artean, egunero jazten duenaren marrazkia egitea dago, eta egia esan oso ideia ona dela iruditu zaidanez, nik nire bertsio sinplifikatua egingo dut. Proiektua egin aurretik marraztu, ideiak argiago izateko.

Excitement, because to sew you need to be excited. When you hold the fabric between your fingers and the pattern is in your mind, it's a really fascinating moment, intergalactic connexion!!! Ha, ha, ha... the feeling of a perfect cover embracing your body can't be explained just with words!!

Knowledge, because I want to continue improving, learning new things and facing new challenges!! I have so many things to learn!!

And finally, I would like to make sewing friends. Because even though the bloggers help us a lot, I believe it would be so much funnier to have someone beside me. That's why I want to keep up with my sewing workshops, both as a student and as a teacher. Who knows, if someone around me becomes fond of it, we could take the saturday morning coffee next to a sewing machine.;-)

Next to my new year's resolutions I will list my sewing projects. This helps me to focus myself and  next year to be able to check if I have been a good girl and have done my homework. This is what I have to sew  next year:
  • Underwear: Many bloggers have sewn knickers and bras. I don't think I will go for the latter, but I will give a try to the former one.  Even tough not being a Overlocker, I will sew them, I swear! Ha, ha, ha...
  •  I want to sew a raincoat. I don't know if my sewing machine can do it, but with the right fabric, I will be half the way.
  •  Long sleeved shirts.
  • Skirts. This year I haven't sewn a decent skirt. I had a couple of tryings, but I didn't like any of them.
  • Use the black colour. If I had to chose a colour when I go to buy fabrics, that would be...Rainbow!! jajaja!!Yes, that's it, clothes shops are full of neutral colours, so when I'm going to sew something for myself I always buy coloured fabrics. But black is also nice, I like it and it suits with everything, so I have four black coloured projects: some trousers, a shirt, a skirt and a dress. 
  • I´m participating in a sew-along hosted by Rosy and we made a self drafted pattern that I enjoyed very much. This year I want to continue doing my own patterns. 
  • I´m going to participate in the challenge hosted by La Inglesita. I can not buy the magazine the following month, if I will not sew something for the previous issue. It´s a simple but difficult challenge, isn´t it?
  • This last one I think it will be a difficult one...Before sewing I will have to draw a sketch of myself and my sewing project. Among Carolyn's new challenges it is to draw a sketch of what she wears every day. I think it's a great idea, therefore I will do a simplify version of it. Before sewing I will draw it, to clear things up. 

Beno ba guzti honekin amaitu dut! Nire hausnarketak aspertu ez izana espero dut, kar, kar, kar... zuekin partekatu nahi nituen nire pentsamenduak, nire joste afizioa gero eta handiagoa bada ein handi batean zuen gomendio, berba polit eta proiektu interesgarriengatik da eta, hori dela eta eskerrikasko blogger eta irakurle maiteak!!!!

Well, that's all, I hope I haven't bored you with my thoughts! Ha, ha, ha! I just wanted to share with you my feelings, because my sewing desire keeps up mainly due to your recommendations, good words, and interesting projects. So Thanks a lot to all of you bloggers and readers!!


  1. Muchas gracias por compartir todo esto con nosotras!!. Eres un sol!!

    1. De nada guapaaaa!!! Así cuando termine el año me diréis si he hecho todo lo prometido ;-)

  2. Me gustan mucho tus retos para este año...si me das un poco de tiempo te hago un tuto de braguitas sin overlocker, como las hago yo, te parece?
    Y espero que encuentres a tu amiga costurera con la que poder tomar el café. Yo esta mañana me he pasado una hora para comprar un trozo de tela hablando con la dueña sobre los vestidos de gitana, las dos encantadas de la vida! Que gusto.
    Un beso guapisima

    1. Ostraaaaaassssssss!!! Pues si te animas por mi perfecto, muchas gracias Merche!!!

  3. Good resolutions! I really like the sketching-before-sewing idea. I did a croquis last year, and sketched out some ideas for the fabrics in my stash but haven't done a sketch in I don't know how long... All the best for your plans and resolutions this year!

    1. Yes, I also love the idea, but now I have to do it! ha, ha, ha!

  4. Vaya! Estoy impresionada con tus ambiciones costureras para este año! Yo todavia estoy aprendiendo como dibujar, pero en vano. Mis dibujos paresen a Freddy Krueger mas que a los modeles ;(

    Me gusta como tu incorporas perfercamente los colores! Pero como lo dices tu misma, el negro va con todo y es una manera mas facil de vestirse para qualquera ocasion. Tal vez necesitas "a little black dress"?

    1. ja, ja, ja...ya será menos que Freddy Krueger!! Por lo menos sera su prima!ja, ja, ja...
      Si, necesito un LBD!!!!

  5. Qué buena iniciativa, ví la de Merche también, pero es que eso es como ponerse un listón... esperaré algo más, quizás cuando haga el año, jejejeje... como reto personal... hay tantas cosas para hacer, y tan poco tiempo...

    Venga que dentro de un año el examen!!jejeje

    1. Lo que más me cuesta es no tirarme a la pistina de seguido antes de pensar y dibujar...pero bueno lo intentaré! Todo lo demás espero que vaya saliendo.

  6. Congrats on a year of blogging. I look forward to seeing your sewing resolutions unfold. I can only hope to be half as productive as you!

    1. Thanks Alex!!! No matter the goal you set out, the most important is arrive!

  7. You are a very creative person Maider, and I like all your resolutions! I am sure you can conquer sewing bras and undies... you do not need an overlocker but can sew them completely on an ordinary sewing machine. I don't use my overlocker at all for lingerie.
    And I hope you enjoy drawing the clothes, I am finding it a lot of fun! :)

    1. Thanks for your kind words Carolyn!!! Merche told me that, and she is going to make a tutorial about undies!!

  8. Que buenos propósitos te has puesto , por cierto, feliz cumpleblog!! Voy a estar atenta a todos tus retos, yo no me he puesto muchos porque me da miedo... soy variable como el viento, jeje.
    Quería volver a darte las gracias de nuevo por tu amabilidad, por hacerme tan feliz y por tus palabras, no sabes lo hermosa que me parece la tela y tu regalito, eres un solete!!

    1. Muchas gracias Rosy!!!! Te lo mereces por todo el trabajo que haces por nosotras! Un beso guapa!

  9. Zorionak Maider! Zorion bikoitzk gainera!!! ;) xxx
