Colette Pattern, patroi sortzaile etxearen, Sorbetto Tank interesgarria berriro ere josten nabil. Coletterieko Sencha erabili nuen orain dela hilabete batzuk (hemen duzue sarrera) eta Sorbettoa udan egin nuen. Ez nuen batere aldatu, kurba eta neurri guztiak patroia jarraituz egin nituen. Sorbettoa web orritik dohainik jeitsi dezakezue, ez baduzue oraindik probatu, probatu merezi du eta!!! Udan egindako alkandora hurrengo argazkian ikusi dezakezue.
I´m sewing again the Sorbeto Tank from Colette Pattern. A few months ago, I sewed Coletterie´s Sencha (you can read the post here) and last summer, I sewed Sorbetto. I didn´t change the pattern, I sewed it according to the standard curve and measurement. You can downloaded this pattern for free from the website, if you haven´t probed it, try it! You can check my summer Sorbetto in the next picture.
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Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan (Sorbetto Tank). |
Dakizuen bezalaxe, joste asuntuen inguruko blogak asko gustatzen zaizkit, horietako batean Sorbettoaren inguruko sarrera bat irakurri nuen. Bertan patroi honek ematen zuen joku anitzaren inguruan hitzegiten zuen (hemen duzue Lazy Stiching blogean esaten zena) eta adibideak ematen zituen. Aluzinauta geratu nintzen! Nik ere berdina egin behar nuela pentsatu eta Sorbettoa nola eraldatu zitekeen pentsatzen hasi nintzen.
Sorbetoaren krokisa inprimatu eta probak egin nituen.
As you know, I read a lot of sewing blogs, in one of these blogs I read a post about Sorbetto Tank. She was talking about the flexibility of this pattern (the blog called Lazy Stiching) and she gave examples. It amazed me! I thought that I had to do the same: to transform a Sorbetto.
First I printed Sorbetto´s sketches and I began transforming them.
First I printed Sorbetto´s sketches and I began transforming them.
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Neguan gaudenez besoak jartzea derrigorra zen, kimono itxurakoak jarri dizkiot (tutoriala A nalog me blogean aurkitu nuen). Bestalde eskotea ere txikiagotu egin nion eta erdialdeko detailea bularrerarte jeitsi nion. Behekaldean dituzue patroien eraldaketen argazkiak.
I drew sleeves for the Sorbetto, I drew Kimono Sleeve using this tutorial from A nalog me. On the other hand, I also reduced the neckline and I put a shorter center detail. You can check pattern´s changes in the picture below.
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Aurrekaldeko patroiak bi pieza izango ditu orain. Goikaldekoa, erdiko detaile gabe eta mangekin eta behekaldeko patroi zatia, erdiko detailearekin eta aldatu gabe (marra eten berdeak seinalatzen dute non ebaki bi patroi zatiak).
Now, the front pattern´s piece has two parts. Top piece without center detail and with sleeve, and the botton piece with the central detail (green dashed line indicates where the pattern is cut in two parts).
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Erabili dudan tela Holandatik ekarritako tela da, hainbestetan errepikatu dudan Albert Cuypmarketen erosia (bai...buelta asko eman nituen telak erosteko eta metro piloa ekarri nituen! kar, kar, kar...). Oraindik ere zentimetrotxo batzuk ditut... gauza txikiren bat egin beharko dut berarekin. Hau da tela, ze iruditzen zaizue?
I´m going to use one of the fabrics I bought in Holland, specifically in Albert Cuypmarket (yes. .. I spent a lot of time looking for fabrics and I bought a lot of meters! ha, ha, ha ...). I still have some centimeters...I should sew a small thing. This is the fabric, what do you think?
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Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Tela hau estreinatzeko, Helena Skirt patroia erabili nuen uda aldean. Hemen duzue josi nuen gona.
Last summer, I sewed the Helena skirt with this fabric. Here you are my skirt.
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Eta gaurkoz nahikoa!!!! Zer uste zenuten gaur erakutsiko nuela emaitza? Ez, ez, ez, bihar arte ezer ere ez! Kar, kar, kar...
Beautiful fabric! I think it will make an excellent Sorbetto!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Jill! I hope, you´ll like my version!!!
DeleteI really like your summer sorbetto and I'm looking forward to seeing your version with the kimono sleeve! I think Sorbetto is a great basic pattern for making changes, I will have to make one, too, come spring!
ReplyDeleteThanks Alessa! Here you are my version!!! I´m really proud of it! ha, ha, ha...