Udazkena heltzear dago eta josteko gauza berri pila bat aurkitu daitezke blogosferan. Orain dela aste batzuk nire joste mahaian zegoena aipatu nizuen, alde batetik Unique Jacketa eta bestalde Cose Conmigoko partehartzea. Cose Conmigoa amaitu nuen eta jantzi ederra geratu zitzaidan, gaur arte egin dudan joste lanik onena, Soniaren argibide onak laguntza izugarria izan ziren partehartzaile guztientzat.
Nire joste zerrendan beste gauzatxo bat falta zen, ezkontza baterako jantzia. Burdako patroi nahiko errez bat aukeratu dut eta ehun espeziala erabiliko dut berau josteko. Ehuna akuarela itxurazko lorez beteriko zeta da, patroia eta ehuna ez dizkizuet erakutsiko sorpresa izango dira hurrengo hilabeterarte.
Beno ba sorpresak eta joste planak alde batera utzita, azkenengo asteetan inspiratu nauten sarrera eta patroiak erakutsiko dizkizuet. Blogosferan nabigatzen ibiltzen zaretenok jakingo duzuen bezalaxe, blogger bikainak eta patroi etxe independiente ugari daude munduan zehar, guztiei errepaso bat egingo diegu eta ia zuei zer iruditzen zaizuen komentatuko didazue, ados?
Autumn is coming and you can find many new things to sew in the blogosphere. A couple of weeks ago, I showed you what´s on my sewing table, on the one hand the Unique jacket and on the other hand the "cose conmigo" dress. I sewed the brown polka dot dress in this sew-along with the gorgeous Sonia, and it turned out one of the most incredible garments I have ever sewed.
In my sewing list there was a missing garment... a dress to assist to a wedding. I bought an incredible silk, with red and brown water colour flowers and I chose an easy Burda pattern. But this project is going to be a secret until the wedding, ha, ha, ha!
Leaving the secret and my sewing list in the corner, I have to tell you about projects and indie patterns that inspired me in the last weeks. If you are surfing on the net, you will meet amazing bloggers and patterns making, so today I want to show you my list of cute things, ok?
Lehenengo Colette Patternsek aurkeztu dituen azkenengo bi patroiak dauzkagu. Udazkenerako egin dizkigun proposamenen artean, prakak eta jaka laburra ditugu. Coletterieko elegantzia finak kautibatuta naukala esan behar dizuet, beraien kutsu vintage horrek zoratu egiten nau! Egia esan oraindik patroietxe honetako sorkuntza gutxi egin ditut (hemen, hemen eta hemen) baina inspirazio iturri galanta da!
Hemen dituzue Juniper izeneko prakak...
First of all, the last two garments created by Colette Patterns. Among its proposal, there are a pair of pants and a short jacket. The fine elegance of their patterns, has captivated me, their vintage touch amazes me! The truth is that I have not sewed many of their creations (here, here and here), but the Coletterie is an endless source of inspiration!
Those are the Juniper pants...
Orain pitillo itxurako prakak modan daude eta niri piloa gustatzen zaizkit, hala ere Coletten hanka zabaleko praka hauek gustatu zaizkit.
Bestalde Anise jaka aurkeztu dute...
Now the skinny pants are the most repeated pants and I love them, but those wide trousers are so cute.
This is the Anise jacket....
Pasada bat da! Eta estilismoa??? Buuuuufffff ze polita! Estilismo osoa niretzako erosiko nuke oraintxe bertan! Ehuna, patroiak...dena gustoko dut! Koloreen kontrastea asko gustatu zait eta gainazal estu eta zabalen arteko jokoa bikaina da. Aurtengo jaka josketa bete betea egotea pena bat da, Unique Jacketa ondo jostearekin nahikoa dut eta gero ba...beharbada.
Amazing! And the stylish??? The cutest thing ever! I want to buy all the garments and fabrics right now! I love all the outfit! The colour contrast and different shapes together, like skinny pants and flattering jacket is gorgeous. But unfortunatelly I have my me-made jacket list full with the Unique jacket, if I will finish it easy and fast....maybe...
Blogosferan beste altxor txiki bat aurkitu dut, Megan Nielsenek egin duen azkenengo tutorial dotorea. Bere Darlin Range Dress patroia aldatu eta guztiz diferentea den jantzia lortzeko tutoriala. Ingelesez Fish Tail deitzen zaio horrelako akabera duten jantziei eta izugarri gustatzen zait efektua. Zer iruditzen zaizue?
In the blogosphere I found a small treasure, the last tutorial written by Megan Nielsen. She reconverted her Darlin Range Dress and it turned out a very especial and different garment. She transformed the pattern to create a Fish tail hem dress. I love this effect, I think this might look good on many body shapes. Do you like it?
