Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Amaitu dut!! Josita dago!! Zer iruditzen zaizue? Nik pare bat gauza hobetu daitezkeelakoan nago, baina bueno, nire neguko lehen jantzia da forro ta guzti, hori dela eta harro nago!
Sarreraren tituloan ingelesezko esaldia hau irakurri dezakezue, "Neska paristar bat Elorrion". Argazkiak Elorrion atera dizkidalako nire mutil lagunak (eskerrikasko!! Muaaa!) eta Paristarra ez izan arren, jantzi honek kutsu hori daukalakoan nagoenez, ba hara hitz jokoa! Burda Styleko modelo honek, Coco Chanelek diseinatu zituen jantzi eroso eta dotore horien kutsua dauka.
Elorrio Bizkaian dagoen jauregiz beteriko herri dotorea da. Jauregiak berrituak eta ederki atonduak dauzkate eta herri xarmangarria da. Ez baduzue ezagutzen, bisita egitea ezinbestekoa daukazue.
I finished! It´s sewed! What do you think? I think that I can improve a couple of things, but hey, it´s my very first winter dress with lining and I am so proud of it!
My post title is "A parisian girl in Elorrio", my boyfriend took the photos in a town called Elorrio (thank you!! Kisses!) and I´m not from Paris but my dress could be! This Burda Style model, looks like Coco Chanel´s one. She designed pretty, confortable and elegant stuff like that.
Elorrio is a beautifull town full of nice antique palaces. Elorrio´s citizen have renovated their palaces and now, it´s a charming town. If you never have been in Elorrio , you would have to visit Elorrio.
My post title is "A parisian girl in Elorrio", my boyfriend took the photos in a town called Elorrio (thank you!! Kisses!) and I´m not from Paris but my dress could be! This Burda Style model, looks like Coco Chanel´s one. She designed pretty, confortable and elegant stuff like that.
Elorrio is a beautifull town full of nice antique palaces. Elorrio´s citizen have renovated their palaces and now, it´s a charming town. If you never have been in Elorrio , you would have to visit Elorrio.
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Jantziaren ingurukoak pentsatzen hasi nintzenean, Piping-a erabiltzen zuten proiektu batzuk aurkitu nituen (Piping ingelesezko hitza, gerrian eta sorbaldetan, zinta berde hori jartzeko erabili dudan prozesuaren izena da), ideia asko gustatu zitzaidanez nire proiektuan erabiltzea pentsatu nuen. Nire urtebetetzean Kiribiltxo markako brotxe hori erregalatu zidaten eta jantziarekin demaseko bikotea egingo zutelakoan nengoenez, Piping zinta, berarekin konbinatu nuen.
Bestalde, beheko piezak dituen pintzak, barrenean josi ditut, modeloan gerrian bakarrik josita daude, baina nik uste dut nire gorputzaren borobiltasunak ez direla somatzen horrela josiz gero. Jantziaren tailarekin akatsa izan nuen eta ertz guztietatik zentimetro gehiago sartu behar izan nizkion handiegia zelako. Hori dela eta sorbalda ez zait nik nahi nuen bezalaxe geratu.
When I started thinking about the garment, I found some of projects sewed with Piping, I liked a lot, so I incorporated piping to my project. One of my birthday´s gift was this awesome clip, my dress and this clip are going to be a great couple! I bought green ribbon to make the piping and to match with the clip.
On the other hand, I sewed the skirt´s pleats more than the model´s (in the model version, you only have to sew the pleats in the waist), I think my round forms from the waist are more invisible sewing in this way, you understand me, don´t you? I was in a trouble with the garment´s size, I cut pieces bigger than they are, so finally I had to solve this defect, with more centimeters in the seam allowance. That is why I didn´t love, how the shoulder came out.
On the other hand, I sewed the skirt´s pleats more than the model´s (in the model version, you only have to sew the pleats in the waist), I think my round forms from the waist are more invisible sewing in this way, you understand me, don´t you? I was in a trouble with the garment´s size, I cut pieces bigger than they are, so finally I had to solve this defect, with more centimeters in the seam allowance. That is why I didn´t love, how the shoulder came out.
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Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Ni autodidakta izan nahiz joste asuntuetan, ez dut inoiz klaserik jaso eta interneten, liburuetan edo aldizkarietan irakurtzen nuena, erabili izan dut. Askotan trapezizta lez ibili naiz, argibideak ulertu gabe eta nire intuizioa jarraituz, trapezioan alde batetik bestera batzutan arrakastaz eta beste batzutan porrotera jauzia eginez. Guzti honekin esan nahi nuena da, azkenengo proiektu hontan nire Izeko Maribiren laguntza izan dudala. Eskerrikasko Izeko! Bera ere harrituta zegoen bere joste teoriaz ideiarik ere izan gabe, nola izan nintekeen kapaza gauzak aurrera ateratzeko... zortea eta sormena nik uste! Orain dela urte batzutatik ez duela ezer josten Izekok, baina lehen bere erropa guztiak egiten zituen eta teoria eta praktika asko dauzka.
