Gabonak bertan daude. Bai, halaxe da, gaztaina erre usaina, argi distiratsuak, pinuak, elurra (oraindik maluta bakarra ere ikusi ez dudan arren...) eta olentzerok ekarriko dituen opariak. Askorentzako oparien asuntua urteroko ametsgaiztoa izaten da. Zer erosi, non, zenbat diru gastatu...
Gaurkoan, oparitu daitezkeen erregalo sorta bat aurkeztuko dizuet, batzuk guk egin beharko ditugu eta beste batzuk artisauei erosiko dizkiegu. Hau da, guztiak eskuz eginiko detaile errepikaezinak eta zoragarriak izango dira.
Artisauek eta gu geuk eginiko opariak egin itzazu! Alboan duzunak asko eskertuko dizu, seguru.
Artisauek eta gu geuk eginiko opariak egin itzazu! Alboan duzunak asko eskertuko dizu, seguru.
Christmas is here. Yes it´s, the smell of roasting chestnuts, bright light, pines, snow (although I haven´t yet seen a single snowflake ...) and Olentzero´ll bring gifts (Olentzero is the figure who brings gifts at Christmas in the Basque Country). Gifts are a nightmare for many people. What buy, where, how much money to spend ...
Now, I´ll present you some gifts; some we must make them and others we´ve to buy from handcrafters. In other words, all hand-made details, unrepeatable and wonderful.
You have to buy stuff from artisans! People will appreciate more than you will expect, probably.
Now, I´ll present you some gifts; some we must make them and others we´ve to buy from handcrafters. In other words, all hand-made details, unrepeatable and wonderful.
You have to buy stuff from artisans! People will appreciate more than you will expect, probably.
Gure lehenengo postuan, Sweet Verbenak egindako fular erraza daukagu. Tela zati batez eta enkajea erabiliz sortu du buelta bakarreko bufanda hau. Makinaz josi du, baina eskuz ere egin daiteke. Nire ustez ederra geratu zaio!
Our first position is for Sweet Verbena´s easy and beautiful scarf. Using a piece of fabric and a piece of lace, She has created this single loop infinity scarf. She sewed it with the sewing machine, but it can be done manually. I think it is beautiful! Great job Katy!
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Picture from Sweet Verbena |
Katek egindako gauzak benetan ederrak eta maitasun handikoak dira. Vintage tokea duten bitxi eta osagarriak nahi badituzu, eman ezazu bueltatxo bat bere blog edo dendatik.
Things made by Kate are really beautiful and full of love. If you want jewelery and accessories with a touch of vintage, come on to her blog or online shop.
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Picture from Harmony and Rosie |
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Picture from Harmony and Rosie |
Joyk gidatzen duen blogean gauza erromantiko asko aurkitu daitezke. Bere tutorial eta bitxikerien artetik, pultsera hau nabermendu nahi dizuet. Egiteko oso erraza da eta emaitza benetan harrigarria!
You can find a lot of romantic stuff in Joy´s blog. Among the curiosities and tutorials, I want to highlight this bracelet. It is very easy to make and the result is really amazing!
Tutorial: Joyful braided bracelet tutorial.
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Picture from How Joyful |
Dismount Creative sormenez beteriko bloga da; moda, diy... Bere eskulan guztietatik argazki kamerarentzako zinta hau aukeratu dut. Pertsonalitatez betetako erregaloa da, normalean ez ditugulako argazki kameraren zintak aldatzen. Hori dela eta animatu eta jostera!
Dismount Creative blog is full of creative, fashion, DIY ... Of all her projects, I have chosen this Striped camera strap. It´s a gift full of personality, because normaly people don´t change camera´s straps. Cheer and sew it!
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Picture from Dismount Creative |
Eneko Unzalu artisauaren bitxiak ez badituzu oraindik ezagutzen, bere web horritik pasa behar duzu derrigorrez! Enekoren bitxiak beti izan ditut gustoko, materialak lantzeko era eta harrien detaileak izugarriak dira. Nire aurreko post batean berak eginiko belarritakoak neramatzan.
If you do not know yet Eneko Unzalu´s jewelery , you have to go to his site, is obligatory! I've always liked Eneko´s jewelery, the preparation of materials and stones´ detail are impressive. In one of my post I wore a pair of Eneko´s earrings.
Site: Eneko Unzalu
Site: Eneko Unzalu
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Picture from Eneko Unzalu |
"A Beautiful Mess" bloga gauza ederrez beteriko txokoa da. Beraien DIY guztietatik Te boltsatxoak egiteko tutoriala aukeratu dut oso desberdina iruditu zaidalako. Hori dela eta, tea gustoko duen pertsona maiteren bat baduzue, oparia hau ezinbestekoa izango da.
A Beautiful Mess´s blog site is filled with lovely things. Between all their DIY tutorials, I chose one for making tea bags because for me it´s a very different gift. Therefore, if you have a dear person who likes tea, this gift is essential.
Tutorial: Tea bags.
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Picture from A beautiful mess |
Idoia Cuestaren lana Durangoko Artisautza Azokan ezagutu nuen eta guztiz harrituta geratu nintzen. Oso ederrak dira bere otzarak; koloretsuak, goxoak eta berritzaileak. Pasatu zaitezte bere web horritik.
Site: Idoia Cuesta.
Maite ditudan artisau asko daude eta egingo nituen eskulan piloa, baina ez zaituztet aspertu nahi. Egin dudan aukeraketa gustokoa izango duzuelakoan, hurrengorarte!
There are many handcrafters that I like and I would make lots of tutorials, but I don´t want to get bored you. I hope you like the selection that I made for you, I´ll see you soon!
I met Idoia Cuesta´s work in the Arts and Crafts Market from Durango and I was completely surprised. Her baskets are beautiful, colorful, delicious and innovative. You can go through their site.
Site: Idoia Cuesta.
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Picture from Idoia Cuesta |
Maite ditudan artisau asko daude eta egingo nituen eskulan piloa, baina ez zaituztet aspertu nahi. Egin dudan aukeraketa gustokoa izango duzuelakoan, hurrengorarte!
There are many handcrafters that I like and I would make lots of tutorials, but I don´t want to get bored you. I hope you like the selection that I made for you, I´ll see you soon!
Hi Maider, thanks so much for highlighting my blog and shop, that's so kind of you. And also for directing me to the other sites, I shall definitely be checking them out!
ReplyDeleteHope you're having a great week.
Kate x
JEJE!! I think I have seen those earrings somewhere...