MMM´12 aren ostean aste lasai bat hartu nahi nuen. Josi gabe eta sarrerarik idatzi gabe. Horrela, nire gustoko blogak irakurri eta hausnartzeko denbora izan dut.
Aste lasai honetan Alessaren bloga irakurtzen nenbilela, lehiaketa berri batez enteratu naiz. Alessak eta beste bi bloggerrek dinamizatzen duten lehiaketa da. Summer Spark Sew-Along 2012 deitzen da eta bertan parte hartzen duenak, ekainean zehar udako erroparen bat josi behar du. Edozer gauza izan daiteke, garrantzitsuena udan askotan jarriko duzun jantzia jostea da. Lehiaketa interesgarria eta lasaia iruditzen zait, hori dela eta iada apuntatu naiz! Flickerren daukaten taldan izena eman dut eta ia zer josiko dudan pentsatzen nabil. Ideiaren bat? Ideiaren bat badaukazue lasai esan, ze patroi duzuen gogoko ala ze eratako ehunarekin josiko zenuketen udarako jantzi apropos bat... burura etortzen zaizuen edozein gauza!
After finishing MMM´12, I wanted a quiet week. This week I didn´t sew any garment or I didn´t write any post. So, I had enough time to enjoy the blogs I love.
While I was reading Alessa´s blog, I noticed a new sewing challenge. This challenge is hosted by Alessa and other two bloggers. It calls Summer Spark Sew-Along 2012 and if you take part, you´ll sew a garment during june, that you plan on strutting all summer. It´s a interesting and calm project, so count me in! I joined to challenge´s Flickr group. Do you have any idea? Some summer fabrics or a pretty summer garment... anything that you´ve in your mind, tell me please!
Aste lasai honetan beste gauza harrigarri eta pozgarri bat pasa zait. Katek egindako zozketa irabazi nuen, eta bere oparia heldu zait. Zelako oparia gainera!!! Inoiz oparitu didaten erregalu interesgarri eta harrigarrienen zerrendan dago dudarik gabe! Katek oporretan ere gugan pentsatu eta oparitxoak ekartzen dizkigu, eskerrikasko Kate! Ehuna tindatzeko produktu naturalak bidali dizkit, argibideak ondo irakurri behar ditut baina zerbait daukadanean hementxe erakutsiko dut.
In this quiet week, I had an incredibly and happy thing. I won Kate´s giveaway and her gift arrived to the Basque Country. And how amazing gift!!! In the most interesting and amazing gifts list, is her nice stuff, undoubtedly! When she was on holidays, she remembered us and bought a Natural dye and block printing to giveaway, thank you Kate! I have to read the instructions carefully, but when I have something, I´ll show you here.
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Bidali zidan paketetxoan Larabar markako goxokia zegoen, uuuuummmmmm! Ze ona! Asko gustatu zait! Eta mentazko karameloak kaxa eder batean.
In the package she also sent me one Larabar, tasty! I love it! And also mints in a pretty vintage box.
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Beste batzutan esan dudan bezalaxe, jostunen blogosphera maite dut! Jostun onak eta pertsona hobeak diren blogger ugari dago. Beste behin ere eskerrikasko Kate!
As I said sometimes, I love the sewing blogosphere! There are great seamstress but they are better people. One again, thank you very much Kate!
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Hi Maider, I'm so pleased you love it!
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your challenge, I look forward to seeing what you make.
Kate xox
Thank you Kate!
Niña, que yo me voy a apuntar tambien.Creo.Voy a ver. Total me pensaba hacer un top y una falda (sencillito tó). Un beso linda
ReplyDeleteApúntate!! Yo todavía no tengo nada claro que hacer...
DeleteCongratulations on winning the giveaway - your gifts look lovely! And yay for joining summer sparks!
ReplyDeleteBtw, I've almost finished my dress from Moon Munkie Mystery! I'm a bit slow... but posting soon! :)
I look forward to seeing!!!!