
MMM´12 eskerrikasko ZOE!!!

Me-Made-May´12 amaitu da. Gaurkoan azkenengo bi outfitak erakutsi eta nire partaidetza amaitutzat emango dut. MMMa spring luze baten antzera bizi izan dut, arineketan eta prisaz beterik sentitu naiz. Guzti honetatik konklusio orokor bat atera dut:

"Nire armairuak, nik jositako erropa gehiago behar ditu".

Beharbada arazoa ez da bakarrik kantitatea, egindako erropen izaera garrantzitsua da. Hau da, hasieran pentsatzen nuen bezalaxe, erropa eramangarriagoak egin behar ditut, erderaz "fondo de armario" esaten denean pentsatzen dena, erropa supertroteroak! Eta prakak egitera ausartu behar naiz! Jostun bezala daramadan urte honetan, azpikaldeko erropa oso gutxi josi ditudalakoan nago. Overlocker josteko makina izatea era aukera bezala otu zait...erropei akabera emateko, era arina eta garbia baita. Olentzerori eskatu beharko diot Overlockerra!

Esperientzia ederra izan da,Flickerren igotako argazkiak miresten denbora asko pasa dudalako gehien bat. Zer nolako jostun onak dauden munduan zehar!!! Enbidia sanua ematen didate!

Me-Made-May´12 is over. Today I´m going to show you my last two outfits and with them my participation is finished. This challenge has been a long sprint, I felt in a hurry every day. So I have one general conclusion:

"My wardrobe need more me-made garments".

This isn´t my only problem. I need more every day clothes. Clothes that you can mix with many varieties of garments. And I have to sew some pants! I have to lose my fear to sew pants. In this month, I thought that I had sewed many tops but nothing more like skirts or trousers... Other thing that I have in my mind is the overlocker. I love this kind of finish, it´s so neat! I want an overlocker at christmas!

The experience was nice, and I enjoyed gossiping in our Flickr group. What great seamstresses! I felt envy!


Jantzi hau lehiaketa honetarako josi dut eta patroi gabe egin dut. Very Purple Personen tutoriala eginez josi dut. Zelako jostun ona den Novita! Ez baduzue ezagutzen kuxkuxeatu bere web horrian, bere proiektuak pasada bat dira, oso estilosa da!

Goiko partea egiteko Colleterieko Sorbetto erabili dut, baina patroi estuago bat erabili behar nuelakoan nago! Sorbettoa, kremallera edo botoi barik jazteko alkandora denez, zabalera handikoa da. Nire hurrengo gathered dressa josteko kamiseta estuago bat erabiliko dut, goiko partearen patroia sortzeko.

 Jantziaren ehuna Oliba koloreko lino ederra da. Dendariak esan zidan, ehun oso atsegina zela, udako beroentzako oso aproposa. Egia esan linoak xarma berezia dauka, zimurrak ere bereziak ditu! Begiradarekin zimurtzen da! Ehunaren oliba kolorea eta bere inperfekzioak oso gustoko ditut. Beharbada beste pare bat metro erosiko ditut...

I sewed this dress for the challenge and it´s self-drafted. I found Novita´s (from Very Purple Person) tutorial for it. How great seamstress is Novita! If you don´t know her talent, you´ve to check her website. She has great projects and tutorials, and She is so stylish!

To create the bodice part, I chose Sorbetto pattern, but it isn´t a great idea...because Sorbetto is enough big to wear without buttons and finally my dress was too big. In my next gathered dress I will use other pattern.

The fabric I use is olive colored linen. The shop assistant told me that, it´s the best fabric on the summer´s warmest days. The truth is that the linen has a special charm, and its wrinkles are specials too! It wrinkles so easy! But I love this fabric, with its nice colour and its imperfections. Maybe, I´ll buy a couple of meters more.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Dress: Self-drafted using  a tutorial from Very Purple Person.
Fabric: olive colored linen.
Leggins: Skunk Funk.
Sandals: Sixx weeks.
Jacket: Levis.


Azken aldian ez dakit zer pasatzen zaidan neurriekin...egiten dudan edozer gauza handiegi josten dut! Zerbait argaldu naizela badakit, baina hainbeste?¿?¿  Marie gona ere handiegi ebaki nuen eta beno...nahiko dezente geratu da azkenan. Tamaina aproposean josi banu, gerria gorago geratuko zitzaidan, ai ene... ia hurrengo proiektua bikain ateratzen den!

Outfit hau, maiatzak 31ko outfita da eta MMM´12ko azkenengoa. Gillianek proposamen bat egin zuen Flickerren daukagun taldean; bertan Zoeri eskerrak eman behar genizkiola komentatzen zigun, lehiaketa hau antolatu eta dinamizatzeagatik. Guztiok era berberean egitea pentsatu zen eta hori dela eta... nik ere eskerrak eman nahi dizkiodanez, hor doa nire argazkia....

Lately, I´m so confused with my size...all the garments I sew are too big! I know that I slimmed down some kg but not many! I cut the Marie skirt too big...but finally it was quite good. If I sewed with the correct size, the skirt would be on the hips...oh my... the next time is going to be perfect!

Gillian proposed that it would be great if we give a great thank you to Zoe for making MMM´12 posible. So we thought in our Flickr group that we´ve to show our thankfulness in the same way... here you are my picture...

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Skirt´s pattern: Marie from Burdastyle.
T-shirt: H&M.
Sandals: Fly London.

Eskerrikasko Zoe eta MMM´12an parte hartu duzuen guztioi, inspirazio iturri agortezina zarete!
Musu bat!

Thank you Zoe and thank you to all the participants, you are a so inspirational people!


  1. Dear Maider! You had a really great May and showed a lot of nice stuff! I am impressed. Have a good June as well!

    1. Thank you Frau T!!!! The truth is that MMM´12 was a very good exam for my me-made wardrobe. Next year I´m going to be more prepared!

  2. I admire how you stuck with it. I might join you next year.

  3. Pssst - I'm doing a giveaway on my blog - You should go enter! ;)

  4. OH I just love your olive dress, and particularly the purple buttons with it, those two colors together are so beautiful! You did a terrific job with me made May, and you have made some really lovely things. Thank you so much for your kind comment. :)

    1. Thank you Carolyn!!! Me made may was an incredible experience, next year I have to participate again, sure!

  5. I love your sense of style Maider :) Great work!
