
On the day that my gifts, found amazing people...

Moon Munkiea irabazi nuenean oso pozik nengoen, nire zozketa egin nuenean oraindik ere pozago baina gaur...oso oso oso pozik nago! Nire opariak ailegatu dira!!!! Eta ez hori bakarrik María Josék eta Alessak beraien lehenengo gauzak egin dituzte. Benetan esaten dizuet harrigarria dela eskutan izan duzun ehuna, kontu handiz aukeratu duzuna, beste batek josita ikustea, asko  poztu nau!

Nire oparia eskuratu duen azkena Reverse Clothingeko Corina izan da. Berarentzako aukeratu dudan ehuna asko gustatu zaiola esan dit. Egia esan tela oso berezia da, lehuna eta elegantea, berarekin zer egiten duen ikusteko desiatzen nago!

When I won a Moon Munkie package I felt very happy, when I did my giveaway I felt happier but today, I´m very very very very happy! All my packages are at home!!! And María José and Alessa sewed two amazing models. The truth is that it´s incredible when you choose carefully a nice fabric and then you look at your computer screen this fabric in other hands, this makes my day!

Corina from Reverse Clothing, is the last receiving my package. She told me that she liked the fabric I chose for her. It´s a special fabric, soft and elegant, I´m waiting for her creation!

María Joséri (Cosir coser sewing), niri asko gustatu zitzaidan ehuna bidali nion, One week one pattern´12 rako alkandora sortu nuen ehun horrekin. Berak, asko harritu nauen bi piezetako outfita egin du. Botoiak, gerrialdea... artista bat zara!

I sent to María José from Cosir coser sewing, a fabric that I like very much, I sewed a blouse for the One week one pattern 2012 with it. She left me stunned with this incredible outfit in two pieces. The buttons and the waist are gorgeous!

Picture from Cosir coser sewing.
Picture from Cosir coser sewing.

Alessari (Farbenfreude), Holandan erositako ehuna bidaltzea pentsatu nuen, ez dakit zergaitik berarentzako oso egokia zela iruditzen zitzaidan, nik kamiseta bat egin nuen berarekin (hemen dago sarrera). Berak egin duena oso harrigarria da! Jostun ona zara gero Alessa! Gainera bera ere paketetxoak bidaltzen hasi behar da, hori dela eta animatu eta bere zozketan apuntatu zaitezte.

I sent to Alessa from Farbenfreude, a fabric that I bought in the Netherlands, I don´t know  why but I thought that she was going to love it. I sewed a top with this fabric (here). She sewed a very special dress with it! You´re a very good seamstress Alessa! She is doing her own Moon Munkie giveaway, so visit her blog and subscribe.

Picture from Farbenfreude.

Picture from Farbenfreude.

Beno ba, ikusten duzuen bezalaxe sewing communityan jostun onak eta sormen handiko pertsonak ditugu. Ondo segi!

In our sewing community we have a very skillful seamstresses and people full of creativity. See you!


  1. This sharing of love in the sewing world is such a great idea!

    1. Yes, it is. Receiving gifts is fine but it is better to send them ;-)

  2. Maider, no llego a entender muy bien como funciona el MMMM pero el caso es que lo estais pasando muy bien. No te estreses ni con la costura ni con el curro. Un besito niña!

    1. Pasate por aqui que lo explican muy bien: http://moonmunkie.wordpress.com/2012/02/15/moon-munkie-mystery-make-giveaway-experiment/
      Pero al final es un sorteo de paquetes que nadie sabe que contiene solo el que lo manda (cosas para coser, cosas para hacer manualidades, patrones viejos...puede tener de todo!).
      Gracias por tus animos!
      Menudo modelazo que te has currado!!!!

  3. I'm glad your other packages also found happy recipients! I'm still very excited about using the jewellery basics and those wonderful green buttons! Thinking hard about what to make...
