
Summer Spark Sew-Along 2012: Lovely vichy

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Bai, bai, bai, bai, amaitu dut!!!!!!!! Eskerrak patroi errezak aukeratu nituela...bestela ez dakit amaituko nuen! Kar, kar, kar!

Komentatu nizuen bezalaxe (hemen dago sarrera), Burda aldizkariko bi patroi aukeratu nituen, biak puntutxo bakarrarekin, hau da errezenak diren patroiek duten puntuazioa. Patroiak hurrengo hauek dira: prakatxoak Burda 03/12 mod.114B eta alkandora Burda 06/2011 mod.124.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, I finished !!!!! Thanks to the easy patterns I chose...because if not I wouldn´t finish them! Ha, ha, ha!

I told you (here), I chose two patterns from Burdastyle. Both patterns´ level is easy, they have an only point in the Burda´s dificulty scale. The two patterns are: shorts Burda 03/12 mod.114B and blouse Burda 06/2011 mod.124.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Prakatxoa beste era batekoa izango zelakoan nengoen, egia esan harrituta geratu nintzen josten hasi nintzenean. Aldamenetan ez da goitik behera josten, prakatxoa goikaldean bakarrik josi behar da. Lanera joateko laburregiak dira, ia izter osoa bistan uzten dute! Hori bai, oporretarako oso freskoak eta erosoak dira. Gerrialdean goma bat daukate eta horrek ere ez dit askorik konbentzitzen, hurrengo prakatxoak josten ditudanean gerrialdea jarriko diet.

When I chose these shorts, I thought that they are sewed in other way. You´ve not to sew all the side from top to botton, the scallops aren´t sewed each other. So your leg is fully in view when you walk, I don´t know if a slimmer women can wear them in a different way but this is my case... they aren´t  to wear at job but anyway they are perfect for my summer holidays! On the waist, they´ve a elastic band, I don´t like it, next time I´m going to sew a waistband I think that it´s better.
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Alkandora erreza eta azkar egitekoa da, akaberak josten hasten zaren momenturarte noski. Garbiago geratzeko, bies zintarekin egindako akabera denak, ezkuz josi ditut eta horrek bere denbora eraman du.

I sewed the blouse very fast until I stitched  the bias binding. I sewed all the bias pieces by hand stitching. I think that in this way the garment´s finishes are neat, but sure you´ve to waste more sewing hours.

Outfit oso freskoa eta eramangarria geratu zait, gainera alkandora urte osoan jantzi dezakedalakoan nago. Zer iruditzen zaizue?

I think that the outfit is so wearable and freshly for the summer, and also I´m going to wear the blouse all year (I sewed a practical garment!!!). What do you think?

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Shoes: Fly London.
Bag: H&M.
Necklace: Sedaencolor.
Shorts pattern: Burda 03/12 mod.114B.
Blouse pattern: Burda 06/2011 mod.124.


San Juan sua eta negua joan da.../ Saint John´s bonfire and the winter has gone...

Askotan esan dizuedan bezalaxe maiatza eta ekaina nahiko lanpetuak joan dira eta josteko denbora oso gutxi daukat.Hala ere nire Summer-Spark-Sew-Along 2012rako erropak erdi josiak ditut eta datorren astean erakutsiko dizkizuedalakoan nago.

I told you many times, that my May and June are being so busy that I had no time to sew. Anyway I have my Summer Spark Sew Along 2012 garments almost sewed, so next week I´ll show you.

Ez daukadanez ezer josi berri sarrera desberdin bat egitea otu zait. Gaur San Juanak ospatzen ditugu eta su handi baten aurrean gure pena, beldur eta kezka guztiak erre eta negua joan dela ospatuko dugu, uda oparo bati begiratuz. Toki askotan egiten dira suak Euskal Herrian, batzuk beraien familiekin ospatzen dute eta beste batzuk herri guztiarekin, herriko plazan eraiki den suan.Urte ona izateko hiru aldiz salto egin behar da suaren gainetik eta aldatu nahi ditugun jokaerak sinbolizatzen dituzten objektu guztiak sura bota behar dira.

