
One week, one pattern!: THE SUMMARY

Asteburu osoan jostun lanak ahaztuko nituela, bloga barne, pentsatu nuen, aste hau zoratzeko izan baita...baina ezin izan dut!! Berriz ere bloggerrera sartu ta jendearen eta ordu aldaketaren ondorioz oraindik ikusi gabeak nituen azken bertsioak ikusi nahi nituen. Horretan nengoela jendeak laburpenak egiten dituela ikusi dut hori dela eta nik ere nire laburpena emango dut argazki guztiak batera jarriz.

Atzoko sarreran eman nituen eman beharreko esker guztiak eta aste honek sortu didan poz eta josten jarraitzeko sentimendua, hori dela eta aurreko sarrera irakurri dezakezue, emozioz beteriko sarreraz enteratzeko! (One week, one pattern! (7)).

Hemen daukazue aste zoragarri hontan aurkeztu ditudan Minna Blousen zazpi bertsioak.

Yesterday, I promised that I would forget all the seamstress works for yesterday to monday.... but I can´t! I want to know about others bloggers´ versions, because of the time change I can´t check it yesterday. And what a surprise, when I see that people are doing a week summary, so I have to do it.

In the yesterday´s post, I gave you all the thank you that I have to give, and I explained all the nice time that I passed doing this project, and the sensation that I had to continue sewing for a long time, it was a emotional post! (One week, one pattern! (7))

Here you have the seven variations of Minna Blouse that I sewed in this marvelous week.
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.



  1. Wow! This is called ambitious sewing :)
    I love all your shirts and blouses and you have quite lovely fabric in your stash!

    1. Thanks!!! :)
      When I started sewing, I couldn´t leave it... I had to continue...ha, ha, ha...

  2. Hello! Gillian here from crafting-a-rainbow.tumblr.com ! Thanks so much your your sweet comments! One of my favourite parts of participating in challenges like OWOP is getting to find new blogs and new inspiration! I'm so impressed with how many versions you've made of this blouse - Do you have any favourites?

    1. Hi Gillian!
      I don´t know... I love many of my versions, but maybe "Spring in Lekeitio" is my favourite. It has a good finished and I added my personal touch.
      Thanks for your comment!!!

  3. Gorgeous! Really lovely makes. And what amazing photos.

    1. Thanks Tilly! Thanks for visiting my blog, I had a great time participating in your challenge.

  4. Hey!! Maider!! You are in Tilly's summary!!! Congrats!!!

  5. Love love love all your versions! Such pretty fabrics. Great job modifying the pattern.

    1. Thanks for your kind words! OWOP was a fantastic experience, I love it!

  6. A tope zabiltza! Ederra lana itxen dezuna...
