Masustak in the fog. (Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan). |
Eskerrikasko Rosy!!!!!!!!!!!! Bai hau da Rosyren Sew-alongeko jantzia. Eta zer da hori? Galdetzen didazue, bada Rosyren laguntzarekin "New girl" telesaieko protagonistaren erropak josten ari gara (sarrera hontan azaldu nizuen erronka honen nondik norakoak). Gabon zahar egunerako amaitu nuen eta egia esan ikusi nindutenak oso harrituta geratu ziren, asko gustatu zitzaien jantzia eta artista itzela naizela esan zidaten, ze harro nagoen! Kar, kar, kar...
Rosy jostun abila izatetik aparte irakasle bikaina da, josi dudan jantzi hori patroi gabe egin dut edo hobeto esanda patroia nik sortu dut! Gure gorputzaren neurriak hartuta, nola egin behar den azaldu zigun Rosyk.
Thank you very much Rosy!!!!!!!!!!! Yes I did, last week I finished Rosy´s sew-along dress. And what is that? you are asking me, I explained you (in this post) that Rosy is going to sew all the New Girl´s costumes. I was wearing this dress on New Year´s Eve and all my family and friends told me that it´s an amazing dress very well done, I was soooo proud of me! Ha, ha, ha....
Rosy is an spectacular seamstress but also she is an incredible teacher, because this dress is made without pattern, we drafted our own pattern! Rosy explained us how to take our body´s measures and then how to draw the pattern.
Thank you very much Rosy!!!!!!!!!!! Yes I did, last week I finished Rosy´s sew-along dress. And what is that? you are asking me, I explained you (in this post) that Rosy is going to sew all the New Girl´s costumes. I was wearing this dress on New Year´s Eve and all my family and friends told me that it´s an amazing dress very well done, I was soooo proud of me! Ha, ha, ha....
Rosy is an spectacular seamstress but also she is an incredible teacher, because this dress is made without pattern, we drafted our own pattern! Rosy explained us how to take our body´s measures and then how to draw the pattern.
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Ehuna ebaki nuenean ez nuen Rosyk azaldu zuen eran egin, nik kremallera albo batean jarri nuelako. Gorputzeko pieza ebakitzerakoan, ez nuen hainbesteko joste tartea utzi behar, ehunaren lodiera dela eta gorputzaren pieza handiegia geratu da eta bularreko pintzak bata bestetik hurrunegi geratu dira, baina beno inor ez da konturatu ere egiten...jostun begi azkarrak baino ez!
When I cut the fabric, I didn´t continue Rosy´s explanations because I sewed my zipper underarm. Now I know that this kind of fabric, mine is soooo thick, you have to cut carefully because my front and back piece were too big and the bust´s darts were far from each other, but nobody told me something about that...only a well-trained eye of a seamstress would notice!
Yes, I did... I watched "Harry Potter" on TV... ha, ha, ha!! (Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan) |
Aldaketaren batzuk egin dizkiot telesaieko jantziari, mahukak luzeagoak egin dizkiot eta gona guztiz aldatu dut. Rosyk ederto azaldu zuen gona nola josi, baina nik erositako ehuna horrela josteko lodiegia zela iruditu zitzaidan hori dela eta gona zirkularra egitea pentsatu nuen. Nire bizitzan josi dudan era honetako lehenengo gona izan da, neurriak eta nola ebaki jakiteko Fickle Senseko tutoriala erabili nuen, pasada bat da, oso ondo azaltzen dute! Horrelako gonak gehiagotan josiko ditudalakoan nago. Ez dakit konturatu zareten baina ehuna ebakitzerakoan akats bat egin nuen eta ehunaren norantza ez dago guztiz ondo...baina beno hau ere jostun abilek baino ez dute kontutan hartuko.
I made alterations to the TV serie´s costume, my sleeves are longer and my skirt is completely different. Rosy sewed a folded skirt, but for my thick fabric I thought that it would be great a circle skirt. I had never sewed a circle skirt before, so I read a tutorial from Flickle Sense, it´s super well done and it has many pictures. I think that I´m going to sew more skirts like that, I love it! I don´t know, if you noticed, but I had a fault with the grainline while I was cutting the skirt....but this is other thing that only a well-trained eye of a seamstress would notice!
I made alterations to the TV serie´s costume, my sleeves are longer and my skirt is completely different. Rosy sewed a folded skirt, but for my thick fabric I thought that it would be great a circle skirt. I had never sewed a circle skirt before, so I read a tutorial from Flickle Sense, it´s super well done and it has many pictures. I think that I´m going to sew more skirts like that, I love it! I don´t know, if you noticed, but I had a fault with the grainline while I was cutting the skirt....but this is other thing that only a well-trained eye of a seamstress would notice!
Cutting back and front pieces. Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Cutting the circle skirt. Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Gona zirkularra egitea erabaki zuzena izan da, pilo bat gustatu zait ehunak egiten duen efektua, 60. hamarkadako jantzia dirudi orain! Piramide forma duelarik geldi-geldi geratzen da.
Make a circle skirt has been the correct way, because now I love the fabric´s effect, it´s like a 60´s dress! Because of the skirt´s material is stiff, it has a pyramidal form.
Make a circle skirt has been the correct way, because now I love the fabric´s effect, it´s like a 60´s dress! Because of the skirt´s material is stiff, it has a pyramidal form.
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Euskal Herrian egunotan, freskotxo egiten ari dela esango nuke eta ia goizero belainoa izaten dugu gure bailaretan. Gaua disdiratsua eta goiza belaino artean, baina egia esan gustoko dut ;-) ez dakit zer daukan belainoak baina hain misteriotsua da erakarri egiten nauela! Hori dela eta belaino artean atera ditugu argazkiak, zuhaitz biluzien inguruan eta orbelaren gainean... a ze poetikoa!