Victory Patternsek abuztuan modelo berriak atera zituen, nik bere kolekzio osotik gustokoen ditudan bi patroiak aukeratu ditut, Chloe jantzia (beste denboraldi batean diseinatu zutena) eta Roxanne patroia era askotara josi daitekeena eta udako denboraldian aurkeztu zutena. Chloe jantzia ajustatuta geratzen den patroia da, ehun epeletan josi daitekeena udazkenerako oso aproposa. Roxanne berriz patroi harrigarria da, laburra eta luzea josi daiteke eta fish tail itxurako akabera dauka, gainera zama aldea era desberdinetara josi daiteke, gainazal fin eta elegantea daukan patroia da.
Victory Patterns launched new patterns on August, but I chose my two cutest pattern from the complete collection, the Chloe dress (it is from other collection) and Roxanne a pattern that you can sew in many differents ways. Chloe is a fitted dress, this silhoutte is so flattering and you can sew in warm fabric, it is a great option for this autumm. Roxanne is an incredibly well done pattern, you can create your short or long Roxanne, and it has the fish tail hem that I love. This easy breezy blouse has differents collars, and one of the cutest thing is the shape and its elegance.
Azkenik orain dela gutxi ezagutu nuen patroi etxe frantseza dago Deer&Doe. Bere kolekziotik pieza hau nabarmendu nahi dut, gehien bat atzealdea izugarri gustatu zaidalako. Belladone jantzia oso ederra iruditu zait, beharbada freskoegia udazkenerako baina horrelako jantzi bat beharrezkoa izan beharko litzateke edozein armairutan, sexya eta elegantea! Beltz kolorean izugarria izango zen!
In last place but not the worst, a french pattern maker that I found recently, Deer&Doe. I chose a cute dress from their collection, because I love the back their drafted. This dress called Belladone is super gorgeous, maybe it is too fresh for this autumn but this kind of dress sexy and elegant, it is a must have on all cabinets! It would be a very especial little black dress!
Beno ba, zuek zer nabarmenduko zenuten patroi etxe independienteen artean?
What do you love around the blogosphere and Indie patterns?
Beno ba sorpresak eta joste planak alde batera utzita, azkenengo asteetan inspiratu nauten sarrera eta patroiak erakutsiko dizkizuet. Blogosferan nabigatzen ibiltzen zaretenok jakingo duzuen bezalaxe, blogger bikainak eta patroi etxe independiente ugari daude munduan zehar, guztiei errepaso bat egingo diegu eta ia zuei zer iruditzen zaizuen komentatuko didazue, ados?
Autumn is coming and you can find many new things to sew in the blogosphere. A couple of weeks ago, I showed you what´s on my sewing table, on the one hand the Unique jacket and on the other hand the "cose conmigo" dress. I sewed the brown polka dot dress in this sew-along with the gorgeous Sonia, and it turned out one of the most incredible garments I have ever sewed.
In my sewing list there was a missing garment... a dress to assist to a wedding. I bought an incredible silk, with red and brown water colour flowers and I chose an easy Burda pattern. But this project is going to be a secret until the wedding, ha, ha, ha!
Leaving the secret and my sewing list in the corner, I have to tell you about projects and indie patterns that inspired me in the last weeks. If you are surfing on the net, you will meet amazing bloggers and patterns making, so today I want to show you my list of cute things, ok?
Lehenengo Colette Patternsek aurkeztu dituen azkenengo bi patroiak dauzkagu. Udazkenerako egin dizkigun proposamenen artean, prakak eta jaka laburra ditugu. Coletterieko elegantzia finak kautibatuta naukala esan behar dizuet, beraien kutsu vintage horrek zoratu egiten nau! Egia esan oraindik patroietxe honetako sorkuntza gutxi egin ditut (hemen, hemen eta hemen) baina inspirazio iturri galanta da!
Hemen dituzue Juniper izeneko prakak...
First of all, the last two garments created by Colette Patterns. Among its proposal, there are a pair of pants and a short jacket. The fine elegance of their patterns, has captivated me, their vintage touch amazes me! The truth is that I have not sewed many of their creations (here, here and here), but the Coletterie is an endless source of inspiration!
Those are the Juniper pants...
Picture from Colette Patterns. |
Orain pitillo itxurako prakak modan daude eta niri piloa gustatzen zaizkit, hala ere Coletten hanka zabaleko praka hauek gustatu zaizkit.
Bestalde Anise jaka aurkeztu dute...
Now the skinny pants are the most repeated pants and I love them, but those wide trousers are so cute.
This is the Anise jacket....
Picture from Colette Patterns. |
Pasada bat da! Eta estilismoa??? Buuuuufffff ze polita! Estilismo osoa niretzako erosiko nuke oraintxe bertan! Ehuna, patroiak...dena gustoko dut! Koloreen kontrastea asko gustatu zait eta gainazal estu eta zabalen arteko jokoa bikaina da. Aurtengo jaka josketa bete betea egotea pena bat da, Unique Jacketa ondo jostearekin nahikoa dut eta gero ba...beharbada.
