Here you have the second!
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Bai, badakit... guztiz aldatu dut patroia! Patroiaren lau piezak bi izatera pasatu dira, erdiko tolesdura hiru tolesdura bihurtu dira eta gainera ez dira simetrikoak, bularrean tolestura egin diot, mangak kendu eta sorbalda luzatu diot eta azkenik erremateak egiterakoan makinarekin josi dut ertza sortzeko.
Yes, I know... I have completely changed the pattern! The four pieces now are two, the front pleat changed to three not simetric pleats, two darts, I removed the sleeves and I had lengthened the shoulder and to finish I stiched all the edge to create a different touch.
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Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
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Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Gaur senideekin bazkaria geneukan Gernikan, hori dela eta, bertan atera ditugu argazkiak. Ingelesezko bertsioan Gernikaren ingurukoak esplikatzen ditut, baina nik uste euskaldunok ondo dakigula non den Gernika eta zer gertatu zen bertan. Ni Durangokoa naiz eta bertan egingo diren ekintza eta omenaldiak ezagutzen ditut. Durango ere bonbardeatu baizuten, berau izan zen gizarte zibilak jasan zuen lehen bonbardeaketa. Aste hontan, martxoak 31n, bonbardeaketaren 75.urteurrena denez, ekintzaz beterik daukagu astea.
Gaurko bertsioa gustokoa izatea espero dut!
We had a family lunch in Gernika, so we took pictures there. Do you know Gernika? Maybe you heard about Picasso´s Gernika, don´t you? Gernika is a Basque town, bombed by aircraft in the Spanish Civil War, Picasso immortalized this fact, in a painting. I am from Durango and there, it was the first bombing against civil people in this war. This week, on the 31th of March will be 75 years since the bombing, and many activities are scheduled to remember it.
I hope you like this new version! And I hope you know more about my town and its history.
Alkandoraren patroia/ Blouse´s pattern: Minna Blouse from Salme Sewing Patterns.
Prakak/ Trousers: Promod.
Zapatak/Shoes: Neosens.
Jaka/Jacket: Zara.
Paparrekoa/ Clip: Eskulan.
Paparrekoa/ Clip: Eskulan.
Boltsoa/Bag: H&M.
The color looks gorgeous on you!
ReplyDeleteGood morning... I looked at Google Maps an saw, Durango must be near San Miguel...? Isn't that the city the beer comes from, which they sell at the Primavera-Sound-Festivals??? Okay I have to confess it is quite a shallow question, but hey,in distress that drink can save your life after a hot festival-day....:-)
ReplyDeleteAnd probably there a great shops in Bilbao? And... the sea is not far... Oh, how lucky are you to live in this sunny spot near the sea! My Spain-tourist guide has declared North-Spain to be a littel dorado...
Ha, ha, ha... When I´m reading your comment, I can´t understand you. But then I found Durango in google maps, and I do it! San Miguel is a part of Zornotza, a town near Durango. San Miguel hasn´t his beer company in Bizkaia! Ha, ha, ha... Yes I live near Bilbao and the sea. But here, it rains a lot of days (you can see how green is the grass in the pictures). This week, we´re going to have only sunny days!!!!
DeleteMaider, tu versión particular es la que más me gusta pero de muy lejos. El color, las mangas y los pliegues (lo que más). ¡Ah! el acabado es de nota alta, alta.
ReplyDeleteMenuda crítica!!! Gracias Mariló! Seguimos mejorando. Ya me dirás al final de la semana cuál te parece la mejor versión.
DeleteLovely, and such a great spring color! :)