This week was cold in the Basque Country and every morning we had fog in our valleys. A starry night leaves at the morning, a forest full of fog, but the truth is that I like the fog ;-) I don´t know why, but it´s so misterious that it attracts me! So I wanted taking pics in the fog, next to the naked trees and above the is very poetic!
This week was cold in the Basque Country and every morning we had fog in our valleys. A starry night leaves at the morning, a forest full of fog, but the truth is that I like the fog ;-) I don´t know why, but it´s so misterious that it attracts me! So I wanted taking pics in the fog, next to the naked trees and above the is very poetic!
The sun is shinning! (Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan). |
Beno ba sarrera hau amaitu baino lehenago berriz ere eskerrak eman nahi dizkiot Rosyri. Benetan Rosy pila bat ikasi dut eta asko disfrutatu dut eta orain nire patroia nire gorputzaren neurriei egokitua daukat, edozein gauza josteko kapaza sentitzen naiz!!! Konfidantza piloa eman dit jantzi honek, eskerrikasko benetan! Eta eskerrikasko nire argazkilari maiteari, artista bat zara!
Before finishing the post, I want to thank Rosy again. I learned many things with you Rosy and I enjoyed very much and now I have a pattern self-drafted with my measures, I feel like I can do anything!!! You have given me a lot of confidence, thank you again! And thank you to my talented photographer, you are an artist!
Before finishing the post, I want to thank Rosy again. I learned many things with you Rosy and I enjoyed very much and now I have a pattern self-drafted with my measures, I feel like I can do anything!!! You have given me a lot of confidence, thank you again! And thank you to my talented photographer, you are an artist!
The whole outfit (Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan). |
Dress pattern: self-drafted with the help of Rosy from Sewingadicta.
Pin: A ze txapa.
Shoes: Geox.
Coat: Pull&Bear.
Hat: H&M.
¡Que bonito! Me gusta mucho la tela y la forma, las mangas largas (que en norte hace frío!!)Tengo pendiente este sew along de Rosy...
ReplyDeleteGreat dress ... so flattering :)
ReplyDelete¡Qué bonito y qué fotos tan chulas! La falda cortada en círculo ha quedado fenomenal. Yo ya tengo el patrón y la tela preparadas, a ver si esta semana me pongo en ello.
ReplyDeleteI loved it! I love your hat too :)
ReplyDeleteTe ha quedado fenomenal, Maider, yo tengo marcado este patrón también, pero lo dejo para algo más adelante, aunque me parece genial el trabajo de Rosy, y tu adaptación del vestido. Ese paisaje superbonito, opino igual que tú de la niebla, es misteriosa...
ReplyDeleteMaider; super bonito!
ReplyDeleteMe encanta el ojo que tienes. Tienes una visión de costurera profesional.
Haber si compro una tela para mi y hago el vestido que tengo unas ganas....
Ah! Las fotos... muy bonitas, con la niebla, las ojas, el color,... Felicidades al/la fotográf@.
Joe...gracias Rosa!! Qué ilusión oir cosas así voy a emocionar!
DeleteI love it. The shoes and the hat look great with it too.
ReplyDeleteEskerrikasko zuen hitz gozoengatik!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your kind words!!!
Muchas gracias por vuestros comentarios!!!
Love love LOVE that dress! That last pic of your whole outfit is really cool xxx
ReplyDeleteWow! ¡Me encanta tu vestido! La tela es super original con sus formas geometricas, parece super calentita y el color te queda muy bien. ¡Enhorabuena!
ReplyDeleteWow, good job Maider, it looks so lovely! I really like your choice of circle skirt, I also prefer them over pleated skirts. I'm so impressed that you drafted it yourself, including the long sleeves!
ReplyDeleteThanks Alessa! I drafted all pieces but with Rosy´s help. If you want to learn about drafting, you would visit her blog.
DeleteNo puedo decir más que elogios de tu buen gusto en los acabados y las fotos, gran criterio para obtener esa visión de vestido con la tela elegida y las magníficas habilidades para conseguir esa hermosa prenda, Maider, me quito el sombrero ante tí, me encanta la opción de la falda de capa con esa tela, déjame decirte que.... eres la leche!!!
ReplyDeleteViniendo de ti eso es un super cumplido en toda regla!!!!!!!!!! Gracias a ti por todo el tiempo que nos has dedicado, ha sido un gustazo seguir tu sew-along.
DeleteMe encanta el vestido, te ha quedado precioso, te he conocido gracias al blog de Rosy, yo también me he hecho este vestido, y he venido a visitarte, y me encanta todo lo que haces, por eso me quedo en él, y te invito si quieres que te pases a ver el mio, un saludo, y te espero ;)
ReplyDeleteGracias Marilo! He visto tu vestido y te ha queda genial! La verdad es que Rosy es muy buena profesora, que ganas tengo de empezar con el siguiente!!!!
DeleteTe ha quedado fenomenal, la tela es preciosa... Felicidades!!! déjame decirte que también me he enamorado del abrigo de la última foto... es precioso.
ReplyDeleteTengo todavía sin terminar el primer vestido pero viendo los vuestros me estoy animando.
Muchas gracias :-)
DeleteVenga dale un poquito de caña que seguro que falta poco!!!
Entre unas y otras, me está encantando ver vuestros vestidos del vestuario de New Girl de Rosy, al final voy a tener que hacerme yo también uno a ver si entre todas me pegais el buen hacer... :p Besos!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful well done :)
ReplyDeleteThis is so lovely and makes me want to jump in a pile of fall leaves! xx