Amazing! And the stylish??? The cutest thing ever! I want to buy all the garments and fabrics right now! I love all the outfit! The colour contrast and different shapes together, like skinny pants and flattering jacket is gorgeous. But unfortunatelly I have my me-made jacket list full with the Unique jacket, if I will finish it easy and fast....maybe...
Blogosferan beste altxor txiki bat aurkitu dut, Megan Nielsenek egin duen azkenengo tutorial dotorea. Bere Darlin Range Dress patroia aldatu eta guztiz diferentea den jantzia lortzeko tutoriala. Ingelesez Fish Tail deitzen zaio horrelako akabera duten jantziei eta izugarri gustatzen zait efektua. Zer iruditzen zaizue?
In the blogosphere I found a small treasure, the last tutorial written by Megan Nielsen. She reconverted her Darlin Range Dress and it turned out a very especial and different garment. She transformed the pattern to create a Fish tail hem dress. I love this effect, I think this might look good on many body shapes. Do you like it?
Picture from Megan Nielsen. |
Victory Patternsek abuztuan modelo berriak atera zituen, nik bere kolekzio osotik gustokoen ditudan bi patroiak aukeratu ditut, Chloe jantzia (beste denboraldi batean diseinatu zutena) eta Roxanne patroia era askotara josi daitekeena eta udako denboraldian aurkeztu zutena. Chloe jantzia ajustatuta geratzen den patroia da, ehun epeletan josi daitekeena udazkenerako oso aproposa. Roxanne berriz patroi harrigarria da, laburra eta luzea josi daiteke eta fish tail itxurako akabera dauka, gainera zama aldea era desberdinetara josi daiteke, gainazal fin eta elegantea daukan patroia da.
Victory Patterns launched new patterns on August, but I chose my two cutest pattern from the complete collection, the Chloe dress (it is from other collection) and Roxanne a pattern that you can sew in many differents ways. Chloe is a fitted dress, this silhoutte is so flattering and you can sew in warm fabric, it is a great option for this autumm. Roxanne is an incredibly well done pattern, you can create your short or long Roxanne, and it has the fish tail hem that I love. This easy breezy blouse has differents collars, and one of the cutest thing is the shape and its elegance.
Picture from Victory Patterns. |
Azkenik orain dela gutxi ezagutu nuen patroi etxe frantseza dago Deer&Doe. Bere kolekziotik pieza hau nabarmendu nahi dut, gehien bat atzealdea izugarri gustatu zaidalako. Belladone jantzia oso ederra iruditu zait, beharbada freskoegia udazkenerako baina horrelako jantzi bat beharrezkoa izan beharko litzateke edozein armairutan, sexya eta elegantea! Beltz kolorean izugarria izango zen!
In last place but not the worst, a french pattern maker that I found recently, Deer&Doe. I chose a cute dress from their collection, because I love the back their drafted. This dress called Belladone is super gorgeous, maybe it is too fresh for this autumn but this kind of dress sexy and elegant, it is a must have on all cabinets! It would be a very especial little black dress!
Picture from Deer&Doe. |
Beno ba, zuek zer nabarmenduko zenuten patroi etxe independienteen artean?
What do you love around the blogosphere and Indie patterns?
Nena, me gusta todo lo que te quieres hacer...TODO!
ReplyDeleteMuchas gracias guapa! Hacer, no sé si haré alguna, pero voy a tener en cuenta todos las propuestas.
DeleteOoh, thanks for the link to Deer and Doe, they have some lovely designs! I really like the new Juniper pants pattern too. :)
ReplyDeleteYes, it´s a great pattern. I think that I´m going to wait to see an online version, this gives you many information, doesn´t it?
DeleteMaider, me gusta todo, pero estoy enamorada de la chaqueta Anise de Colette!!!. Te la vas a hacer?..
Pues de momento no, porque tengo el patrón de la Unique jacket de Paco Peralta. Si me sale bien y rápido pues ya veremos. Es una pasada el outfit entero, me encanta! La tela, los pantalones, los colores...
Delete¡Deer&Doe! Acabo de escribir sobre el lanzamiento de estos patrones en mi blog :) ¡Y Belladone es mi patron favorito de ellos! De indie me gustan tambien Merchant & Mills. ¡Tengo ganas de ver tus ropas de otono!
ReplyDelete¡Qué coincidencia! Ja, ja, ja... Conozco a Merchant&Mills tienen unos modelos increibles, tengo que apuntarlos para el siguiente post sobre inspiraciones.
Deleteyou have such awesome taste. I love the colette trousers and this Deer and Doe dress.
ReplyDeleteAh, such lovely patterns! I've also admired the new Colette patterns and the Deer&Doe patterns, but I'm resolved not to buy anything new before moving to a new flat in either November or December...
ReplyDeleteYa yo compré Anise de Colette, no me pude resistir!!! Cada vez hay más variedad de patrones en internet y yo menos tiempo para coser...
ReplyDeleteEspero ver pronto la Unique jacket!