Lehenengo ta behin: Masustak Eguzkitanen zozketa bat egiten hari naiz, animatu eta apuntatu!!!! (hemen)
First of all: I´m doing a giveaway in Masustak Eguzkitan, cheer up and take part!!!! (here)
Pasadan astean beste sari bat eman zidaten...bai bai hau zoratzekoa da!!!! Kar, kar, kar... Frau Tipmaticek eman zidan. ESKERRIKASKO!!!! Saria The Versatile Blogger Award da. Sari hau gustoko eta jarraitzen dituzun bloggerrei edo orain dela gutxi ezagutu dituzun blog edo bloggerrei ematen diezu. Sari honen betebeharrak hurrengoak dira:
-Eskerrak eman saria eman diozunari.
-15 blog edo blogger saritu.
-Zuri buruzko 7 gauza kontatu.
(arau guzti hauek boluntarioak dira, noski)
Orain dela gutxi Alessak eta Seeksek "Liebster blog Award"a eman zidaten, hori dela eta ez dakit 15 nominatu aurkituko ditudan... eta gainera sarrera hartan niri buruzko 5 gauza kontatu nizkizuen hori dela eta beste bi gauza kontatuko ditut eta hurrengorako utziko ditut beste sekretutxoak...kar, kar, kar...
Gaurko nire nominatuak, danborrak entzuten dira hurrunean.....
Last week, I received an award... yes it´s amazing!!!! Ha, ha, ha.... Frau Tipmatic gave me the award. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!! The award is The Versatile Blogger Award . You have to give out this award to bloggers or blogs that you love and you follow for months or recently. When you receive this award you have to follow this rules:
- Thank the person who gave you this award.
- Select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or
you follow regularly.
- Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.
(all of this rules are voluntary rules)
Alessa and Seeks gave me the Liebster Blog Award recently, so I´m in a trouble to nominate another 15 bloggers... and in addition, I told you about 5 things about myself, so today I only will tell you two secrets more and I will keep the secrets for another chance...ha, ha, ha....
My new nominees are, the drums in the background...
- Jule for unique people: berak jositako gauzak, DIY, moda eta beste hainbat gauza oso era ederrean aurkeztua.
- Jule for unique people: garments sewed by she, DIY, fashion and many other things very well introduced.
Picture from "Jule for unique people". |
- Petite Mess: Marilók gauza ederrak josten ditu!!! OWOPerako egin zituen shortsak aluzinanteak izan ziren.
- Petite Mess: Mariló sews so nice garments!!! The shorts sewed and designed by she for OWOP were amazing.
Picture from Petite Mess. |
- Sewing your style: jantzi oso dotoreak josten ditu eta gainera modari buruzko sarrrera interesgarriak idazten ditu.
- Sewing your style: She sews so elegant garments and writes interesting posts about fashion.
Picture from Sewing your style. |
- Harmonie and rosie: Katen bloga eta online denda ez baduzue ezagutzen, gerturatu zaitezte berarengana, gauza oso politak egiten ditut, finak eta oso dotoreak.
- Harmonie and rosie: Kate has a blog and an online shop. She makes super cute things, so nice, stylish and delicated.
- The sew alongs: Jill jostuna da eta artilearekin ere animatzen da, gauza politak egiten ditu.
- The sew alongs: Jill is seamstress and she also likes knitting, she makes beautifull things.
Picture from The sew alongs. |
- Dedal, aguja e hilo: Mari Cruzek jostun itzela da! Berak ikasten hari dela esan arren, oso akabera onak ematen dizkio bere jantzi guztiei.
- Dedal, aguja e hilo: MariCruz is a fantastic seamstress! She says that she is novice but she gives a incredible finished to her garments.
Picture from Dedal, aguja e hilo. |
- Crafting a Rainbow: orain dela gutxi ezagutu dut Gillianen bloga, baina asko gustatzen zaidan gauza bat daukate Gillianek josten dituen erropek: kolore bizia!
- Crafting a Rainbow: I discovered Gillian´s blog a few weeks ago, but the garments she sews have one thing that I love: brilliant colour!
Picture from Crafting a rainbow. |
- Dare to DIY: Sylviak DIY zalea da eta oso proiektu onak egiten ditu, gainera tutorialak oso argiak izaten dira.
- Dare to DIY: Sylvia loves DIY and makes beautiful projects, in addittion her tutorials are explicated in a very clear way.