I was a self-taught seamstress, I´ve never learnt in a sewing class, I´ve taken information from the Internet, books or magazines I read. Often I´m like a circus trapeze artist, when I haven´t understood the instructions, I follow my intuition, sometimes with success and sometimes I jump to the abism. I tell you all this because in this project I had my aunt Maribi help. Thanks Aunt! She also was impressed when I told her about my novice seamstress work without using theory, I think that I had luck and creativity! Some years ago, my Aunt sewed all her clothes, so she has much theory and practice.
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Nire Coco jantziak ezkuz jositako akaberak ditu, "hilvan" puntuekin marraztu ditut patroiak eta "pespunteak" ere baditu... lan handi profesionala! Kar, kar, kar...
My Coco´s dress has hand stiching finished edges, basting and backstiches... a professional job! Ha, ha, ha...
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Piping-a sortu eta josteko Coletterieko tutorialak erabili ditut, zelako tutorial onak egiten dituzten Colette Patternen! Lehenengo "How to make your own piping" tutoriala erabili dut, eta gero "How to sew piping in a seam".
To create the piping, I used two tutorials from the Coletterie, they´ve great tutorials! First I used "How to make your own piping" and then "How to sew piping in a seam".
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Jantzia elegantea izan arren, egunerokoan erabiltzeko nola konbinatu behar nuen pentsatzen ibili nintzen. Pieza desberdina izan arren, edozein egunetan eta lanera joateko nola jantziko nukeen pentsatu nuen. Hori dela eta outfit osoa elegantea baina puntu dibertigarri eta eramangarri batekoa da. Narruzko jakak eta botinek, dotoretasunaren tamaina jeitsi eta egunerokoan erabiliko genukeen outfita lortzen dute.
Zer iruditu zaizue neska paristarraren jantzi dotorea Elorrioko kaleetan zehar?
An elegant suit, can be combined for a daily use, so I want to do that, with my Coco dress, I wanted to create an outfit to wear in my job. Therefore, I would wear these boots and the leather jacket to give it a funny and useable touch.
What do you think about the parisian girl walking around Elorrio?
What do you think about the parisian girl walking around Elorrio?
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Betaurrekoak/Glasses: Rayban.
Narruzko jaka/ Leather jacket: Pepe Jeans.
Paparrekoak/ Clip: Kiribiltxo.
Poltsoa/ Bag: Slang.
Eraztuna/ Ring: Bijoux Nature.
Galtzerdiak/ Tights: H&M.
Botak/ Boots: Arian.
Jantziaren patroia/ Dress pattern: Burda 08/09 Mod. 128
Jantziaren ehuna/ Dress fabric: Franela grisa/ Gray flannel.
El vestido está genial! Tiene el toque justo de elegancia mezclada con una pizca de rebeldía que creo que es tu estilo, me gusta mucho los ribetes de color en contraste que le pusiste, y el detalle de los pliegues en las mangas hacen maravillas, eres una crack! Creo que este vestido es un "todo terreno".
ReplyDeleteMuchas gracias Rosy! Has dado en el clavo, es así como me veo, elegante pero con un toque desenfadado.
DeleteWhat a great dress! The pleats and the piping are spot on! I am inspired as we are going fall/autumn and some warmer dresses will be needed.
ReplyDeleteThanks Alex! For me the winter is ending up, so I´ve to think in fresh materials and less amount of fabric.
DeleteMe encanta, me encanta, me encanta! Te quedó genial y el detalle del vivo verde le da un toque distinto. Para mi gusto haría cuerpo y falda para que se viera el vivo por detrás en la cintura. Aunque yo he ido a clases, muchas cosas las he aprendido por internet. Ah y felicidades por el premio, tengo ganas de verlo ya. Te he dicho que me encanta? Me encanta!
ReplyDeleteMuchas gracias por tus bonitas palabras Mariló!
DeletePensé en ponerle el ribete también en la espalda, pero es que me encataba la espalda en una pieza! No sé, le da un toque sofisticado...
A ver que hacemos para el Monkie Moon!!!!
Beautiful! I love the piping, especially around the shoulders!! It looks like a very versatile dress, that can be styled for more than one occasion: dates, work, casual...great job!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jill!
DeleteYes, it´s very versatile. What a pity that the winter is ending up! I have no time to wear it...next winter will be!
What I great dress! I love the stitched pleats and the piping, and the insides look very neat and beautiful!
ReplyDeleteThanks Alessa! It took me much time, more than I thought. The inside looks well because of my Aunt help.
DeleteWowee Maider, your Coco dress is stunning. Well done, it looks so brilliantly made!
ReplyDeleteKate x
Thanks Kate!!!! Your words make my day! :)
DeleteHey Maider!
ReplyDeleteSomehow my super-long comment that I postet on your blog yesterday got lost, like some others as well. Something must me wrong with my account... :-( Well, but what I said:
I love you dress. It is a modern coco, it is hip, it ist cool, and you look gorgeous in that dress!
And I love that pattern. I think it is the best one that burda has ever published. That's why I a looking for burdastyle 8/2009 since months now. You're such a glad girl having it!
Have a good one!
oooohhh! Thanks for your kind words!
DeleteThis Burdastyle´s number, is special for me, because I bought it when I didn´t have any sewing machine but I had de sensation that I had to sew, so it was the first sewing magazine that I bought!