I haven´t any new garment, so today I´m going to write a special post. Today we celebrate the saint John´s bonfire and in front of a bonfire we´ll throw our grief, fear and doubts and we are going to celebrate that the winter is gone and the summer is here. In many places of the Basque Country we can see bonfires. Some people celebrate this day in family and other in their town square with the neighboring. If you want to have a good year, you have to jump three times over the bonfire. To leave the bad habits, you´ve to throw all the objects that make reference to the habits.

Guzti hau ospatzeko abesti hau eskeini nahi dizuet. Zea Maysen "Negua joan da ta" abestia da. Soinu indartsua eta letra ederra dauka, nik uste San Juanak errepresentatzen duena oso ondo ulertzen dela abesti honekin. Gainera berez proiektu ederra da, bideoan neska batek gormutuen hizkuntzan antzezten baitu kantua.

Abestia Crafting a rainbowneko Gilliani eskeini nahi diot espezialki, berak Euskerak nolako soinua daukan jakin nahi du, badakit ez duzula abestia ulertuko, baina beharbada gorrek erabiltzen duten hizkuntza dakien norbait ezagutuko duzu eta berak itzuli dezake abestia (letrak euskera eta gazteleraz bakarrik aurkitu ditut, hemen dituzue).

Gora bihotzak eta animo, egun berriak eta ilusio berriak gertu ditugu eta! Musu handi bat guztiontzat!

To celebrate this day I want to dedicate a song from the basque group Zea Mays to you. The song calls "The winter has gone". It has beautiful sounds and lyrics, I think that represents very well this day´s spirit, and futher more, the project is so nice because in the video you can see a girl who is playing in the language of the deaf and dumb.

I have a special dedicatory to Gillian from Crafting a Rainbow, because she wants to know how sounds the Basque language. I know that you can´t understand the song, Gillian ( I only found lyrics in basque and spanish here), but maybe you´ll find a person who understands the language of the deaf and dumb, and finally you´ll know all the nice lyrics of this song.

New days and new illusions will come! A big kiss for all my nice readers!


On the day that my gifts, found amazing people...

Moon Munkiea irabazi nuenean oso pozik nengoen, nire zozketa egin nuenean oraindik ere pozago baina gaur...oso oso oso pozik nago! Nire opariak ailegatu dira!!!! Eta ez hori bakarrik María Josék eta Alessak beraien lehenengo gauzak egin dituzte. Benetan esaten dizuet harrigarria dela eskutan izan duzun ehuna, kontu handiz aukeratu duzuna, beste batek josita ikustea, asko  poztu nau!

Nire oparia eskuratu duen azkena Reverse Clothingeko Corina izan da. Berarentzako aukeratu dudan ehuna asko gustatu zaiola esan dit. Egia esan tela oso berezia da, lehuna eta elegantea, berarekin zer egiten duen ikusteko desiatzen nago!

When I won a Moon Munkie package I felt very happy, when I did my giveaway I felt happier but today, I´m very very very very happy! All my packages are at home!!! And María José and Alessa sewed two amazing models. The truth is that it´s incredible when you choose carefully a nice fabric and then you look at your computer screen this fabric in other hands, this makes my day!

Corina from Reverse Clothing, is the last receiving my package. She told me that she liked the fabric I chose for her. It´s a special fabric, soft and elegant, I´m waiting for her creation!

María Joséri (Cosir coser sewing), niri asko gustatu zitzaidan ehuna bidali nion, One week one pattern´12 rako alkandora sortu nuen ehun horrekin. Berak, asko harritu nauen bi piezetako outfita egin du. Botoiak, gerrialdea... artista bat zara!

I sent to María José from Cosir coser sewing, a fabric that I like very much, I sewed a blouse for the One week one pattern 2012 with it. She left me stunned with this incredible outfit in two pieces. The buttons and the waist are gorgeous!

