Kaixo! Astea aurrerantza doa eta dagoeneko nire OWOP maitearen bostgarren bertsioa aurkeztuko dizuet. Puuuuuffff! Egia esan momenturen baten amaituko ez nuelakoan egon naiz, piezak prestatu, argazkiak atera, sarrera idatzi... ene! Baina beste bi egun baino ez dira falta, eta azkenengo pieza josteko oso gutxi falta zait!
Hi everyone! The week is going on and my fifth OWOP is coming out! I had some low battery moments in this week, I thought that I couldn´t finish all the versions, take pictures, write posts...But I did it! I only have to sew my last Minna blouse.
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Guarkoan ere Minna Blouse guztiz aldatu dut. Mangak kendu egin dizkiot eta sorbalda luzatu dut. Zamaldea zabaldu egin diot eta bolanteak jarri dizkiot, nik uste pertsonalidade handia ematen diotela eta gainera horrelako alkandorarik ez daukat, hori dela eta nire armairua guztiz berritua geratu da. Bestalde alkandoraren neurriak handitu ditut, puntu jertsea denez (uste dut, baina ez nago batere zihur) neurri handiak ematen dizkiozunean efektua berehalako izaten da, haizearen ikutuaz hegaz egingo balu bezalaxe da, ederra!
Argazkiak bazkalorduan atera ditut, libre neukan momentutxo batean zuritotxoa aurrean neukalarik. Hori eguraldia Euskal Herri tropikala!
This time I changed the initial Minna blouse in many ways. I removed the sleeves and I have elongated shoulders. The neckline is extended and I sewed ruffles, I think that they bring much personality to the garment, also it´s the first blouse with ruffles in my wardrobe. On the other hand I cut and sewed the blouse bigger than my size, the fabric is jersey or something similar and I think that this kind of fabric flies very well with wind touch, wonderful!
I took the pictures in my lunch break, while I was taking a beer. What a great weather!
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
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Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Alkandoraren patroia/ Blouse´s pattern: Minna blouse from Salme with alterations.
Alkandoraren ehuna/ Blouse´s fabric: I think that is a kind of jersey.
Prakak/Trousers: H&M.
Jaka/Jacket: Skunk Funk.
I think I like this one best so far. The knit just look soooooo comfy. :)
ReplyDeleteNice one as well. And wow! You are making another one? Not bad, girl! I am impressed. For me tomorrow starts the topic of different combinations....
ReplyDeleteI like the color a lot and the combination of the mustard pants with it.
ReplyDeleteThanks girls!!!
ReplyDelete@seeks yes, it´s so comfy!
@Frau Tipmatic I have two new versions, but one is in progress.
@Reverse Clothing color contrast is risky but I think it is cool!
I love the casual but elegant look! The ruffles look great!
ReplyDeleteEste me gusta mucho y con los pantalones que llevas queda genial!
ReplyDeleteEstá claro que cuanto mejor quedan los patrones es con la variaciones que se pueden hacer en ellas. Esta y la versión rosa/salmón son mis favoritas.
Me encantan los contrastes de colores por eso me puse esos pantalones. A ver q te parecen la versión de hoy y la de mañana.