Kaixo eta astelehen on! Zer moduz asteburua? Nirea ondo joan da eta gainera josteko denbora izan dut, hori dela eta hemen duzue Unique Jacketarekin izan dudan aurrerapausua.
Hi there! How about your weekend? My weekend was nice and I had time to sew, so I have news about my Unique Jacket.
Baina lehenengo ta behin Anari eskerrak eman nahi dizkiot bere sariarengatik, eskerrikasko Ana! Saria blogean komentarioa uzten dizuten azkenengo 9 bloggerrei ematen denez, hor doa nire saria:
First of all, I want to thank Ana for his award, thank you very much! The rule is to pass along the award, to the last nine bloggers who left a comment in my blog:
Egia esan sari hau gustoko dut, zure bloga bizirik izaten laguntzen duten pertsonei egokitzen zaie, zuen komentario gabe blog hau ez zelako ezer izango! Muaaaa!
The truth is that I love this award, because you reward people who makes feel alive to your blog, is indispensable. Without their comments, the blog would not exist, so thank you very much! A big kiss for all of you!
Cut the pattern! (Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan). |
Unique Jacketera bueltatuz, ze eratako ehuna erabili, patroia aldatu ala ez aldatu... zalantzak izan ditut. Nire Izekorekin hitzegin ostean eta jostun hasiberrien intuizioa erabaliz :-S kar, kar, kar... Patroiaren piezak ebaki eta proba bat josi dut. Muslina egiteko ehuna ez neukanez Ikeako bat erabili dut. Hasieran ideia ona iruditu zitzaidan, baina gero ez dela batere ideia ona izan konturatu naiz.
Retalking about the jacket, what kind of fabric to use, change or not change the pattern... I had doubt before starting. After talking to my Aunt and after following my novice seamstress intuition :-S ha, ha, ha... I cut all the pieces and I sewed a muslin. I had not any fabric for the muslin, so I chose a Ikea´s fabric. First, I thought that it was a great idea, but then I realized that it was the wrong choice.
Retalking about the jacket, what kind of fabric to use, change or not change the pattern... I had doubt before starting. After talking to my Aunt and after following my novice seamstress intuition :-S ha, ha, ha... I cut all the pieces and I sewed a muslin. I had not any fabric for the muslin, so I chose a Ikea´s fabric. First, I thought that it was a great idea, but then I realized that it was the wrong choice.
Oh man! Bad choice! (Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan). |
Hawaiana itxura izatetik aparte, print handi horiek nire gorputza oraindik eta borobilagoa irudikatzen dute eta ehuna hain zurruna denez, ez du batere erori ona. Baina beno patroia nola josi behar den ikasteko balio izan dit eta hori oso garrantzitsua da.
This jacket is too Hawaiian. The big prints have made, that my body would seem more round than it is and the fabric is so stiff, it isn´t flattering. But after sewing the muslin, I understood better the pattern and this is the most important thing.
This jacket is too Hawaiian. The big prints have made, that my body would seem more round than it is and the fabric is so stiff, it isn´t flattering. But after sewing the muslin, I understood better the pattern and this is the most important thing.
Ha, ha, ha! (Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan). |
I love the back (Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan). |
Probari argazkiak atera nizkionean ez neukan erropa askorik jantzia eta erabiliko dudan ehunaren lodiera Ikeako baino handiagoa denez, patroia apurtxo bat aldatzea pentsatu dut. Ai ene erabiliko dudan ehuna erakustea ahaztu zait! Hemen duzue argazkia.
When I was taking pics, I only wore a tank top, and the fabric I chose to the Unique Jacket is thicker than the Ikea´s fabric, so I´m going to change a little the pattern. Oh my god! I forgot to show you my fabric! You can check it in the picture below.
When I was taking pics, I only wore a tank top, and the fabric I chose to the Unique Jacket is thicker than the Ikea´s fabric, so I´m going to change a little the pattern. Oh my god! I forgot to show you my fabric! You can check it in the picture below.
