Buruan proiektu asko dauzkat bueltaka, beti bezela! Katek bidali zidan tindatzeko asuntoak erabili, polipiela erabiliz boltso bat josi eta tutoriala prestatu, praka eroso batzuk josi, nire lehengusiñari zerbait josten erakutsi (hau totala izan behar da!) eta proiektu sekretu bat (ezin dizuet gehiago esan)... ai ene... eta noski, lan egin! Kar, kar, kar...
What´s on my mind? That´s the question, many things, like always! I have to use the lovely stuff sent by Kate, I want to sew a leather bag and create a tutorial for my nice readers, a pair of comfy pants, I´ve to teach sewing to my cousin and sew something with her (it´s going to be amazing!) and a secret project (I can´t tell you more)... and clear I have to work! Ha, ha, ha...
My last shopping (Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan). |
Josteko gauza asko buruan izan arren, oso ehun gutxi daukat. Nire inguruan ehun denda gutxi daude, Bilborarte joan beharko nintzateke, eta bertan denetik izan arren oso garestiak izaten dira. Noizbait internetetik erosi duzue? Online dendaren bat gomendatuko zenidaten? Nik Rives Casalseri itxura ona hartu diot, noizbait bertan erosi duzue?
Egia esan ehunarena oso garrantzitsua da eta askotan josteko gogoa izan arren, nire biltegia hutsik daukadala konturatzen naiz. Nire azkenengo erosketa Arrasateko denda batean egin dut, linozko ehun asko dituzte eta nahiko prezio onean. Linoa izugarri gustatzen zait! Nire hurrengo bi proiektuak linoarekin josiko ditut.
I have many ideas to sew, I haven´t enough fabric. Near here, I haven´t
many fabric stores, I have to go to Bilbao to find something special,
and then they´re so expensive. Do you buy on the internet? Do you know
any online fabric store? I found Rives Casal, and it seems a good supplier.
The truth is that this question is so important, many times I want to sew but I haven´t fabric to choose, my fabric stock is ridiculous. My last shopping was in Arrasate-Mondragon, I found a store with a pretty amount of linen in a good price. I love linen! My following two projects will be sewed with linen.
Bestalde zein patroi aukeratuko zenuketen linozko prakak josteko? Niri Burdako apirileko zenbakian aurkitu ditudan hauek (Burda 04/12 mod.104) aproposak iruditu zaizkit, baina hala ere zuen gomendioak entzuteko irrikitan nago! Josteko erabiliko dudan linoa, argazkian agertzen den mostaza koloreko lino zoragarri hori da.
On the other hand, what kind of pants would you sew with this fabric? I like this pants that I found in Burda (Burda 04/12 mod.104), but anyway I want to hear your recommendations! The linen I want to use is the mustard colour fabric that you can see in the picture above, It´s beautiful, isn´t it?
Picture from Burdastyle. |
Beno ba ia gomendio asko jasotzen ditudan eta lanak aurreratzen hasten naizen einean, zuei dena kontatzeko denbora dudan. Musu bat guztiontzat!
So I want to hear your comments and I´ll start with my projects, I hope I´ll have enough time to sew them. Kisses for all!
Augh I made a pair of mustard wool pants but the crappy invisible zipper broke. So now I've ordered a sh*t load of YKK zippers and am awaiting their arrival XD
ReplyDeleteI love the multi colored fabric you bought.
ReplyDeleteMe encanta el patron y el color que has elegido, creo que te va muy bien.
ReplyDeleteQue me vas a contar de lo caras que son las telas por el norte! Hay una en Santander que se llama Luitom a la que solo me acerco para llenarle de babas el escaparate, un dia entré y no bajaba nada de 40 euros el metro... asi que intento no pasar por esa calle. En el sur, en los mercadillos está muy bien, eso sí la calidad seguro que no es muy alta.
Un beso y estoy atenta a lo que te haces
Lo de las telas es un problema...te limita mucho. Además si te pasas comprando algo caro y luego te sale un churro, menudo cargo de conciencia!
DeleteYa os contaré que sale!
Un beso!
La verdad es que tienes toda la razón. Buscar una tienda de telas con esos precios.... yo he cogido por internet en www.etsy.com pero no me ahorro mucho, más que nada que compro porque me gusta el tejido.
DeleteSi os enterais de algun sitio; avisanos,eh!
Maider, hemen Gernikan, badago denda bat "telas a peso" eta prezio onean egoten dira. Neuk erosiko dautsut telaren bat eta martitzenean Estherren bidez bidalduko dautsut. Jakina, zuk arinago esaten ez badaustazu, daudenen artean kolorea nire gustukoa izango da.
ReplyDeleteMosu bat.
Eskerrikasko Pili! Gernika aldera bueltatxo bat ematera juen beharko naz eta depaso denda hori ezautu.
DeleteZeuk gure dozun kolorea aukeratu, mostaza kolorea ez izeteko ze kolore hortan doie hurrengo proiektue.Baina fakturagaz e? Neuk ordaintzen dot.
Mosu bat!
I envy you for owning that mustard linen! I'm not sure it's right for the pattern though, it seems to more suited for a soft cotton. Unless your linen is very supple ofcourse. Both the pattern and the fabric are great, but maybe not together?
ReplyDeleteIn the pattern instructions, I read that the "perfect" fabric is linen...but I don´t know. Do you know any pants pattern for linen?
DeleteOh, I love the pattern you have chosen for the mustard linen! I think they are a perfect match for each other :) with regard to Lisa's comment above; It is a good idea to wash linen a few times before cutting, this helps remove the stiffness. Personally I love linen trousers in summer, yes they do crease but that is all part of their charm.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your advices! I´m going to wash linen again.