Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Zer dago nire josteko mahaiaren gainean? Bada amaituta ditudan proiektu pare bat eta hasteko ditudan beste hainbat gauza...gutxi gora behera betiko moduan!
What´s on my sewing table? Two projects that I have already finished and more projects that I´m going to begin soon... more or less like always!
Azkenengo hilabetean eskulanak edo beste erabatera esatearren josteko makina gabe egiten diren asuntoekin ibili naiz. Hala ere denbora gehiago dudan egun batean hitzegingo dizuet horretaz. Hori dela eta eskulanak alde batera utziko ditut gaurkoz eta nire joste makinarekin egingo ditudan hurrengo proiektuetaz hitzegingo dizuet.
Last month I made many crafts, I mean stuff without using my sewing machine. But to show them, I need more time, so I´m going to post about crafts in following weeks not today. So today, I´ll present you my following two sewing projects.
Dagoenekoz dakizuen bezalaxe, joste erronketan partehartzea gustoko dut eta zerbait interesgarria dagoenean pentsatu gabe trapezioan gora noa sarea jarria dagoen begiratu gabe, kar, kar, kar! Cosir, Cose, Sewingeko María Josek bere blogean aukera oso interesgarri batez hitzegin zuen, "Cose Conmigo" deitzen da. Ekimen hau La pequeña Aprendizeko Soniak egingo du eta egin beharreko gauza bakarra, aste betez jantzi bat pausoz pauso bere laguntzarekin jostea da. Egia esan, ekimena emozionantea da, beste blogger batzurekin jantzi bera aldi berean josiko dugu, harrigarria ezta?
As you know, I like very much participating in sewing challenges, when I know about something interesting I try it. I jump to the trapeze without looking if I have a net down, ha, ha, ha! I read in Cosir, Cose, Sewing about the "Cose conmigo". This event is hosted by Sonia from La pequeña Aprendiz, and the only thing that you´ve to do is sewing with other bloggers the same dress in the same week. The truth is that event astonishes me, sewing the same garment in the same moment, it´s incredible, isn´t it?
As you know, I like very much participating in sewing challenges, when I know about something interesting I try it. I jump to the trapeze without looking if I have a net down, ha, ha, ha! I read in Cosir, Cose, Sewing about the "Cose conmigo". This event is hosted by Sonia from La pequeña Aprendiz, and the only thing that you´ve to do is sewing with other bloggers the same dress in the same week. The truth is that event astonishes me, sewing the same garment in the same moment, it´s incredible, isn´t it?
Cose conmigo´s pattern (Picture from Burda). |
Domeka hontan hasiko da Soniaren Cose Conmigo tailerra eta egunero sarrera bat egingo du, bere blogean egin beharreko pausu guztiak esplikatuko ditu, patroitik hasiko gara eta astiro astiro erropa osorik josiko dugu. Soniak abuztu hontako Burdan dagoen jantzia aukeratu du erronkarako, Burda 08/12 mod121.(goiko argazkian agertzen den gorri koloreko jantzia). Detaile askoko jantzia da, nire aldetik egingo banu gauza asko inbentatuko nituzke, denok batera josteak, segurtasun handia ematen dit. Nire jantzia egiteko mota zuridun tela marroi bat aukeratu dut. Polka dots ehunak puntu alaia eta informalagoa emango dio jantzi elegante honi eta nik uste horrek erabilgarriago egingo duela modeloa.
The event will start on sunday. Every day, Sonia is going to write a post with that day´s step. We´ll start tracing the pattern and then we´ll sew all the garments pieces. Sonia chose a Burda pattern for the challenge, it´s the dress from the picture above, Burda 08/12 mod.121. It has many details and difficult parts, if I had sewn without help, I had omitted or invented sewing instructions. Sewing simultaneously you get safety. I chose a brown polka dots fabric for this dress. This kind of fabrics are informals and they give to the pattern the right sense I like. I think that in this way my version will be more wearable for me.
The event will start on sunday. Every day, Sonia is going to write a post with that day´s step. We´ll start tracing the pattern and then we´ll sew all the garments pieces. Sonia chose a Burda pattern for the challenge, it´s the dress from the picture above, Burda 08/12 mod.121. It has many details and difficult parts, if I had sewn without help, I had omitted or invented sewing instructions. Sewing simultaneously you get safety. I chose a brown polka dots fabric for this dress. This kind of fabrics are informals and they give to the pattern the right sense I like. I think that in this way my version will be more wearable for me.