Chevron wool (Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan). |
Gustoko duzue? Ingelesez Chevron esaten zaio marrazki honi, nik galburu itxura hartzen diodanez horrela deituko diot, "galburudun artile zuri beltza". Berokia egiteko ehun egokia deritzot eta negurako oso epela da, gainera erropa askorekin konbinatuko dudalakoan nago, kolorea eramangarria da eta. Artilea josten dudan lehenengo aldia denez, kezka eta irrikia sentitzen ditut aldi berean! Badakizue... hasiberrien ezjakintasuna! Kar, kar, kar!
Do you like it? It´s a chevron wool. I think that it is a perfect choice to sew a jacket, and I can combine this fabric with many clothes I have in my wardrobe, the colour is easy to wear. It will be the first time I will sew wool, I feel fear and excitement at the same time! You know...the folly of the novice seamstress! Ha, ha, ha!
Do you like it? It´s a chevron wool. I think that it is a perfect choice to sew a jacket, and I can combine this fabric with many clothes I have in my wardrobe, the colour is easy to wear. It will be the first time I will sew wool, I feel fear and excitement at the same time! You know...the folly of the novice seamstress! Ha, ha, ha!
Aurretik komentatu dudan bezalaxe, jakaren tamaina aldatzea egokiena izango zelakoan nengoen proba josi ostean, hori dela eta Paco Peraltaren tutoriala jarraituz, atzeko piezari tamaina aldatu nion, oso era errazean esplikatua dago eta pare bat minututan atzekaldeko piezaren patroia aldatua izan dut.
Like I explained you then, the best option will be to alter the back piece width. I followed the Paco Peralta´s tutorial to make the alteration, it´s very well explicated and in a couple of minutes I had my pattern piece changed.
You have to add a dart to increase the size (Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan). |
Beno ba Unique Jacketa martxan dago, orain nire galburudun artile zuri beltza ebaki behar dut. Hurrengo egunetan berri gehiago, ondo izan!
So my Unique jacket is in progress, now I´m going to cut my black and white chevron wool. The following days I give you more information about the jacket, have a nice week!
So my Unique jacket is in progress, now I´m going to cut my black and white chevron wool. The following days I give you more information about the jacket, have a nice week!
Muslin´s detail (Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan). |
Even if you don't like the fabric, it looks very well made!
ReplyDeleteIt looks like it's a cute silhouette; it'll be a nice jacket once the fitting has been worked through. And then you can recycle the muslin fabric into something else. :)
ReplyDeleteEres la bomba maider!! ja ja .
ReplyDeleteme gusta tu muselina muy original ja ja..
Espero tus progresos...
eres superatrevida, me encantas..
besos y gracias por el premio
Ja, ja, ja... gracias Sonia! Pues si me atrevo con todo. Os iré poniendo más fotitos de lo que vaya haciendo.
preciosa!!! que colores mas bonitos!!!!
ReplyDeleteI actually think your muslin looks really cool! Your chosen fabric is going to be even more gorgeous though :)
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say 'thank you' for the award and let you know that I passed it along. Normally I'm supposed to give it to you (you are one of the nine!) but I figured you wouldn't want to get again right away ;)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing the award Donna! Give the award to another one ;-) in this way, we can share it more and more!
DeleteOh, I wanted to say thank you for the award too :) so kind of you and thank you too for your sweet comments on my own blog. I will pass it on, on my own blog next
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing Carolyn! And for your kind words :)
DeleteQue bonita la chaqueta, la verdad que con la tela de espiga te va a quedar preciosa. Lo de las muselinas es una buenísima idea porque al hacer la prenda definitiva vas sobre seguro. Estoy deseando ver la chaqueta montada.
María José
Yo también tuve que quitar un montón de tela por la parte delantera. Me gustaba más ajustada. Seguro te va a quedar genial!
ReplyDeleteMaider, con un poco de retraso, pero hoy me he pasado por tu blog, y veo que haces unas prendas chulísimas y muy originales, tienes un estilo muy personal que plasmas en cada una de las prendas que confecciones. Me hago seguidora sin pensármelo! ah! y ánimo por esos dos proyectos costuriles que tienes.
Muchas gracias Noa! A ver si termino la unique jacket y luego me pongo con los vestidos del sew-along, menudo otoño nos espera ;-)