"Astelehena, jai ondoren alferra
ezer ez egiteko, ez goaz lanera.
Ez goaz lanera, ez goaz lanera.
Ez goaz lanera, ez goaz lanera.
Asteartea, euria goitik behera,
busti egingo gara eta ez goaz lanera.
Ez goaz lanera, ez goaz lanera.
Ez goaz lanera, ez goaz lanera.
Ezagutzen duzue "Alferraren astea" abestia? Oso ona da! Azkenean egun guztietan lanean fallo egiteko aitzakia aurkitzen du. Askotan gizakiok dramaturgo handiak gara gure alferkeriak istoria bitxiekin apaindu nahian. Egia esan, astelehenak gogorrak izaten dira...asteburu ederra pasa ondoren oraindik eta gogorragoak!
Hemen duzue nire hirugarren proposamena. Gaurkoan argazkiak etxean atera ditut eta iratzarri berri... alferkeria puntutxoa...bai, bai!
In the basque text, I wrote about a basque song called "lazy´s week". In this song, the singer finds all kinds of excuses for not going to work. On Monday, it is the day after the weekend, on Tuesday because it rains ... and so every day. People have a great imagination finding excuses. The truth is that mondays are very hard, and if you had a good weekend, it´ll be harder!
Here you have my third version. I took the pictures at home, when I woke up... lazy monday... yes, it is!
Here you have my third version. I took the pictures at home, when I woke up... lazy monday... yes, it is!
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Proposamen hontarako Salmeren patroia apurtxo bat aldatu dut. Bies zinta kolore baltzekoa jarri diot, koloreetako ehunarekin kontrastea lortzeko eta bestalde, paparraldean kremallera jarri diot, tolesdura jarri beharrean. Zer iruditzen zaizue?
For this version, I made a few changes from the initial Salme pattern. I used black bias binding, and in the front piece I sewed a exposed zipper. Do you like this version?
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Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
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Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Alkandoraren patroia/ Blouse´s pattern: Salme sewing patterns.
Alkandoraren ehuna/ Blouse´s fabric: elastic cotton.
Praka/ Trousers: Pull&Bear.
Pultsera/Wristband: Handmade by Masustak Eguzkitan.
Huhu! Like it! Greeting from my lunch break... just bought burda style 8/2009 on ebay... way too expensive... 12,50 Euro plus shipping! :-( But now I can make my own modern coco...
ReplyDeleteHi!! 12,50euro? WOW, it´s too expensive. I´m looking forward your version!!! After this stressfull week!
DeleteI tell you, that's a week.... :-) but also fun...