
Peter Pan & Neverland

Gabon aurreko aste honetan egunero post bat idaztea otu zait. Ia lortzen dudan! Sarrera guztiak, gabonetan eta neguan jarri ditzakegun osagaiez izango dira. Batzuk nik josi edo eginikoak eta beste batzuk erositakoak.

In this Christmas previous week, I´ve decided to write a post every day. I'll get achieved! All entries are gonna be about, Christmas and winter accessories. I´m going to sew or make ​​some or buy them.

Peter Pan eta Sekula Betiko Lurraldea... Ismael Serranok idatzi zuen abestia ezagutzen duzue? "Wendyren traizioa" deitzen da, abesti ederra eta gogorra da. Munduko ume askok pairatzen dutenaz hitzegiten digu, eta nola haurrek beraien xalotasuna galtzen duten. Lepokoaren patroiaren izenburua irakurri nuenean, abestia gogoratu nuen. Ez baduzue Ismael Serrano ezagutzen, beraren kanta pare bat entzun behar dituzue, ahots sakoneko kantaria da eta beraren letrak oraindik ere sakonagoak dira.

Peter Pan and Neverland... Ismael Serrano, a spanish singer, wrote a song about it, you know? "Wendy´s  betrayal" is called (the song is sung in spanish), the song is beautiful and tough. He spoke about world's children who suffer, and how children lose their innocence. When I was reading the title of necklace´s pattern, I remembered that song. If you don´t know about Ismael Serrano, you have to listen to a couple of his songs, the singer´s voice is deep and deeper still are his letters.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Shopping kontuetan ibili bazarete, jantziei Peter Panen lepokoak jartzearena oso modan dagoela konturatuko zineten. Hori dela eta, bereiz daitekeen horrelako lepoko bat egitea pentsatu nuen. Patroia Burdastyleko kide batena da, hemen duzue linka: Detechable Peter Pan Collar.

If you´re going shopping this season, you know that it´s very fashionable attach this kind of collar in the neck. Therefore, I´d to make a Peter Pan Collar that can be separated to use in different garments. A Burdastyle´s member has a right pattern to sew a perfect collar, you can check it there: Detechable Peter Pan Collar.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Proiektu erreza eta erakargarria da. Kamiseta edo jertse bati kolorea eta xarma ematen dio lepoko honek. Nire argazkietan kamiseta manga luze kolore bakarreko bat erabili dut, eta efektua berehalakoa izan da. 

The project is simple and attractive. A normal T-shirt or a normal sweater have color and charm with this necklace. I was wearing a long sleeve´s  T-shirt in my photos, and the effect was immediate. 

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Neguan gaudenez azpikaldean belusezko tela granatea erabili dut eta ganekaldean Ikeako tela bat.

For the garment´s bottom, I used garnet velvet and on the top a Ikea´s fabric.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.


  1. It's totally lovely! I've been thinking about making a detachable peter pan collar for ages! Maybe I should finally get to it!

  2. Thanks Alessa!
    You´ve to try it, it´s pretty easy and the result is so lovely...

  3. Really sweet! I will make my own as well! Have a nice day!
