Eta MMM´13a amaitu da!!! Ez pentsa, amaitu izanak lasaitua eman dit, erronka nahiko erraz amaitu arren, nik jositako erropa gutxi ditut oraindik eta denak ondo antolatua izan dut astero lau me-made jantzi ahal izateko (hilabete osoan jantzi ditudanak ikusteko hemen klikatu).
Pasada bat izan da hilabete osoan zehar Flickrreko taldean zegoen eguneraketak ikustea! Jostun itzelak daude munduan zehar, eta blogosfera pasada bat da!
Aurtengo joan etorriaren konklusioa azaldu baino lehen aste honetan zehar jantzi dudana erakutsiko dizuet.
MMM´13 is over!!! The truth is that now I´m more relieved :-) I could finish well and easy the challenge, but I need more clothes sewn by me and I had to arrange my wardrobe to wear in a comfy way, four me-made garment each week (to see all the garments I was wearing, click here).
It was very exciting to see all the outfits in the Flickr group! There are very talented seamstresses over the world, it´s awesome!
Before explaining my conclusion about my challenge, I want to share with you last week´s outfits.
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2013/05/27 (Picture property of Masustak Eguzkitan). |
Dress pattern: Laurel, blogged here.
Me-made circle scarf.
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2013/05/28 (Picture property of Masustak Eguzkitan). |
Bag pattern: Katie Boston Bag, blogged here.
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2013/05/29 (Picture property of Masustak Eguzkitan). |
Hooded Cape pattern: Burda Hooded cape 03/2013 # 119, blogged here.
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2013/05/31 (Picture property of Masustak Eguzkitan). |
Tee pattern: Roomy Dolman T -free pdf pattern by Love Sewing.
Bag pattern: Katie Boston Bag, blogged here.
Me-made necklace.
Pasadan urteko modelitoak begiratzen baditut (hemen), konklusio azkar bat atera dezaket, aurtengo maiatza askoz hotzagoa eta euritsuagoa izan da eta horrek zati batean erronka erraztu dit, neguan josi ditudan erroparen batzuk jantzi ahal izan ditudalako, berokiak adibidez.
Datorren urtera begira, josteko hartu dudan afizio eta abiadurarekin, egunero nik egindako zerbait jantziko dudala uste dut, ia posible den. Gona eta prakak josi behar ditudala uste dut ez baidut ia batere josi eta jertse eta udaberriko jakaren bat buruan bueltaka daukat. Bestalde, kirola egiteko erropak jostea gustatuko litzaidake, asteburu askotan mendi bueltak egiten ditudalako eta normalean ez ditut horrelako erroparik josten, hori dela eta datorren urtera begira egunero nik jositako zerbait jantzi behar badut, kirola egiteko erropa erosoak jostea ezinbestekoa da.
Amaitzeko, eskerrikasko handi bat eman nahi diot Zoeri beste urte batez erronka hau bultzatzeagatik, ESKERRIKASKO ZOE!!!! Datorren urtean ere bertan izango naiz, seguru!
Musu handi bat mundu osoan zehar dauden jostun guztiei!
If I check last year´s challenge (here), I will make a quick conclusion, this year´s May was more cold and rainy than last year, and this gave me the possibility to wear winter clothes like coats, so the challenge was easier, I had more me-made garments to choose.
For the next year, thinking about my obsession and speed for sewing, I think that it will be posible to wear one me-made garment each day. But first, I have to sew more skirts and trousers and stuff like sweaters and jackets. Moreover, almost every weekend I go trekking or walking to the mountain, so for the feasible challenge, I have to sew sportswear. I have a year to sew sportswear like hoodies, tees, leggings or something comfy to walk around.
To finish, I want to thank Zoe, for hosting this incredible challenge full of creativity and awesome seamstresses! THANK YOU ZOE!!!! Next year I will be participating again!
To finish, I want to thank Zoe, for hosting this incredible challenge full of creativity and awesome seamstresses! THANK YOU ZOE!!!! Next year I will be participating again!
que bien, a coser como loca!!!!
ReplyDeleteDecirte que me ha encantado tu participación en el reto y que me gusta mucho el vestido de flores que llevas al comienzo de la entrada. Respecto a las reflexiones, están muy bien, ya que a veces cosemos como locas cosas por que nos gustan sin pararnos a pensar bien en su utilidad para la vida que llevamos.
ReplyDeleteEn cualquier caso lo importante es no dejar nunca de crear. Bss
Veo que acabas de terminar el reto y ya te has puesto deberes;D. Me han gustado mucho todos los outfits, corte de pelo incluido.
Felicidades con tu MMM'13. Has hecho estupendo! Espero que el año que viene Mayo nos da mejor tiempo y puedo conseguir mi objetivo tambien XO
ReplyDeleteQue difícil lo has tenido con los fríos y las lluvias, pero está superado con nota alta. Aunque lo llevas medio tapado y no se ve bien, me encanta el primer vestido.
ReplyDeleteLo siento pero no puedo elegir, esta vez no tengo preferido porque me gusta todo, y menos mal que no ha acompañado el tiempo por que si no... enhorabuena!!!
ReplyDeleteSe acabó el mes!!, Maider lo has conseguido!!. lo has hecho fenomenal!!.
Oh my goodness you have SUCH AWESOME me-made garments and accessories! You never know which item your wearing is the one you've made, the quality is so amazing. LOVE your version of the Katie Boston bag. I used that pattern too, I love how it's such a great canvas for awesome print, as your version proves so well. I'm soooo glad you'll be taking part again next year, can't wait to see your sportswear items! Happy sewing xxx
ReplyDeleteThannks for writing this