
Wiksten+Tank top+Dress+Mediterraneo

Cala Pregonda, Menorca (picture from Masustak Eguzkitan).

Lehenik eta behin eskerrikasko aurreko sarrerako hitz eder guztiengatik! Egia esan asko pozten du, zerbait josi eta ingurukoek ederra dela esaten dutenean harrotasuna sentitzen da eta josten jarraitzeko gogoak biderkatzen dira!

First of all, thank you very much for all your nice comments in my last post! The truth is that all of you encourage me to continue sewing and enjoying this wonderfull comunity!

Ciutadella, Menorca (Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan).

Gaurkoan Mediterraneoko seriarekin amaituko dut eta horretarako, Wiksten etxearen patroiekin josi nituen Tank topa eta Dressa erakutsiko dizkizuet. Jantzia josterakoan, nire Mutilagunaren Izekok bidalitako ehuna erabili dut, eskerrikasko Pili!!! Ehuna oso arina ta freskoa denez bero boladak jasatzeko oso aproposa da, azkenengo aste hau oso beroa izan da Euskal Herrian egozten gabiltzala esango nuke nik, bada, horrelako girorako oso aproposa da.

In today´s post, I´m going to finish with my Mediterranean posts. I´ll present you my Wiksten Tank top and Dress. To make the dress, I sewed a fabric bought by my Boyfriend´s Aunt, thank you Pili!!! This fabric is fabulous for summer and this horrible hot we have these days in the Basque Country. It´s a light and fresh printed linen, gorgeous.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Patroi hau oso erraz eta arin josten da, ez dauka inolako konplikaziorik. Paparrean sakela josten zaio eta ertzak bies zinta alderantziz josiz akabatzen dira. Jantzia egiterakoan nire tailaren hurrengoa josi nuen, aldaka zabalak ditut eta estuegi geratuko zitzaidala pentsatu nuen M batekin, hori dela eta jantzia L tailan josi dut eta alkandora M bat da. Goikaldean zabala geratu arren behekaldean oso ondo geratzen da, ez du batere estutzen eta egun beroetarako oso aproposa da.

The pattern can be sewed very fast and easy, there isn´t complications. There is a pocket in the front piece and to finish the neckline and armholes, you´ve to cut on bias the fabric and then finish seams with it. Before cutting out, I thought that my wide hips needed a bigger dress´s size than tank´s size, so the dress is L and the Tank top is M. The bust is bigger than I like, anyway the dress came out so comfy and It´s spectacular for hot days, so it´s ok!

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Dress Pattern: Wiksten.
Necklace: Seda en color.
Shoes: Birkenstock.

 Bi modeloak frantsez ertzerakin akabatu ditut barnekaldean hori dela eta nahiko garbi geratu zaizkit.

All the seams are sewed with french seams and the inside is pretty neat.

Cova d´en Xoroi, Menorca (Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan).

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

 Alkandora M taila denez goikaldean bularrera hobeto egokitzen da. Beste blog batzutan irakurri nuen oso ondo geratzen zela bularraldean eta harrigarria zela efektu polit hori egitea pintza gabe, ba bai arrazoia zuten, oso ondo geratzen da eta ganera erosoa da. Udazkenean Wiksten tank top gehiago josiko ditudala uste dut, beharbada mangak erantsiko dizkiot!

For the tank top I use this light printed fabric, it´s perfect for the summer but needs to be ironed because of the wrinkle after washing. The bust fit in the Tank top is better than the dress because of the size. I had read that this pattern´s fit in the bust is incredibly easy , because it doesn´t use darts and the result is nice, and I have to agree, it´s true the fit is perfect and very comfortable. I think that I´m going to sew more Wisten tank in autum, maybe with sleeves!

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Tank top pattern: Wiksten.
Necklace: Conspiradoras.
Shorts: H&M.
Shoes: Menorquinas by Castell.

Nozbait josi dituzue patroi baten bertsio desberdinak? Ezagutzen duzue erabilera anitzeko patroiren bat? 

Have you ever sewn a different variation of the same pattern? What pattern do you think it´s very versatil?


  1. Ayy qué fotos tan bonitas, qué paraíso, qué envidia me das... jajaja

    Un beso


    1. Ahora mismo hasta yo siento envidia...como ya no estoy allí!

  2. Yours is the first dress version that I've seen. SO simple and lovely. I imagine it's very comfortable. Both of them fit you super well.

    1. Yes, it´s so comfy! I think that the tank´s fit is better, but anyway I love both of them!

  3. It looks great! I just made up a wiksten tank myself. I am about to make one for my friend, too. Lovely project!

  4. They're both lovely. I really like the last photo, the necklace looks superb with that fabric. Also, it's good to see the dress version made up, I've been meaning to give it a go for a while but have been waiting to see what it looks like!

    1. I love the necklace, it´s my cutest summer stuff!! I love the dress but I think that is for girls with narrower hips .

  5. Maider itzel geratu jatzu soinekoa, pertsaren kontua izango da, baina dotore dekozu gero! Zalantza bat daukat, horrenbeste arropa eginda erroperuak be gainezka izango dozuz, ezta? Pentsatu dozu bigarren eskuko azoka edo denda jartzea? eta josten ikasteko eskola montatuko bazendu, neu be apuntatu egingo nintzateke.

    1. Je, je, je eskerrikasko!
      Ez pentsau ez dekodaz hainbeste erropa, neure armairue konpartidue da. Hori dala ta ezin leike askorik bete!
      Josten ikasteko eskola oindio hurrun ikusten dot...

  6. I loved the outfits, adored the seaside! :)

    now you should get back to town and start sewing some Urban fashion! :D

  7. Lovely garments! The fabric of the dress is AMAZING!! Hope you had a great break


  8. Has cosido prendas espectáculares y muy cómodas para este verano que nos está abrasando literalmente. Me gusta mucho las versiones que hiciste, buena elección!

    1. Muchas gracias!!! Ahora a empezar con prendas para el otoño con un toque más urbano.
