Kar, kar, kar... lehenengo ta behin esan behar dizuet txarto nenbilela, urteurrena 11an zen ez 19an (begiratu nire lehenengo sarrera). Kar, kar kar! Ai ama istorio pila ditut buruan eta ez nintzen konturatu baina beno horrek ez du garrantziarik ezta? Gauza ospatzea da.
Beno ba, hain data esanguratsuan nire jostun urteari begirada bat bota nahi nion eta egin ditudanak baloratu eta hurrengo urtea planifikatzeko balio izatea. Jostun amorratu askoren antzera, nik ere milaka proiektu egingo nituzke eta milaka tela erosiko nituzke, nire jostun txokoa kaos hutsa bilakatu arte :-s
Beno ba grafiko batzuk prestatu ditut, baina lasai ez naiz oso astuna jarriko horrekin! Ze eratako jantziak josi ditudan jakin nahi nuen, portzentaietan jarrita zer den gehien josten dudana eta horrela balorazioa errazago egin. Lehenengo borobilean "Jantzi tipo" desberdinak daude, gonak, alkandorak, poltsoak...denetarik.
Ha, ha, ha... first of all I was wrong last week, because the anniversary was the 11th (my very first post). Ha, ha, ha! I had many things around my mind and I didn´t realize, but don´t worry be happy! The most important thing is celebrated it one day or other day, isn´t it?
So, in this special date I want to summarize my sewing life, to rate my creations and to plan my next year better. I am a voracious seamstress, I have many projects in my mind and if I could, I would buy all the fabrics I would see, until my sew space would be a complete mess :-S
I prepared a couple of charts, to ilustrate my sewing life. In my first chart, there are all the kinds of garments that I have sewed during this year.
Ha, ha, ha... first of all I was wrong last week, because the anniversary was the 11th (my very first post). Ha, ha, ha! I had many things around my mind and I didn´t realize, but don´t worry be happy! The most important thing is celebrated it one day or other day, isn´t it?
So, in this special date I want to summarize my sewing life, to rate my creations and to plan my next year better. I am a voracious seamstress, I have many projects in my mind and if I could, I would buy all the fabrics I would see, until my sew space would be a complete mess :-S
I prepared a couple of charts, to ilustrate my sewing life. In my first chart, there are all the kinds of garments that I have sewed during this year.
Ikusten duzuen bezalaxe gehien josten ditudanak alkandora eta kamisetak izan dira, One Week One Pattern lehiaketan zazpi josi nituen eta noski horrek zenbakia asko igo du. Osagarri pila josi dut, baina asko opari bezela erabili ditut. Grafiko honek argi uzten du praka eta gona gehiago josi behar ditudala, eta noski jaka ala berokiren bat. Kulero eta horrelakoak ez ditut inoiz josi, blogger askok jarri dituzte beraien sorkuntzak eta pasada bat dira, nire hurrengo urteko zerrendarako apuntatuko ditut!
Hurrengo grafikoan ze urtarorako josi ditudan erropak analizatu dut.
You can see that the most repeatable garment is the top and blouses, the main reason is that I participated in the One Week One Pattern challenge and that week I sewed seven versions of the Minna Blouse. I also sewed many accesories but the reason is that I use this kind of sewing project to make gifts. Another conclusion is that I have to sew more separates like skirts and pants, and any jacket or coat. I have never sewed any knicker, but many bloggers do it and their knickers are soooo cute, so it´s going to be in my next year list!
In the second chart "Type of garmen vs Season":
Argi dago udaberriak eta udak irabazten dutela. Datu hau goiko grafikoarekin alderatuz segiduan konturatzen gara, alkandora asko josi dudalako gertatzen dela. Hala ere datozen bi urtaroetan gehiago josi behar dudalakoan nago. Eta egia esan dagoeneko banabil horretan, jaka bat josten nagoelako eta negurako praka batzuk josteko ehuna erosita daukadalako.
It´s clear that, the spring and the summer won over others seasons. If you compare this chart with the other, you realize that the main reason is again One Week One Pattern. Anyway, I have to sew more in the next two seasons. The truth is that I am doing that in this moment, because I am sewing the Unique Jacket and I´m going to sew a pair of winter pants.
Gauza asko josi ditut baina baten batzuk nire bihotzean leku espeziala daukate. Alde batetik Burdaren 08/09 Mod. 128 patroia erabili nueneko jantzia dago, nik "A parisian girl in Elorrio" deitu nion sarrera horri, Coco Chanelen modeloak gogoratzen zizkidalako. Forroa erabili nuen lehenengo aldia izan zen eta eskerrak Izekok lagundu zidala bestela jai neukan! Modelo hau jostun askok egin dute eta blogosferan modelo zoragarriak daude. Patroi honen gainazalak oso ondo egokitzen dira gorputzera eta gorpuzkera ederra ematen dizute. Gainera Burda konkretu hau nire lehenengo Burda da, josteko makinarik ez neukanean erosi nuen, hori dela eta oso ondo gordeta daukat.