Picture from Cosir coser sewing.
Picture from Cosir coser sewing.

Alessari (Farbenfreude), Holandan erositako ehuna bidaltzea pentsatu nuen, ez dakit zergaitik berarentzako oso egokia zela iruditzen zitzaidan, nik kamiseta bat egin nuen berarekin (hemen dago sarrera). Berak egin duena oso harrigarria da! Jostun ona zara gero Alessa! Gainera bera ere paketetxoak bidaltzen hasi behar da, hori dela eta animatu eta bere zozketan apuntatu zaitezte.

I sent to Alessa from Farbenfreude, a fabric that I bought in the Netherlands, I don´t know  why but I thought that she was going to love it. I sewed a top with this fabric (here). She sewed a very special dress with it! You´re a very good seamstress Alessa! She is doing her own Moon Munkie giveaway, so visit her blog and subscribe.

Picture from Farbenfreude.

Picture from Farbenfreude.

Beno ba, ikusten duzuen bezalaxe sewing communityan jostun onak eta sormen handiko pertsonak ditugu. Ondo segi!

In our sewing community we have a very skillful seamstresses and people full of creativity. See you!


Ekaina martxan! / June´s job in progress!

Beno ba Summer Spark Sew-Along martxan jarri dut! Aste osoa zer egin pentsatzen pasa dut. Zerbait erreza, baina aldi berean inoiz egin gabe neukan pieza izatea nahi nuen, eta horrek asko luzatu du nire erabakia.

I´ve just begun with the Summer Spark Sew-Along! During this week, I thought the model I´m going to sew. I would like something easy and new, so I spent time thinking about.

Proiekturako, denbora nahikoan apalean gordeta egon den ehun bat erabiltzea pentsatu dut, badakizue, mila gauzetarako erabili ahalko zenuela pentsatu arren...azkenean hor dago, apalean, neka neka egina hautsa hartzen. Ehuna kuadro zuri beltzeko vichy erakoa da, era horretako ehuna daukan ezer ez dagoenez nire armairuan, nik uste aproposa dela...ia... gizonezkoen alkandoretan erabiltzen dira horrelako ehunak hori dela eta ia zer moduz geratzen zaidan nire alkandora!

For this project, I´m going to use a fabric that I had bought several months ago. It´s a fabric that you buy thinking, "yes, I can use it in differents ways", but the true is that the fabric spends months around your sewing table. It´s a black and white vichy, I haven´t any vichy garment in my wardrobe... many men shirts are sewed with this kind of vichy, so it´s going to be a great challenge to create a femenine shirt with this!

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.
Vichya josteko, 2011ko ekaineko Burdan dagoen patroi bat erabiliko dut (mod.124). Alkandora bat da eta Brigitte Bardoteri eskainitako modeloen artean dago. Egia esan kasualidadea izan da patroi hau aurkitzea, vichy oihalarekin zer egin pentsatzen nenbilela, aldizkari hortan modelo errez hau aurkitu dut eta noski harrituta geratu naiz... erreza, polita eta nire oihal berdinarekin eginda! Neskatila rubia horren itxura eta nirea ez dira batere antzekoa eta Brigitte Bardotekin izan al dudan traza, hutsala da. Hala ere udarako modelito fresko eta dotorea izan daitekeelakoan nagoenez, josi egingo dut.

To sew this vichy I´m going to use a model from Burda (06/2011 mod.124). In this magazine, you can find different models dedicated to Brigitte Bardot. The truth is that I found it by chance...a model sewed with vichy. I was flipping through the magazine and suddenly I saw this easy model... easy, nice and sewed with my fabric! That blonde girl, Brigitte and I, don´t look like nothing! But it´s an elegant and sofisticated summer model so I want sewing it.

Picture from Burda.

Eta noski vichy elegante honekin prakatxo erraz batzuk josiko ditut. Lehiaketa honetako nire partaidetza honela deskribitu daiteke: freskoa eta erraza. Prakatxoak mikrofibra beltzean josiko ditut eta modeloa 2012ko martxoko Burdatik atera dut (mod.114B). Josiko ditudan lehenengo prakak izango dira, baina nik uste ez dela problemarik izango oso errazak baitira.

