

Volendam (picture by Masustak eguzkitan)

Ongi etorri nire blogera eta nire lehenengo post honetara!
Egia esan, ez neukan batere klaru zertaz hitzegingo nuen nire lehenengo sarrera honetan...buruan bueltaka ideia asko nituen baina bata ere ez nuen gogoko edo ez zitzaidan ganorazkoa iruditzen. Azkenean gauza errezena egin dut, hasieratik hasi eta bloga aurkeztu.
Blogean moda, argazkigintza, artea, diseinua, diy, ekologia... eta beste hainbat gauzetaz hitzegiteko sortu dut. Moda gustoko dut eta erropak josten ditut hori dela eta nire sorkuntzak tokia izango dute blog hontan. Street fashion-ak askotan harritzen nauenez, kaleetatik interesa duten look-ak ekarriko dizkizuet! Bestalde argazkilari desberdinen inguruko sarrerak idatziko ditut, ezagunak, ezezagunak, afizioz argazkilariak direnak... DIY aren inguruko sarrerak ere izango ditut, eskulanak asko maite ditudalako. Eta beste hainbat gauza, gutxinaka aurkeztuko ditudanak!
Bidaia hasi da!

Welcome to my blog and my first post!
First, I didn´t know what to talk in my introduction... I had many ideas in mind but didn´t have one favourite or good enough. Finally, I´ll do the simplest thing, I´ll start from the beginning, I´ll present you my blog.

In this blog, I going to write about fashion, photography, art, design, DIY, ecology ... and many other things. I like fashion and sewing clothes, so there will be a place for my creations in this blog. Street fashion often surprised me, therefore I´ll bring you the street look what is interesting for you! On the other hand I´m going to write entries about different photographers, known, unknown, hobby photographers ... I will also explain you different DIY, because I love crafts. And many other things, little by little I´ll present you!
The journey has begun!


  1. hey there,
    I was just wondering why you posted that picture,
    I live nearly there, were you there on a holliday?
    anyway lots of sucsess with your blog.
    this is your first commend.
    ps if got a blog to

  2. Hi!
    Yes, I was there on holydays. We took the boat from Marken to Volendam. I love Netherlands!
    I´m going to check your blog!
    Thanks for the comment!
