Astebete daramat blogean ezer idatzi gabe. Astebete bete-bete izan dut eta zuentzako tartetxo bakarra ere ez dut izan. Emozioz beteriko astea izan da. Negarra eta barrea dena barraiatu da aste guztian zehar, pentsatzeko denborarik ere ez dit utzi, barre eta negar dena batean, horrelakoxea da bizitza.
Horregatik gaurkoan, urteetan zehar eta paraje desberdinetan ateratako argazkiak erakutsiko dizkizuet. Momentu goxo, gazi, alai eta tristeak...denetarik izan behar dugulako...
Bertan geratu, begiak zabaldu, ingurura begiratu, nahi duzunagatik lan egin eta lasai asko disfrutatu, bizitza bakarra dugu eta.
Musu handi bat guztiontzat!
It´s gone a week without blogging. I had a busy week, I had not a few minutes to write, a few minutes for you. This week was full of emotion. Tears and laughter were together, I didn´t have time to think, laugh and cry everything is together, it´s just the life.
That's why today, I´m going to publish pictures from different places over the years. Sweet, bitter, happy and sad moments, everything must be...
Stay on, open your eyes, look around, work for the things you want and enjoy your life because it´s the only one.
A big kiss to everyone!
That's why today, I´m going to publish pictures from different places over the years. Sweet, bitter, happy and sad moments, everything must be...
Stay on, open your eyes, look around, work for the things you want and enjoy your life because it´s the only one.
A big kiss to everyone!
Barcelona. Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
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Còrsica. Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
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Laida. Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
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Venezia. Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Otxandio. Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Portu zaharra. Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
The pictures are beautiful. :)