
MMM´12: outfit 3.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Outfit honetarako eta MMM´12 rako espreski boltso hori josi dut. Gustatzen zaizue? Proiektu desberdinetan sobratzen joan zaizkidan tela zatiak erabili ditut, hori dela eta omenaldi eder bat dela esan daiteke. Scallop lerro bakoitzak josi dudan erropa edo osagai bat gogoratzen dit eta batzuk ez ditudanez nirekin, oso era polita da beraietaz gogoratzeko.

Last week, I sewed this tote for the MMM´12. Do you like it? I cut the pieces with leftover from different projects, I had sewed, so this tote is a tribute to all this garments or accesories. Every scallops line remember me one or other project and some are gifts, so this is my way to wear it.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Boltsoa josteko tutorial bat erabili nuen, See Kate Sew blogeko The Sweet Scallops Tote tutoriala. Egin diodan aldaketa bakarra barrukaldean kremallera jartzea izan da. Scallopsak josten nituen lehenengo aldia izan da, eta egia esan...zaila da! Ez nuen uste hain zaila zenik.

 To sew this tote, I found a tutorial in the blog See Kate Sew. The tutorial called The Sweet Scallops Tote is very easy to understand and the only change I made is to sew a pocket with a zipper inside. This was the first time I sewed scallops... so difficult! I believed that it would be easier.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Beharbada ez zarete konturatu baina outfitean nik eginiko beste gauza bat jarri dut. OWOPerako josi nuen beste alkandora bat, azkena hain zuzen ere. Egia esan modelo hau askotan jarri dut dagoeneko, pilo bat gustatzen zait.

Maybe you haven´t noticed but the blouse I´m wearing is a creation for the OWOP, in fact it was my last version. I love this version! I wore it many times since I sewed.  

Pants: Stradivarius.
Jacket: Promod.
Bag: Me-made. Tutorial from See Kate Sew.


  1. Menudo trabajo estás haciendo posteando cada outfit aunque yo lo agradezco por mi inspiración y entretenimiento. Este bolso me ha gustado, me lo apunto en la lista de pendientes.
    Un abrazo.

  2. That's a really cute bag! :)