I have sewed many garments but some of this projects have a special place in my heart. In one hand, is the Burda 08/09 Mod. 128, do you remember my post "A parisian girl in Elorrio"? I love that dress, it reminds me a Coco Chanel´s model. It was the first project I sewed with lining and I had my Aunt to help me, thanks goodness! This model has many versions on the internet, and you can find exquisite versions. The shape of the pattern is so flattering, I like it very much. I have another reason to love this project...this Burda was my very first Burda, when I still had no sewing machine, so I have hidden it very carefully.
A parisien girl in Elorrio (picture from Masustak Eguzkitan). |
Bihotzean daramadan beste proiektu bat Sietedeloncerekin egin nuen tailerreko sorkuntza da. Asko dibertitu nintzen eta Hoodie izugarria josi genuen! Gauza piloa ikasi nituen Nadiarekin, nire joste era egun hartan aldatu egin zen eta askoz bersatilagoa egin nintzela uste dut. Txanodun jertse hau izugarri gustatzen zait eta horren arrazoietako bat ehuna da, pasada bat da! Proiektu honetan ikasi nuen gauzen artean garrantzitsuena, ehuna ondo ezagutu behar dela da.
On the other hand, there is the project that, I have sewed in the Sietedelonce workshop in Bilbao. I enjoyed very much and the Hoodie is so cute! I learnt many things with Nadia, and that day, my sewing skills improved and I became a more versatile seamstress. I think that the fabric is the most fabulous part of this project. I learnt that you have to choose carefully the fabric in each project.
Sietedelonce hoodie (picture from Masustak Eguzkitan). |
Beno ba zozketa egiteko garaia dela uste dut.... eta irabazleak hurrengo hauek dira:
And now it´s the time for the giveaway... and the winners are:
Mela R. pakete marroia irabazi du eta ana5059 pakete gorria!!!! Mesedez e-mail bat idatzi zuen helbidearekin eta gusto handiz bidaliko dizkizuet neure opariak! masustakeguzkitan @ gmail . com
Bueno ba irabazleei zorionak eta beste guztioi lasai zozketa gehiago izango direla Masustaken seguru!
For Mela R. the brown packet and the red for ana5059!!!! Please send me an e-mail with your address and I will send you the package!
masustakeguzkitan @ gmail . com
Congratulations for the winners and everyone else take it easy, because in Masustak Eguzkitan will be more giveaways, sure!
Beno ba eskerrak ematea baino ez zait geratzen, egia esan irakurle guztiak omendu nahiko nituzke, zuen berba politak, zuen tutorial interesgarriak eta zuen sorkuntzak mirestu eta eskertzen ditut, zuek ez bazinate nire sarrera guztiak irakurtzen egongo egunero, ez nuke blog hau egiteko indarrik ezta gogorik izango, hori dela eta eskerrikasko bihotz bihotzetik!Musu handi bat!
Quería dar las gracias en castellano, porque tengo muchas seguidoras que hablan castellano, y aunque yo escriba todo en euskera e inglés estan siempre atentas a lo que hago y siempre tienen un momento para dedicármelo y escribirme algo. A todas vosotras os quiero decir que admiro y agradezco todas vuestras amables palabras, vuestros tutoriales y creaciones costuriles, que si vosotras no estuvieseis ahí leyendo mi blog todos los días yo no tendría ni ganas, ni fuerzas, para estar aqui, por todo ello, muchas gracias de todo corazon! Un besazo a todas!
Finally my great thank you to all my dear readers, I admire and appreciate your lovely comments, your interesting tutorials and your creations, if you were not here reading my posts every day, I would have neither the strength nor the desire to continue writing this blog, so I thank you with all my heart! A big kiss for you!
Zorionak! Happy Aniversary!!! I didn't win the giveaways, but doesn't matter! It was a pleasure to participate. I hope to get a chance "next year", hahaha.
ReplyDeleteFelicidades a las ganadoras y felicidades a ti Maider que cumplas muchos mas bloganiversarios.
ReplyDeleteUn abrazo.
María José
MuchAS FELICIDADES por el aniversario! Que contenta estoy de ser una de las ganadoras!!!!
ReplyDeleteGRACIAS ! y felicidades a Mela R. ¿Qué puedo hacer con esta tela tan chula??
Si yo hiciera un resumen de mis costuras, seguramente coincidiría contigo en que he cosido más tops, blusas o partes de arriba que cualquier otra cosa. Tengo que hacer alguna falda bien hecha, y alguna chaqueta o prenda de abrigo. Los interiores, sinceramente, paso de coserlos ;)
By the way, I forgot to mention: You have a present on my blog: http://costureranovatilla.blogspot.com.es/2012/10/nuevos-premios-gracias.html
ReplyDeleteFelicidades a tí por tu aniversario!! Y por deleitarnos a todas con tus ocurrencias, tu desparpajo y tus proyectos, seguro que habrán muchos aniversarios más como este!
ReplyDeleteI've seen your hoodie before and loved it but I totally missed that gorgeous dress!
ReplyDeleteI also envy your stunning scenery... I usually take my project photos at my house :P