Bestalde udazken hontan nire lehenengo jaka josiko dut. Albiste ona baina errespetu handiko da ezta? Gainera josiko dudan jakaren patroia zozketa batean irabazi nuen orain dela hilabete bat. Bai badakit, eta zuei ezer ere esan gabe nenbilen, ke desastre! Dedal aguja e hiloko Mari Cruzek bere urtebeteko blog urtebetetzea ospatzeko patroi zoragarriak zozketatu zituen eta nik bat irabazi nuen. Patroiak Paco Peralta Rovirarenak ziren eta niri Unique Jacketa egokitu zitzaidan, pasada bat da patroia!! Patroia eskuz egina dago, eskutan daukadana pieza bakarra da niretzako marraztua dela esan daiteke, kar, kar,kar! Japonera naraman modeloa da, elegantea baina informala izan daitekeen pieza, edertasun lasaia duen jaka, artifizio gabekoa. Mari Cruzeri esan nion bezalaxe, patroi honek muslin edo aurre proba merezi du.
Eskerrikasko Mari Cruz patroiarengatik eta beste oparitxoarengatik!!!!!!
I have another ambitious project, I´m going to sew my very first jacket. A nice but respectable news, isn´t it? Further the pattern I chose, was a gift sent by Mari Cruz from Dedal, aguja e hilo. She made a giveaway to celebrate her blog anniversary and I won the Unique jacket drafted by Paco Peralta Rovira, an amazing pattern!! The pattern is a unique piece drafted by hand, I can tell you that this is drawn specially for me, ha, ha, ha! This pattern remember us a japan model, a garment elegant but informal, a peacefull elegance, without ornaments. Like I told Mari Cruz, this pattern is waiting for a muslin to create a wonderfull jacket.
Thanks Mari Cruz, I love the pattern and your lovely stuff!!!!!!
Eskerrikasko Mari Cruz patroiarengatik eta beste oparitxoarengatik!!!!!!
I have another ambitious project, I´m going to sew my very first jacket. A nice but respectable news, isn´t it? Further the pattern I chose, was a gift sent by Mari Cruz from Dedal, aguja e hilo. She made a giveaway to celebrate her blog anniversary and I won the Unique jacket drafted by Paco Peralta Rovira, an amazing pattern!! The pattern is a unique piece drafted by hand, I can tell you that this is drawn specially for me, ha, ha, ha! This pattern remember us a japan model, a garment elegant but informal, a peacefull elegance, without ornaments. Like I told Mari Cruz, this pattern is waiting for a muslin to create a wonderfull jacket.
Thanks Mari Cruz, I love the pattern and your lovely stuff!!!!!!
Beno ba hemen daukazue nire hurrengo hilabeteko joste zerrenda, zer iruditzen zaizue? Zuek egina daukazue zerrenda?
There is my sewing list, do you like it? Did you make your own list?
There is my sewing list, do you like it? Did you make your own list?
Hola guapa, gracias por comentar el cose conmigo aquí en tu rinconcito!!!.
ReplyDeleteTe puedo pedir un favor?. Espero que no te moleste..
Podrías poner el gagdet de traducdor?. Te cuento, solo entiendo el castellano, nada de otros idiomas, y por eso me cuesta muchiiisimo leer tus entradas...
espero que no te moleste..
Hola Sonia!
DeleteLas traducciones son bastante malas y traducirlo a cualquier idioma desde "mi inglés" pues no sé yo y desde el euskera tampoco lo hace muy bien... cuando me encuentro con algo en alemán por ejemplo, que quiero leer, lo copio y pego en el google translate.
Pondré el botoncito y a ver que tal va.
Gracias guapa!!
DeleteQue tal Maider? Que ocupada estas! Tu lista es fenomenal. Estare pendiente del resultado del vestido y sobre todo de esa chaqueta. Yo tengo el patron de la falda portafolio y me da mucho respeto. un besito
ReplyDeleteHola Merche!!
DeleteSeguro que cuando te pongas con la falda, te sale muy bien. Yo estoy un poco preocupada con el vestido, porque no sé yo si entrarán mis caderas... tendré que hacerle algún arreglo.
¡Hola Maider!, yo también estoy preparada para el cose conmigo, todo un reto acabar un vestido de estas características en una semana ¡Me da respeto!
ReplyDeletePara la chaqueta de Paco Peralta ya he comprado la tela (Dupión), también haré una prueba con tela barata no sea que... Me alegro de que te gustaran las chuches.
Hola Mari Cruz!!
DeleteSi, si, si es todo un reto!
Yo también tengo la tela para la chaqueta preparada. Pero no sé que tipo de tela es...es tipo abrigo pero en fino, ya lo pondré en el blog cuando empiece con el muslin.
I have a sewing list but other thngs always get in the way like custom orders! I do have several dresses in mind. One of them is using the moon munkie fabric. I'll have to make time for the this week..
ReplyDeleteGreat projects! I wish I had more time to sew right now, but it would be practical to have a list, anyway...