
Ekaina martxan! / June´s job in progress!

Beno ba Summer Spark Sew-Along martxan jarri dut! Aste osoa zer egin pentsatzen pasa dut. Zerbait erreza, baina aldi berean inoiz egin gabe neukan pieza izatea nahi nuen, eta horrek asko luzatu du nire erabakia.

I´ve just begun with the Summer Spark Sew-Along! During this week, I thought the model I´m going to sew. I would like something easy and new, so I spent time thinking about.

Proiekturako, denbora nahikoan apalean gordeta egon den ehun bat erabiltzea pentsatu dut, badakizue, mila gauzetarako erabili ahalko zenuela pentsatu arren...azkenean hor dago, apalean, neka neka egina hautsa hartzen. Ehuna kuadro zuri beltzeko vichy erakoa da, era horretako ehuna daukan ezer ez dagoenez nire armairuan, nik uste aproposa dela...ia... gizonezkoen alkandoretan erabiltzen dira horrelako ehunak hori dela eta ia zer moduz geratzen zaidan nire alkandora!

For this project, I´m going to use a fabric that I had bought several months ago. It´s a fabric that you buy thinking, "yes, I can use it in differents ways", but the true is that the fabric spends months around your sewing table. It´s a black and white vichy, I haven´t any vichy garment in my wardrobe... many men shirts are sewed with this kind of vichy, so it´s going to be a great challenge to create a femenine shirt with this!

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.
Vichya josteko, 2011ko ekaineko Burdan dagoen patroi bat erabiliko dut (mod.124). Alkandora bat da eta Brigitte Bardoteri eskainitako modeloen artean dago. Egia esan kasualidadea izan da patroi hau aurkitzea, vichy oihalarekin zer egin pentsatzen nenbilela, aldizkari hortan modelo errez hau aurkitu dut eta noski harrituta geratu naiz... erreza, polita eta nire oihal berdinarekin eginda! Neskatila rubia horren itxura eta nirea ez dira batere antzekoa eta Brigitte Bardotekin izan al dudan traza, hutsala da. Hala ere udarako modelito fresko eta dotorea izan daitekeelakoan nagoenez, josi egingo dut.

To sew this vichy I´m going to use a model from Burda (06/2011 mod.124). In this magazine, you can find different models dedicated to Brigitte Bardot. The truth is that I found it by chance...a model sewed with vichy. I was flipping through the magazine and suddenly I saw this easy model... easy, nice and sewed with my fabric! That blonde girl, Brigitte and I, don´t look like nothing! But it´s an elegant and sofisticated summer model so I want sewing it.

Picture from Burda.

Eta noski vichy elegante honekin prakatxo erraz batzuk josiko ditut. Lehiaketa honetako nire partaidetza honela deskribitu daiteke: freskoa eta erraza. Prakatxoak mikrofibra beltzean josiko ditut eta modeloa 2012ko martxoko Burdatik atera dut (mod.114B). Josiko ditudan lehenengo prakak izango dira, baina nik uste ez dela problemarik izango oso errazak baitira.

And clear, now I need some shorts. My participation in this challenge can summarize in two words: cool and easy. My shorts will sew in black microfibre, and I chose a model from Burda (03/2012 mod.114B). It will be my first me made pants, but they are easy, so I think that I´m not going to have problems.

Picture from Maider Eguzkitan.

Picture from Burda.

Beno ba, ze iruditzen zaizue egin dudan aukeraketa?

Well then, what do you think about my choice?


  1. Ay! que ya estoy deseando verlo terminado! el vichy es un acierto porque siempre queda bien y elegante.
    Vas a arrasar en el SSSA, que como le decia a Ana, nosotras tres nos apuntamos a todas, ein?

    1. ¡Que todoterreno que somos! A ver que tal queda, fácil parecen pero luego como sentarán puestos, es otro tema.

  2. I think your choice is perfect for June sewing :) Besides the top you'll be able to wear all year long. Looking forward to seeing you modeling both ;)

    1. Thank you! Yes, I think that top is going to be an all year garment.

  3. I think both patterns are going to look great! I've been thinking of trying some shorts too... But I'm a little biti chicken. We'll see - Maybe during the summer holidays!

    1. Yes, you have to try it! What´s the meaning of "I´m a little biti chicken"?¿?¿?

  4. Oso interesgarria! Vichy tela asko gustatzen zait. Por cierto, video batzuk harkitu ditut gaur, ez baduzun ezagutzen, ikusi! Hay un video de un refashion de camisa de hombre muy chulo! Ea lana bukatzen badut eta josten ahasten naiz! Projectu asko daukat buruan, baina gustiaz oso errazak dira! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxnvcIzxFlo

    1. Eskerrikasko Yolanda! Begiratuko dut ia zer nolako proiektua den. Zu ere animatu eta josten hasi berriro!

  5. I really like the second one. I would imagine the first with a less geometric print, but that's just me.

    I got the package! I'll be posting photos tomorrow. I already have some ideas for the fabric.

  6. Ooh, both patterns look very pretty! I like the peasant style of the vichy blouse and the little side scallop of the shorts! It's going to be a great outfit!

    1. Thank you! I hope that my version is going to be nice.

  7. I think your choice is fantastic!!
    That top is gorgeous!

  8. Hola Maider! Te va a quedar un conjunto muy mono. Estoy deseando ver el resultado.
