Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Coco Chanel ikutua zeukan jantzia egin nuenetik, jantzi bat josi gabe nengoen. Egia esan jantziak jostea asko gustatzen zait, josten dudan laugarrena da eta zuk jositako jantziak oso bereziak geratzen direla esan beharra daukat. Jantziaren argazkiak Bilbon atera genituen eta bertako dendetan kuxkuxeatzen nenbilela era honetako jantziak oso modan daudela zihurtatu daiteke.
Since I sewed the Coco Chanel inspired dress, I haven´t sewed dresses. I really love sewing dresses, this is my fourth dress and I think that every dress you sew is very special to wear. We took the pictures in Bilbao, and I enjoy looking in the shops that these kind of dresses are in fashion.
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Nik egin dudan modeloa Salmerena da (OWOP lehiaketan ere patroi-etxe honen modeloa erabili nuen). Sonja Dress erabili dut eta dohainik jeitsi dezakezun patroia da. Uda zein negurako josi daitekeen modelo erraza da, forrorik ez dauka eta horrek lana asko errezten du. Nik herriko dendan erosi nuen tela merke hau erabili dut (6 euro metroa!!!). Muselinarik ez dut josi (muselina proba moduan egiten duzun aurrejantzia da, prototipo antzekoa), egia esan hurrengorako tamaina txikiagoa aukeratuko dut...alboetatik tela kendu behar izan diot eta. Europa 42 jartzen zuen tamaina erabili dut baina nirea 40 dela konturatu naiz.
This pattern is designed by Salme (in the OWOP challenge I used a pattern from this designer). This is the Sonja Dress, a free pattern that you can download from Burdastyle. It´s a model for all the seasons, it´s so easy to sew and it hasn´t lining, this is a good way to make things easier. I bought the fabric in the local store and it was so cheap (6euros/m)!!! I didn´t sew muslin and I have to tell you that I chose the wrong size. I thought that the european 42 was ok but finally it has to be the 40, so I had to cut more the pieces.
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Kremallera ikusezina darama eta nahiko ondo geratu da. Salmeren patroiak ez zeukan sakelekorik baina nik, sakelekoak nahi nituen eta alde bakoitzeko josketa bat jarri diot. Egia esan sakonera gutxikoak geratu zaizkit eta gerritik beheregi...baina bueno hurrrengorako badakit! Puntu desberdin bat emateko narruzko gerriko beltza jarri diot eta outfita borobiltzeko paparreko beltz eta zuria jarri diot.
Zer iruditzen zaizue?
I sewed an invisible zipper and it looks well. The Salme´s version has not pockets but I sewed pockets in my version. The truth is that I sewed them too small and too far from the waist... for the next time I have to learn with my error! To give a different touch, I´m wearing a black leather belt and a black and white brooch.
What do you think?
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Dress: Sonja Dress by Salme Sewing Patterns.
Brooch: Depeapa.
WOW! This dress looks great on you! I like the styling with black and white accessories - It really suits you. I've seen the free pattern before, but not many versions made up. I think I might have to give it a try! :)
ReplyDeleteThis is a lovely dress. I hardly ever make a muslin either but like you I get caught out sometimes. Great result whatever the problems making it.
ReplyDeleteI think it's beautiful! Great combination of pattern and fabric. I also like where you've taken your photos. I really like that pale turquoise but it doesn't suit me. Lovely to see others rock it though ;)
ReplyDeleteYa sé que me repito un poco, pero es que me encantan las telas, esta también y este vestido es chulísimo, sencillito pero con estilo. Yo no soy mucho de vestidos, pero estoy intentando cambiar el look y éste estaría bien para empezar (aparte del bombshell que es too much). Muy bonito!
ReplyDeleteLa tela le va genial a este vestido y la cremallera te ha quedado muy bien.
ReplyDeleteGracias por dar los links de tus complementos, el broche de hoy es una maravilla.
Easy yet simple, this dress looks very chic on you! I like dresses more than the separates because I don't spend much time on matching the top and the bottom. You slip in it and go!
ReplyDeleteAgree with Mari Cruz, the broche is so cool!
I love it! You chose the perfect spring fabric for it.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your nice comments!! I´m really impressed with all your pretty words... thank you very much!
ReplyDeleteuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh! How lovely is that one! It ist totally adorable!!! Love it!
ReplyDeleteWhat a pretty outfit! It's a wonderful dress, great fit and beautiful fabric! I love your combination with the belt and cute brooch!
ReplyDeleteYou look adorable! I love the black belt with the pale mint color-pretty!
ReplyDeleteLovely!!!! The dress suits you really great! Also lovely outfit! I also love your brooch!
ReplyDeleteai ama... zelako politxa dan!!
oso polita!!!
ReplyDeleteenbiria asko ematen didazunez ostiralean josteko kurtso batetara apuntatu naiz Bilbon! azken boladan gantxiloa eta puntuarekin ibili naiz (txikiari negurako manta bat egin diot) eta ea orain jostunanak egiten ditudan! denbora falta, hori da arazo bakarra!
Wow Maider, what a stunning dress you have made and you look fabulous in it. Bravo !
ReplyDeleteKate x
Oooh! Thank you again! Your encourage me to sew more and more dresses!
ReplyDeleteEskerrikasko bene benetan! Zelako hitz politak esaten dizkidazuen...azkenean txarto ohituko naiz! kar, kar, kar...
ReplyDeleteBilboko denda batek antolatzen ditu kurtsoak noizean behin. Dela hile bete edo jacquard kurtsoan egon nintzen (gantxilo teknika bat). Hona hemen asteburu honetako kurtsoen informazioa. Ni ostiralean noa. Ematen duenez iganderako lekua dago oraindik!
Gorgeous dress. And it's a free pattern? Even better!
ReplyDeleteIzugarri gustatzen zait soinekoa, josteko makina konpontzeko aitzakia polita eman didazula uste dut, nahiz eta niretik ez den halakorik inoiz aterako!:P
ReplyDelete(Txiripaz topatu dut zure bloga, euskaraz gutxi topatu ditut halako gauzei buruzkoak -bai, ingelesezko asko jarraitzen ditut, baina batzuetan nekagarria da-, poztu nau egia esan.
Horrela segi eta ondo izan!
Animo! Orain dela urtebete nik ere ez nuen josteko makina menperatzen (oraindik ere...), baina txapuzatxoak eginez gero eta hobeto irtetzen dira erropak.
DeleteBai ez da erreza joste asuntuen inguruko euskerazko bloga aurkitzea.
Ondo izan!
What a nice combo of the pattern and the fabric! I'd love to wear it! How did you incorporate the pockets into the pattern? Is it an easy alteration?
ReplyDeleteGreetings from Germany!