Picture from Dare to DIY. |
- Sewingadicta: oohh I love Rosy´s garments!!! Her vintage touch is incredibly nice!
Picture from Sewingadicta. |
Bueno ba ez ditut 15 sari banatu baina 9 bai mordoxka bat dira! Zorionak guztioi!
Eta nire bi sekretutxoak...
- Betidanik botoiak maite izan ditut!!! Izugarri!!! Baina botoi zuloak egiten desastre bat naiz.
-Edurrak zapaltzerakoan egiten duen soinu harrigarria maite dut. Eskras eskras... horrelako zerbait da ezta?
I´ve nominated 9 bloggers, it´s a great amount! Congratulations to all!
And my two little secrets...
- I like very much buttons!!! But I am a disaster, sewing buttonholes.
- I love the snow sound when we are walking over it. Scrash scrash...it sounds like this, isn´t it?
Eta sarrera hau borobiltzeko... azkenean Me-Made-May´12 erronkan hartuko dut parte! Astebetete neraman, baietz, ezetz, ez nekien zer egin...erronka izugarria baita niretzako! Urtebete eskas daramat josten eta gogo itzelak izan arren oraindik gaitasunak falta zaizkit eta noski nik egindako jantzi kopurua ez da handiegia.
Zoek sortutako erronka honetan, maiatzean zehar, zuk egindako erropa, osagarri ala bitxiren bat jantzi beharra daukazu egunero. Imaginatu egunero! Berak azaltzen du, guzti hau gure armairuarentzat erronka izan behar duela eta gure joste prozesuaren inguruko azterketa. Hau da, jazten ditudan gauzak josten ditut? Beste eraren batekoak josi beharko nituzke? Guzti honetan pentsatzen ari nintzela baietz esan behar nuela pentsatu dut. Tillyren erronkaren ostean oso pozik geratu nintzen eta blogger oso interesgarriak ezagutu ditut, hori dela eta aurrera honekin ere!
Ni, Maider "Masustak Eguzkitan"ekoa, Me-Made-May´12 ko partehartzaile bezalaxe sinatzen dut. Eta 2012ko maiatzean, astero, nik jositako 3 erropa, refashion edo osagarri eramango ditut gutxienez.
Bueno ba egina dago, gutxienez 3 proiektu eramatera ausartu naiz. Maiatza interesgarria izango delakoan nago!
And to finish this post... finally I´m going to participate in the Me-Made-May´12 challenge! During a week, I´ve doubted, yes, no... because this is a big challenge for me! I began sewing one year ago, I love it but my skills have to improve yet and my amount of me-made garment is so small.
This challenge created by Zoe, is a great party where during may and day by day you´ve to wear selfmade stuff. Imagine, day by day! She has explained in her blog, that all this idea is a challenge and it makes possible a research about your sewing process. Namely, am I sewing clothes that I´m wearing? Have I to sew any other garment? After reading all of this, I think that I´ve to participate. I enjoyed Tilly´s challenge, I was very happy with my creations and I found many new bloggers, so I´m going to participate!
I, Maider from Masustak Eguzkitan,
sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '12. I endeavour to
wear a me-made garment, refashion or accessory at least three days a week
for the duration of May 2012.
Muchísimas gracias guapa!! Qué ilusión jejeje
ReplyDeleteUn beso enorme!
Looking forward to see what you wear in May!
ReplyDeleteI´m a little nervous.....
DeleteThank you very much for the award! I´m very happy that you like my blog!
ReplyDeleteHello! Thank you so much for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger! I saw the post first thing in the morning and it made my day! :) Now I just have to find other blogs to pass it on to - and that might take a while! I know it can be given and recieved any number of times, but I think it's nice to spread the love to new people! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks again! Now I'm off to enter your giveaway! ;)
Dear Maider,
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot for nominating me! :) I must also thank you for introducing me with other amazing bloggers! I think I'll enjoy reading their blogs as much as I enjoy following yours :)
Hello Maider, thank you so much for passing your award on to me, that's so sweet of you and I'm honoured.
ReplyDeleteTake care
Kate xx
¡Muchas gracias por el premio!, lo leí hace algunos dias pero estaba fuera y no podia contestar.
Muchas gracias Maider! He estado un poco off esta semana y no me había enterado. Me ha hecho mucha gracia lo de la nieve, por que a mi también me encanta. Muchas gracias!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations for all, I´m happy because you like the award!
ReplyDeleteFelicidades para todas, me alegro de que os haya gustado!