Udazkena, granatea eta itsasoa... Orain dela aste batzuk Iratiko Oihanean izan ginen eta bertako koloreek ahoa bete hortz utzi zidaten, oso paisai ederra benetan. Bertako, berde, hori, gorri eta bestelakoek distira eta freskotasun harrigarri bat zeukaten. Paisaia zoragarri hontaz udazkenean soilik gozatu daiteke.
Iratiko oihana by Masustak Eguzkitan |
Fall, garnet and sea... A fee weeks ago, I was in Iratiko Oihana , this forest is one of the biggest extension of beech and fir from Europe. His colors amazed me, it´s a beautiful landscape. Green, yellow, red... are shining and give you a very fresh sensation. We only can enjoy this kind of colours in fall.
Kolore guzti hauek nire burmuinean izanik, nonbaiten atera behar zitzaizkidan, eta halaxe izan zen. Jantziak behar zituen akabera guztiak granate kolorean egingo nituen. Proiektu hau egiteko tela, Ikean erosi nuen, itsasontzien motibo grafikoak asko gustatu zitzaizkidan eta pare bat metro ebaki nituen.
Oriental itxurako jantzia egiteko patroia, Burda Styletik atera nuen, Burda 2/11 Mod. 118 da. Modeloaren figura ez da guztiz zuzena eta kurbatura bat egiten du. Hori dela eta belaunetara hurbiltzen dijoan einean estutu egiten da. Estutasun honek problemak ekarri zizkidan, nire aldakak zabalak izanik jantzia estuegia geratzen zitzaidan, hori dela eta atzekaldean tela gehiago jarri behar izan nuen. Bestalde, modeloak Kimono mangak zituen eta aldizkarian nola josi esplikatu arren...mangak era zuzenean geratu zitezen, askotan irakurri nituen argibideak. Kremallera era ezkutuan josi behar zen, baina niri ikusten diren kremallerak gustatzen zaizkit eta oso luzea erosi behar zenez, kolore kontrastatuan ederto geratuko zela pentsatu nuen. Bies zinta granatea erabili nuen boltsilloetan.
With all these colours in my mind, I had to take out them in one of my projects. I´m going to use the garnet colour to finish my garment´s details. To sew my dress, I bought the fabric in Ikea. When I looked this fabric, with ships´ graphics patterns, I fall in love.
The pattern I chose, it looked like a japan or chinese dress, I found it in Burda Style (Burda 2/11 Mod. 118). This model´s figure has a curve and when is coming to the knee is narrower. This was a problem for me, because I have a wide waist, so I used more fabric around the waist in the back. In the other hand, the dress´s sleeves are like kimono´s sleeves. For me the instructions weren´t clearly, and I had to read it many times. In the instructions, the zipper was a invisible one, but I love exposed zipper, therefore I used a very long one in a contrast colour. I used garnet bias binding in the pockets.
Picture by Masustak eguzkitan. |
Argazkiak Zumaian atera genituen, nire telak itsasoari dei egiten baizion argi eta garbi. Atrezzo moduan aurretik egindako Kartoizko kaxatxoa erabili nuen (hau ere granatea, kointzidentzia ote???). Argazkiak ateratzeko Idoia izan nuen laguntzaile. Eskerrikasko Idoia! Hurrengoan ere deituko zaitut!
The photoshoot was in Zumaia, near the sea, because my fabric was calling to the sea. Like atrezzo I used the Cardboard box from my last project (it´s in garnet also, is it a coincidence???). Idoia took the pictures. Thank you Idoia! The next time I´ll call you again!
Pictureby Masustak eguzkitan. |
Picture by Masustak eguzkitan. |
Picture by Masustak eguzkitan. |
Picture by Masustak eguzkitan. |
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Picture by Masustak eguzkitan. |
Jantzia/Dress: Burda 2/11 Mod. 118.
Tela/Fabric: Ikea.
Jertsea/ Pullover: without trademark.
Bufanda/scarf: Made in Italy.
Boltsoa/ Hand bag: reconverted cardboard box.
Betaurrekoak/ Sunglasses: Caramelo.
Botak / Boots: Chika 10.
Mediak /Tights: HYD.
Belarritakoak/ Earrings: Eneko Unzalu.
Pultsera/ Bracelet: Perla Canaria.
I love it!! The whole outfit!!
ReplyDeleteWow! Your dress is amazing and quite and unusual and beautiful fabric you've used to make it!'But the handbag is the one that stole my heart!!
ReplyDeleteI LOVE your dress!
ReplyDeleteWhat a lovely dress Maider, well done and such striking fabric too! Love the photo shoot, the scenery is beautiful!
ReplyDeleteWow, the dress looks great on you! I love the fabric with the ships and of course, it looks especially lovely in front of the sea. :) That cardboard purse it really lovely, too. Such a cool idea!
ReplyDeleteThank you for all yours kind words!!!
ReplyDeleteI love the fabric! Espacially combined with bordeaux.
ReplyDeleteGreat look! :)
¡¡¡Como mola este vestido!!! Esta tela es preciosa!
Qué bonito! Me gusta el detalle de la cremallera y el bies en granate, le da un toque diferente
ReplyDeleteLove, love, the dress! So inspiring...I'm going to attempt something similar. Thanks for the inspiration