
His Negroni shirt

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Nire jostun mailak puntutxo bat igo duelakoan nago, oso harro sentitzen naiz nire mutil lagunari josi diodan Negroni Shirta zuei aurkezten. Hau zen aurreko sarreran komentatzen nizuen proiektu sekretua, sekretua zen berarentzako oparia zelako noski!
Colette Patternseko patroi hau orain dela hilabete asko erosia eta ezkutatua neukan, behar zen ausardia lortzen nuenean atera eta alkandora josiko nuela esaten nion nire buruari eta halaxe izan da! Ekainean ehun ederren bat aurkitu behar nuela pentsatu nuen eta bera konturatu gabe eta gezurtxoren bat kontatuz Negroni elegante hau josi dut.

I think that my seamstress level is increasing, I´m proud of the Negroni Shirt I sewed for my boyfriend. This is the secret project I had, because it was a gift for him!

I bought this Colette Pattern many months ago and I hid it, I decided that when I had enough confidence to sew it I would. In june, I thought I needed a cute fabric for my Negroni, and without noticing my boyfriend and with little lies I sewed this elegant Negroni.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Alkandora hau josterakoan inoiz sentitu ez dudan joste sentsazio berria izan dut: Tan Ta Ta Txan sentzazioa. Piezak josten nituen bitartean, ez nuen batere argi ikusten asuntoa, txapuza txiki bat irtengo zitzaidala pentsatzen nuen, argibideak ez nituen ondo ulertzen eta ez nekien ondo ala txarto nenbilen, eta derrepentean, zama aldeari buelta eman paparraldea ondo jarri eta... tan ta ta txan! Negroni shirta agertu zen! Aluzinatu egin nuen! Nahiko ondo dago errepikatzen nion nire buruari eta hasierako zorabioari harrotasunak jarraitu zion, zelako pozik nengoen!

When I was sewing this shirt I had a strange new sewing sensation, I called it Tan Ta Ta Chan sensation ( I don´t know if in english this exists... it´s the sentence that a magician uses when the trick is finishing). When I was sewing pattern´s pieces, my confidence is going down, I didn´t understand very well the instructions, I didn´t know if I was in the correct way, and suddenly, I put in order the collar and the shirt front...and Tan Ta Ta Chan! My Negroni was there! I flipped! It´s going well, I was repeating on my mind. First I felt sick but then I felt so proud of me!

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Hala eta guzti ez pentsa dena ondo irten zitzaidala, beti bezala akatsen bat izan zen. Alkandora josteko, marradun lino marroia erosi nuen eta hasieran 1,5 metrorekin nahiko izango nuela pentsatu nuen (Coletten ehun neurriak yardetan zeuden eta alferkeri puntu batez ez nituen metrotara pasatu...) eta azkenean ehuna faltan izan nuen. Barneko kanesua popelin beltzarekin egin behar izan nion eta zamaldearen azpikaldea ere. 

Bestalde, argibideetan bazegoen piezatxo bat ez nuela ulertzen non josi behar zen. Ingeleseko argibideak ez nituen ulertzen eta diagrama ere ez zen batere argia. Azkenean pieza bat soberan geratu zitzaidan eta gero Coletterieko argazkiak ikustean konturatu nintzen, nire Negroniari soberan geratu zitzaion pieza zama aldeko "loop" antzekoa zela...kar, kar, kar! Ez du axola!

Even so, it wasn´t a perfect project, as always I had errors. I bought a brown striped linen to sew my Negroni and I thought that 1,5m was enough (I didn´t translate Colette instructions, they were in yards... yes I was a little bit lazy...) and finally I needed more that 1,5m so I sewed the back yoke and the back collar with black popelin.

