
My very first embroidery work! Nire lehenengo brodatze lana!

Embroidery wrong side and the Magic needle (picture from Masustak Eguzkitan).

Domeka goiza Ah!Moda dendan igaro nuen Laura Ameba irakasle bikainarekin eta bertaratu ziren eskulan zale guztiekin (Laurak argazkia jarri zuen Instagramen). Laura oso alaia eta dibertigarria da, orduak abiada batean igaro zitzaizkidan eta pena eta guzti eman zidan brodatzeari uzteak. Eskerrikasko Laura eta Vanesa, domeka ederra izan nuen!

I enjoyed my sunday morning in Ah!Moda with the nice teacher Laura Ameba and the people that came to the embroidery workshop (Laura´s picture in Instagram). Laura is so funny than the hours spent fast, and it was a pity to leave the embroidery course. Thanks Laura and Vanesa, my sunday morning was amazing!

Erakutsi zigun brodatze teknika, "Brodatze Errusiera" deitzen da eta orratz oso berezi batekin egiten da, "Orratz magikoarekin". Orratza eskuz egina dago eta ezin daiteke erraz aurkitu. Laurak teknika hau nola ezagutu zuen kontatu zigun eta istorio oso polita izan zen, baina nik ez dizuet kontatuko, nahiago dut Laurak kontatzen badizue ;-)

 The embroidery technic that she taught us, was the "Russian Embroidery" and you need a special needle, "The Magic needle". This needle is a handmade treasury and its seek is diffcult. Laura told us how she found about this kind of embroidery, such a cute story! But I don´t want to tell you about, I would prefer that Laura would tell you some day ;-)

The visible part of the embroidery and the Magic Needle pricking on the fabric (picture from Masustak Eguzkitan).

Brodatzeko pazientzia handia izan behar da eta orain arte egin ditudan eskulanetan, pazientzia nahiko alboratua neukan, emaitzak ikustea gustoko dudalako, hilabetea lan berdinarekin egoteak aspertu egiten nau. Horregaitik Brodatze errusiera asko gustatu zait, emaitza oso azkar ikusten delako "eskua bakarrik doa" esaten zion Errusiako Amamak Laurari eta egia da, oso azkar zoaz eta zoragarri geratzen da!

To embroider you need patience and when I am doing handcraft I have not patience, I want to see the result right now. For example spending a month making the same craft work is wasting time for me. So I love this kind of embroidery, because you can check the result fast, "the hand goes alone" told the Russian Grandmother to Laura and this is true, you will go so fast with this technic!

Embroidery wrong side and the Magic needle (picture from Masustak Eguzkitan).

Hemen duzue nire brodatze lana, Simplicity baten portada hartu nuen eta ehunera pasatu dut. Zer iruditzen zaizue? Aste ona izan!!! Muuuua!!!!!

Finally, my embroidery work. I chose a Simplicity pattern for transfering to the fabric. Do you like it? Have a nice week!!! Kisses!!!!

My very first embroidery work!!! (Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan).

Detail (Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan).

I love it!!! (Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan).


  1. Que pasada Maider!! Quiero una, a la próxima que vaya a la mercería me la compro, aunque dudo que sepan lo que es. Muy bonito motivo,

    Un abrazo.
    María José

    1. Muchas gracias María José!!!
      No creo que encuentres a esta aguja en concreto, según nos dijo la profesora, esta hecha a mano por el sobrino de la Abuela rusa.
      Pero algo parecido puede que tengan en la mercería, ya me contarás.

    2. Ni esta del sobrino, ni parecida, ni nada que se asemeje. No sabían ni de que les estaba hablando. Será cuestión de seguir buscando.

  2. ¡Que maravillaaaaaaa! Muy impresionante este type de bordado ¿Vas a bordar la ropa tambien?

    1. Muchas gracias!!! Tal vez...pero solo tal vez...ja, ja, ja!

  3. That is really cool embroidery; I've never seen that kind of tool before!

    1. Yes, it´s an incredible tool. Our teacher told us that the nephew of the Russian grandmother, crafted them.
      But I think you can find something similar with an industrial look.

  4. Your embroidery is exquisite :)

  5. What a gorgeous piece of embroidery you've made! It will look great hung up.

  6. Oh God! it looks adorable!! (and like a nut's job :P )

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thank you very much ladies!! Maybe, in the future I will make an embroidery piece in some garment...maybe...

  9. Oh wow, very pretty and what an interesting technique!
    I love that you did a pattern illustration! :)

  10. you definitely should!! it'll be unique and I'm sure will be awesome! :)
