
Moon Munkie Mistery Make: Refashion in spring.

Moon Munkieak proiektu asko pentsatu eta sortzeko balio izan dit, egia esan oso ideia ona da! Ez ahaztu, datorren astean, Masustanen Moon Munkiea egingo dudala!!! Zelako urduritasunak....

The Moon Munkie package gives me the possibility to create and think about many projects, it´s a great iniciative! Don´t forget that the next week, I´m going to giveaway my own Moon Munkie Package!!! I´m nervous...

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Bueno ba, Seeksek gona hau bidali zidan eta segituan pentsatu nuen "Klaro refashion bat!". Tela asko izatetik aparte (XL tallakoa zen), kremallera bat ere bazeukan eta berau erabiltzea pentsatu nuen.

Seeks  sent me a skirt. In the moment I saw it, I thought "A refashion!". The skirt´s size is XL, so I´ve enough fabric and I have the possibility to use the zipper.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Gona honi  bizitza berri bat emateko Burda aldizkariko azken aletik modelo bat atera dut. Aukeratu dudan modeloa behekaldean dagoen argazkiko Mod.122B da.

To give a new life to this skirt, I sewed a pattern from the april number of Burdastyle. The model is 122B, you can check it in the picture below.

Burda 04/2012 Mod.122B

Patroi honetatik gehien gustatu zitzaidana boltsilloak izan ziren. Polittak geratzen dira! Argibideetan, kanpoaldeko ehun berdinarekin josi behar direla jarri arren, nik boltsilloaren bi zatiak eta forroa ehun berdinarekin josi ditut. Ehuna Ikean erosi nuen, kontraste ederra egiten dio berdeari ezta? Berdea belarra delakoan nago eta Ikearen telak udaberriko lora loretuen lana egiten du, konbinazio polit eta freskoa!

I love the pattern´s pockets. They´re so beautiful! In the instructions, you can read that the pockets are in the same fabric that the skirt, but I use the lining to sew the pockets. This fabric is from Ikea, it´s a big colour contrast! I think that the green is the grass and the Ikea´s fabric is the flowering spring, a nice combination!

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Azkenengo Burda Style zenbakia, apirilekoa, asko gustatu zait, martxokoa baino gehiago, beste modeloren bat gehiago egingo dudalakoan nago. Ondo amaitu astesantua!!!

I like more the last Burdastyle magazine than the March, so I´m going to sew more models from this magazine. Have a nice easter!!!

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Picture from Masustak eguzkitan.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.


  1. Me encanta tu falda, además de estar muy bien hecha te ha quedado muy divertida. Buen trabajo.
    Maria José

    1. Muchas gracias Maria José!
      He visto tu blog y haces cosas de mucho nivel! El vestido de Simplicity te ha quedado muy bien.

  2. Lovely skirt - the lining is sooo pretty!

  3. I love it! Great job, and a wonderful reincarnation of some fun fabric. I love your choice for the lining too. Makes the normally drab green of the other skirt so much more springy.

    1. Thanks!!!!
      Thank you for sending me nice stuff for great projects ;-)
      This week I´m going to make my own giveaway!

  4. Well done, dear Maider! But, hey, your modern coco-inspiration is driving me crazy... The shape of the dress and the shape of my body do not fit together.... :-( My husband wondered about "the funny box" unter the waist.... The pleats and I, that's not a good idea.... My personal Sewing-Waterloo. I am F R U S T R A T E D !!!

    1. Take it easy!!!!!!!!
      Have you checked my version? I sewed all the pleats more than from the waist, because it didn´t fit me ok.
      If you don´t understand how I sewed it, I could send you more pictures.
