Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Atzo postariak papeltxo bat utzi zidan. Nire izenean eta Estatu Batuetatik etorritako kaxatxo bat zeukatela eta bertara joateko. Nire Moon Munkiea pentsatu nuen, eta halaxe zen!!!!!!!! Eskerrikasko Seeks!!!! Hori emozioa, kaxa esku artean neukanean.... eta zabaldu nuenean....hori festaaaaaa! Benetan, era birtual honetan, munduko beste aldetik norbaitek maitasun osoz bidalitako zerbait zabaltzen duzunean sentitutakoa, ezin da deskribatu!!!!!
Yesterday, the postman left me a piece of paper, I had received a box from the United States, I had to go for it. My Moon Munkie package! I thought, and it was!! Seeks, thank you! I felt emotion, when I had the box in my hands.... and when I opened it ...it was great! In this virtual world, when a person from other continent, sends you something with all her love, I can´t describe how I feel!!
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Intentzio osoarekin bidalitako, gauza dibertigarri eta sormen handikoak, aurkitu nituen bertan. Gauza bakoitza astiro astiro atera eta aztertzen nuen, ikutu, zabaldu, usaindu... paperezko bihotzak, bies zinta, brodatutako tela zoragarriak, refashiona egiteko gona (denbora bat daramat refashionak egin gabe, ta grazia handia egin zidan gona hau aurkitzeak) eta beste hainbat gauza. Hori bai gehien harritu eta aluzinatu ninduena vintage patroia izan zen, nire lehenengo patroi antiguala!!!!!!! Patroi piezen kolore horixka, paper zaharraren usaina eta marrazkiak...zelako pasada! Flipatu egin nuen, benetan.
I found in the box, fun and creative things. Every thing I was finding, I went slowly and I explored it, touched it, opened it, smelt it ... paper hearts, bies tape, beautiful embroidered fabric, a skirt (It have passed a few weeks from my last refashion, so when I found this skirt, it was a surprise and a challenge) and many other things. I also found an old pattern from Simplicity to sew Pajamas. It´s my first vintage pattern!!! I am so excited about it!!! The pattern´s papers have a yellow and old colour, a special smell and nice drawings. I flipped out, really.
I found in the box, fun and creative things. Every thing I was finding, I went slowly and I explored it, touched it, opened it, smelt it ... paper hearts, bies tape, beautiful embroidered fabric, a skirt (It have passed a few weeks from my last refashion, so when I found this skirt, it was a surprise and a challenge) and many other things. I also found an old pattern from Simplicity to sew Pajamas. It´s my first vintage pattern!!! I am so excited about it!!! The pattern´s papers have a yellow and old colour, a special smell and nice drawings. I flipped out, really.
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Guzti honekin ia zer egingo dudan pentsatzen nabil, lana pilatzen hasi zaidalakoan nago, baina bueno nik uste lortuko dudala! Datorren astea pasa eta gero (One week one pattern egin beharra daukat eta!), kaxan dauden gauza ederrekin hasiko naiz, berriro ere eskerrikasko Seeks!!!!! Zoragarria zara!!!!!
Bestalde, esperientzia hau oso gustoko izan dudanez, nik ere nire Moon Munkie egingo dudalakoan nago, hori bai... momentuz ez dut datarik jarriko, baina zin dagizuet horrela izango dela!!!! Adi egon Moon Munkie Masustanera etorriko baita!!
What am I going to do with all this stuff? I have to think about it. After next week (I´m going to participate in One week one pattern sewing constest), I´ll start using the beautiful things that are in the box, Seeks, thank you again!! You are wonderful!!
On the other hand, I am really happy with this experience, so, I think I'm going to make my own Munkie moon, but ... in this moment I don´t know when, I promise you that this will be near! Pay attention, because Moon Munkie is with Masustak Eguzkitan!!
On the other hand, I am really happy with this experience, so, I think I'm going to make my own Munkie moon, but ... in this moment I don´t know when, I promise you that this will be near! Pay attention, because Moon Munkie is with Masustak Eguzkitan!!
Hola Maider! Yo acabo de recibir el mío, pero todavía tengo que hacer la entrada. Estoy alucinada con las cosas que me ha mandado. Este juego es genial!
ReplyDeleteHola Mariló! Ya te digo, yo también he flipado con la caja... menudas cosas!!! Hasta que pasé el OWOP creo que no voy a hacer nada, luego hasta igual me atrevo a hacer mi Moon Munkie! je, je, je...
DeleteThank for the comment on my post. I think you hit it right on. That describes exactly how I'm feeling about everything. I think you are right maybe a break would be the best thing right now. Maybe just a short one.
ReplyDeleteYes, that is. I think that a break, will give you the fresh air that you need. I hope, you´ll feel full of energy in your came back!
DeleteConozco esa emoción de comprar online y que te llegue a casa! Es como los reyes magos, nunca sabes qué te van a traer! Seguro que harás cosas geniales con todo esto, es una maravilla lo que se puede comprar en Estados Unidos para hacer manualidades y coser... Ah! Y muchas gracias por tu coment, besitos!!
ReplyDeleteZer da erosten duzun hori?
ReplyDeleteIepa Marisa!
DeleteEz dut ezer erosi. Esperimentu modoko bat da. Zozketa bat egiten duzu baina inork ez daki zer zozketatzen den (josteko eta eskulanak egiteko gauzak izaten dira gehienbat). Nik nirea zozketa batean irabazi nuen eta hainbeste gustatu zitzaidan esperientzia, nire zozketa egitea pentsatu nuela.
Hemen dago Moon Munkiearen esteka: