Kaixo! Zer moduz doa uda? Eta oporrak? Ni bueltatu naiz, eguraldi ederra, bero itzela eta leku zoragarriak ezagutu ostean. Baina ez pentsa ahaztu zaituztedanik, ez, ez! Zuen blogen eguneraketa jarraitu ez arren askotan pentsatu izan dut, norbait josten izango zela seguruenik! Kar, kar, kar!
Beno ba aurreko sarreran komentatu nizuen bezalaxe Mediterraneo aldera alde egin aurretik, gauzaren batzuk josi nituen eta noski, bertara eraman nituen nire sorkuntzen erabilgarritasuna aztertu eta beraietaz gozatzeko. Egia esan oso gustora jantzi ditut egindakoak eta klima beroentzako oso patroi aproposak direla baieztatu dut.
Hi there! How about the summer? Are you on holidays? I´m at home, I came back after visiting beautiful landscapes and sweat a lot under the sun. But don´t think that I forgot you, no, no! I didn´t follow your posts, but many times I thought, someone will be sewing right now, sure! Ha, ha, ha!
Like I told you in my last post, I was visiting an island in the Mediterranean but before that, I sewed a couple of garments, so I brought them in my suitcase to validate them and to enjoy them. I have to tell you that I was very comfortable wearing them and they are correct garments for hot climates.
Like I told you in my last post, I was visiting an island in the Mediterranean but before that, I sewed a couple of garments, so I brought them in my suitcase to validate them and to enjoy them. I have to tell you that I was very comfortable wearing them and they are correct garments for hot climates.
Gaurkoan nire azkenengo Sorbettoa erakutsiko dizuet. Sorbettoa patroi izugarri ona da eta gainera dohainekoa! Nire bertsio honetan, aurreko tolesdura kendu diot eta zamaldean hain modan dauden "scallops"ak jarri dizkiot (begiratu Burdako sarrera hau). Nireak sortzerakoan Nette Vivianteren Candy Sundressean inspiratu naiz. Goikaldeko ertzak amaitzeko zetazko bies zinta erabili dut. Ehuna ezaguna egingo zaizue ezta? Summer-sew-along 2012an josi nuen alkandoraren ehun berdina da. Zati bat soberan neukan eta Sorbettoa laburtxoago geratu arren ondo aprobetxatuta geratu da Vichy tela.
Here is my last Sorbetto. Sorbetto is an incredible usefull, succesfull and free pattern! In my new version, I removed the front fold and I sewed scallops around the neckline (they´re so in fashion, read this Burda article). To create my scallops I was inspired by Nette Viviante´s Candy Sundress. To finish edges I sewed black silk bias tape. Do you remember this fabric? I sewed my Summer-sew-along 2012´s blouse with it. I had a leftover and the Sorbetto turned out shorter than I wanted, but it was a great project to use all my sweet vichy.
Maó, Menorca (Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan). |
Alkandora apaintzeko paparreko desberdin bat erabili nuen, Kish ikutuko apaingarria, Bartzelonan izan nintzen azkenengo aldian erositakoa.
Ba hau izan da nire oporretako sorkuntzetan lehenengoa, zer iruditu zaizue? Gustoko dituzue scallopsak apaindura bezala?
I am wearing a pin I brought in my last visite to Barcelona. It has a Kish touch, it combines very well.
Hi Maider,
ReplyDeletei like your whole outfit and of course i like your colette. I never sewed anything with scallops, that's a thing i only like to see on others :)
Greets from germany
Hola Maider, supongo que todo muy bien y tranquilito por Menorca. Me encanta la blusa, especialmente ese cuello tan original, es una fantástica solución para dar un toque especial a un patrón muy sencillo.
María José
Love love love that top! I love the neckline. Very good job. I'll have to keep this idea in mind.
ReplyDeleteI love the addition of the scallops to that top! Especially the gingham print, very cool effect.
ReplyDeleteOh, and totally jealous of that beautiful Mediterranean sea!
Lovely Sorbetto - that neckline is inspired!
ReplyDeleteLove the scallops, what a great idea! And the pin is perfect on that top.
ReplyDeleteYour top is so pretty! That's a terrific way to use up your leftover fabrics :)
ReplyDeleteMe encanta tu sorbetto versionada....
Thank you very much for your nice comments!!!
ReplyDeleteMuchas gracias por vuestros comentarios!!!