And clear, now I need some shorts. My participation in this challenge can summarize in two words: cool and easy. My shorts will sew in black microfibre, and I chose a model from Burda (03/2012 mod.114B). It will be my first me made pants, but they are easy, so I think that I´m not going to have problems.

Picture from Maider Eguzkitan.

Picture from Burda.

Beno ba, ze iruditzen zaizue egin dudan aukeraketa?

Well then, what do you think about my choice?


Alperraren astea / Lazy week

MMM´12 aren ostean aste lasai bat hartu nahi nuen. Josi gabe eta sarrerarik idatzi gabe. Horrela, nire gustoko blogak irakurri eta hausnartzeko denbora izan dut.

Aste lasai honetan Alessaren bloga irakurtzen nenbilela, lehiaketa berri batez enteratu naiz. Alessak eta beste bi bloggerrek dinamizatzen duten lehiaketa da. Summer Spark Sew-Along 2012 deitzen da eta bertan parte hartzen duenak, ekainean zehar udako erroparen bat josi behar du. Edozer gauza izan daiteke, garrantzitsuena udan askotan jarriko duzun jantzia jostea da. Lehiaketa interesgarria eta lasaia iruditzen zait, hori dela eta iada apuntatu naiz! Flickerren daukaten taldan izena eman dut eta ia zer josiko dudan pentsatzen nabil. Ideiaren bat? Ideiaren bat badaukazue lasai esan, ze patroi duzuen gogoko ala ze eratako ehunarekin josiko zenuketen udarako jantzi apropos bat... burura etortzen zaizuen edozein gauza!

After finishing MMM´12, I wanted a quiet week. This week I didn´t sew any garment or I didn´t write any post. So, I had enough time to enjoy the blogs I love.

While I was reading Alessa´s blog, I noticed a new sewing challenge. This challenge is hosted by Alessa and other two bloggers. It calls Summer Spark Sew-Along 2012 and if you take part, you´ll sew a garment during june, that you plan on strutting all summer. It´s a interesting and calm project, so count me in! I joined to challenge´s Flickr group. Do you have any idea? Some summer fabrics or a pretty summer garment... anything that you´ve in your mind, tell me please!

Aste lasai honetan beste gauza harrigarri eta pozgarri bat pasa zait. Katek egindako zozketa irabazi nuen, eta bere oparia heldu zait. Zelako oparia gainera!!! Inoiz oparitu didaten erregalu interesgarri eta harrigarrienen zerrendan dago dudarik gabe! Katek oporretan ere gugan pentsatu eta oparitxoak ekartzen dizkigu, eskerrikasko Kate! Ehuna tindatzeko produktu naturalak bidali dizkit, argibideak ondo irakurri behar ditut baina zerbait daukadanean hementxe erakutsiko dut.

 In this quiet week, I had an incredibly and happy thing. I won Kate´s giveaway and her gift arrived to the Basque Country. And how amazing gift!!! In the most interesting and amazing gifts list, is her nice stuff, undoubtedly! When she was on holidays, she remembered us and bought a Natural dye and block printing to giveaway, thank you Kate! I have to read the instructions carefully, but when I have something, I´ll show you here.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Bidali zidan paketetxoan Larabar markako goxokia zegoen, uuuuummmmmm! Ze ona! Asko gustatu zait! Eta mentazko karameloak kaxa eder batean.

In the package she also sent me one Larabar, tasty! I love it! And also mints in a pretty vintage box.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Beste batzutan esan dudan bezalaxe, jostunen blogosphera maite dut! Jostun onak eta pertsona hobeak diren blogger ugari dago. Beste behin ere eskerrikasko Kate!

As I said sometimes, I love the sewing blogosphere! There are great seamstress but they are better people. One again, thank you very much Kate!

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.