On the other hand, I couldn´t understand where I had to place a small pattern piece. I looked the instructions, I looked the diagram...finally I didn´t need my small piece, I didn´t sew it. Then I was looking Coletterie´s pictures...and oooh! My lost piece, my no-sewed piece! It was the small loop in the collar! Ha, ha, ha! But it doesn´t matter.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.
Beste noizbait komentatu dizuedan bezalaxe, botoiak asko gustatu arren, nire botoi zuloak desastre bat izaten dira. Hain ondo josia geratu zitzaidan Negronia, botoi zulo eskas batzuk lan guztia pikutara bidaltzeak bildurtzen ninduela, hori dela eta klip metaliko hauek erabiltzea pentsatu nuen. Ikutu polita eta modernoa ematen diotelakoan nago eta lana oso garbi geratu zait. Azkenean botoiak ez jostea ideia ona izan da.

Modeloari bere Negroni Shirta asko gustatu arren, beste bat egin behar badiot baditu kexa eta aldaketa batzuk, hori dela eta jostun onen antzera, denak apuntatu ditut hurrengo alkandora josten dudanerako.

Zer iruditu zaizue? Inoiz josi duzue gizonentzako patroiren bat?

Like I repeated many times, I love buttons, but my buttonhole burns in the hell! When I try to sew them, They are a great disaster! So, when I saw my almost perfect Negroni, I didn´t want to damage it with my buttonholes, so I put metallic snaps. The shirt comes out very modern and neat with snap, it was a great idea to use them.

The model likes his shirt, but If I´m going to sew a new Negroni, he has some complaints and changes, like a nice seamstress, I note all his recommendations.

Do you like it? Have you ever sewed any man pattern?


  1. The shirt turned out to be very very nice! Your model looks very comfortable in it :) Even if there are any flaws (visible only for you), the next Negroni will be perfect!

    I have not sewn anything for a man, but my boyfriend wants me to make some trousers for him. I will try to make one soon.

    1. Thank you!
      Yes many times I am the only person that finds flaws in the garment...

  2. Love it - you did a great job on matching the stripes with the pockets! I sewed the Negroni once and I felt pretty accomplished afterwards too; I think it's my best project to date. And my husband wants me to make more shirts for him, and I think that's the biggest compliment of all :)

  3. Me encanta, Maider! Le queda de pegada, y seguro que le has hecho muy feliz con tu regalo. Si, alguna vez he cosido un patron para hombre, y el resultado lo pongo yo, je,je. Queria hacerle a mi marido unos pantalones cortos, pero estas vacaciones no están siendo muy productivas y mi hermanin me tiene distraida acortando pantalones.
    Un beso guapa!

    1. Muchas gracias Merche!
      A ver si tienes tiempo de coser los pantalones. La verdad es que coser para alguien chico o chica siempre da más estres, porque quieres que quede perfecto.

  4. Maider, estás hecha una maestra! Los detalles te han quedado perfectos. ¡Buen trabajo!

    1. Muchas gracias Mari Cruz! No te creas no esta tan perfecto, ja, ja,ja ! Pero ha quedado bastante bien y el siguiente quedará mejor!

  5. Niri alkondara bai gustetan jat, baina mutila gehiago, kar, kar, kar...
    Besarkada bat bioi.

  6. Fantastic job on the Negroni! I love the idea of using snaps instead of buttons.

    1. Thank you Melizza!!! Yes, it was the best, and I love much the result in this way.

  7. Me encanta! Le queda perfecta. Y esa tela es muy bonita de verdad. Yo no me he atrevido todavía con camisas de hombre. Cosí unos pantalones de lino el año pasado pero quedan por estrenar.

    1. Coser algo para otra persona siempre es difícil, pero además no hay mucho patrones para hombre así coser para ellos es todavía más complicado.

  8. This looks wonderful! The shirt looks very comfortable and summery. I especially like the snaps instead of buttons. Oh, and there is an English way to say your Tan Ta Ta Chan phrase, we say "Ta Daaaaa" :-)

  9. Hey Maider! The shirt is really cool. I am working on a shirt for my husband since ever... Last month I thought, it would be finished, but when he put it on I saw a lot of really necessary alternations, so it is the next chapter of the long-time-ufo... Have a good summer!

    1. Ha,ha, ha... Yes, I´ve a couple of this long-time-no blogged ufo!
