Moon Munkie oparitxoak bidaltzen hasi naiz! Hori dela eta irabazleak adi egon behar zaitezte, laister ailegatuko dira eta! Urduri nago... ia bidali dizkizuedan gauzak gustoko dituzuen... zerbait berezia egingo duzuelakoan nago, sormen handiko emakumeak zarete eta! ;-)
I´ve started sending my Moon Munkie gifts! So, winners have to be alert, because you will receive them soon! I´m nervous... I hope, you will like the stuff I sent you... I know that you´ll make something special with them, you´ve many creativity! ;-)
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Nik Seeksek bidali zizkidan gauzei, bizi berri bat ematen jarraitzen dut. Bidali zizkidan gauzen artean ehun elastiko bat zegoen. Lehenengo, zapi bezala erabiliko nuela pentsatu nuen, brodatu oso ederra baitzuen, baina gero kamiseta bezala gehiago erabiliko nuela pentsatu eta Burdako patroi bat erabiliz kamiseta sortu dut tela brodatu honekin. Ez zait ezer ere ez sobratu, justu justu ailegatu da, gerrialdean lotu dezaket baina ez zait ehun askorik soberan geratzen korapiloa egin ostean.
I´ve continued making garments, accesories and many stuff with the amazing Seeks package. She sent me a knit jersey embroidery fabric. First I thought, that it was pretty enough to use it like a scarf, but then I thought about sewing a top with it, I chose a Burda´s one and I sewed a top. I used all the fabric, there was the right amount of fabric to sew the top, but the final knot is shorter than the pattern knot.
I´ve continued making garments, accesories and many stuff with the amazing Seeks package. She sent me a knit jersey embroidery fabric. First I thought, that it was pretty enough to use it like a scarf, but then I thought about sewing a top with it, I chose a Burda´s one and I sewed a top. I used all the fabric, there was the right amount of fabric to sew the top, but the final knot is shorter than the pattern knot.
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Kamiseta sortzeko erabili dudan patroia, martxoko aldizkaritik aukeratu dut eta 121.modeloa da. Modelo honek bi aukera ditu, manga luzeak ala laburrak. Nik manga laburreko patroia aukeratu dut.
I chose the Burda 03/12 Mod.121 the short sleeves version. This model has two versions, the short sleeves and the long sleeves.
I chose the Burda 03/12 Mod.121 the short sleeves version. This model has two versions, the short sleeves and the long sleeves.
Picture from Burdastyle. |
Oso erraz josten den patroia da, baina hala ere jertse puntuko ehuna ez zait oso txukun josia geratu... patroia erreza izan arren ehuna jostea zaila egin baitzait.
It´s a pretty easy pattern, but this kind of fabric is a little bit difficult to sew and the result isn´t neat.
Apirila oso oso oso oso euritsua izaten ari da. Argazki guztiak etxean atera behar izan ditut! Ia maiatza hobeto hasten den eta Me-Made-May´12 lehia egiteko argazki ederrak ateratzen ditudan.
This April is being very very very very rainy. I had to take all the pictures at home! I hope that May is going to be more sunny to take great pics for the Me-Made-May´12 challenge!
It´s a pretty easy pattern, but this kind of fabric is a little bit difficult to sew and the result isn´t neat.
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Apirila oso oso oso oso euritsua izaten ari da. Argazki guztiak etxean atera behar izan ditut! Ia maiatza hobeto hasten den eta Me-Made-May´12 lehia egiteko argazki ederrak ateratzen ditudan.
This April is being very very very very rainy. I had to take all the pictures at home! I hope that May is going to be more sunny to take great pics for the Me-Made-May´12 challenge!
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Eskerrikasko Seeks, probetxu handia eman diot zuk bidalitako gauzei!
Thank Seeks, I´m using all the great stuff you sent me!
Thank Seeks, I´m using all the great stuff you sent me!
Zergatik ez duzu kurtso bat antolatzen?? ni apuntatu egingo nintzateke seguru!!
ReplyDeleteArtista bat zara!
Eskerrikasko Alazne! Kurtso bat antolatu? Ene, ez dakit ba nik...nik uste neu joan beharko nintzatekela kurtso batera! ja, ja, ja...
DeleteIt's lovely fabric but I can imagine it would be tricky to work with. But you still managed to make a sweet blouse.
ReplyDeleteThank you Melizza! Yes, it was hard but finally I´ve another garment for the Me-Made-May´12
DeleteQué mono te ha quedado! A ver si me aplico un poco, que tengo el Moon Munkie abandonadísimo.
ReplyDeleteOohh I want one of those...
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute little top :) A great example of perfect fabric and pattern matching.
ReplyDeleteMuy bien, te ha quedado genial.
ReplyDeleteThe top looks great! I can imagine you wearing a boho skirt walking at the sea side ;)
ReplyDeleteApril has been pretty bad where I live too. Fingers crossed for the sunny May!
Thank you and good idea!! I´m going to crossing fingers ;-)
Deletebaina zenbat gauza itxen ditxuzun ez?????
ReplyDeleteerdi bueltan gera!!
it looks great! The fabric is adorable and so are your shots :)
ReplyDeleteI am tempted to try out this pattern as well after reading your post :P
Eskerrikasko zuen komentarioengatik!! Asko pozten naute.
ReplyDeleteMuchas gracias por vuestros comentarios!! Siempre me alegrais el día.
Thanks for your commments!! You make my day.
That is really pretty fabric! What a cool top!
ReplyDeleteI love your new top! The little flowers make the fabric gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteOso polita! Ehuna eta patroia, biak asko gustatzen zaizkit.