Urte hasierako gogoeta, nahi eta guztiekin batera, armairua ordenatu behar izaten dugu. Ordenamendu hontan, gauza batzuk txikiegi, beste batzuk zaharregi eta beste batzuk modaz pasatuta izaten dira, hori dela eta zabortegira edo birziklatze puntura eraman behar izaten ditugu. Blog honen bitartez, moda, birziklatuz ere lortu daitekeela irakatsi nahi nuen, eta praka hauek aurkitu nituenean birziklatzeko oso aproposak zirela pentsatu nuen.
At the beginning of the year, with new reflections and wishes, we have to put in order our wardrobe. In this order we find, some small stuff, old stuff and others that are old-fashioned, and for this reason we have to throw away them or leave in the recycling point. Through this blog, I would want to learn you to obtain recycled fashion stuff, and when I found these pants, I thought, they were very suitable for recycling.
Praka hauek dozena bat urte izango dituzte. Imaginatuko duzuen bezalaxe dozena bat urtetan, emakume baten gorputza asko aldatzen da, eta nireari ez zaio kontrakoa pasa! Praka hauek ez zaizkit ongi geratzen, inondik inora ere ez! Kanpai erako prakak zirenez, tela kopuru oso altua zeukaten eta gona bat egiteko behar adina zen.
These trousers are twelve years old. Like you imagine, my woman's body has change a lot in these years. Actually, these trousers don´t look great on me, certainly bad! This kind of trousers have sewed using a lot of fabric, so with this high amount of material, I had enough to make a skirt.
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Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Nire gona egiteko patroia Burda Styletik jeitsi nuen. Angela Kanen AK Pencil Skirt erabili dut. Gonaren tamainarekin nire arazoak izan ditut... Ingelesez Medium zela jartzen zuen, nik txikia izango nuelakoan patroia handitu nuen, eta egia esan ez zen beharrezkoa. Pencil Skirt deitzen diren gonak, aldaka gainean geratzen dira, baina nirea handiegia egin dudanez, aldaka behean geratu zait. Luzera txikiagotu egin diot eta gerrialde barnekaldean, zinta bat jarri diot zurruntzeko, "cinturilla" delakoa egiteko telarik ez zitzaidalako geratzen. Aurrekaldeko poltsikoak egin dizkiot eta atzekaldekoak ez, eta noski kremallera bistan geratu da (hurrengoari beste eratakoa jarri beharko diot...gehiegi errepikatzen ari naiz, kar, kar, kar...).
To sew my skirt, I downloaded a pattern from BurdaStyle. The pattern is one from Angela Kane, the AK Pencil Skirt. I was in a trouble with skirt´s size, I thought that medium size wasn´t enough big for me, and finally it was. This kind of skirt starts on the hips, but mine starts under the hips because my innecessary change. I also had to reduce the length and to rigidize my waist I sewed a tape inside. I only sewed the front pockets and of course, an exposed zipper (I must change this detail in my next project ... I'm using many exposed zipper, ha, ha, ha ...).
Angela Kane Pencil Skirt. |
Nola egin nuen kontatuko dizuet, ia argazkiekin argi geratzen den. Lehendabizi, hasieran esan dizuedan bezala, patroia haunditu nuen (ez nuena egin behar).
I´m going to tell you how I sewed it, I hope that you´ll understand well with my pictures. First, I drew a bigger pattern (If I wouldn´t make this, It would be better).
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Gero hankatarteko joste puntuak kendu nituen eta hankaren luzeran patroiaren piezak jarriz, tela ebaki nuen.
Then I cut leg´s edges stiches and I used the pattern, to cut the fabric.
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Poltsikoak egiteko, ipurdi aldeko tela zatiarekin nahiko izan nuen.
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Dena josi eta hemen daukazue AK Pencil Skirt praka zahar batzutatik aterata!
And here you are the AK Pencil Skirt from a pair of old trousers!
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Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Good idea! And really well done! To be honest, I am not really into the trousers, but I honestly like the skirt. The front bags are nice! Greeting from my lunch break!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much!!! Yes, I think also that the skirt is nicer than the trousers.
DeleteVery cool! I've been wanting to try this pattern, and it looks great on you!
Thanks!!! Try it! This pattern is really easy.
Deleteartista!! gona bezela askoz hobeto dao!!
ReplyDeleteiritsi zaizu paketia?
DeleteBai hemen dago! Datorren asteko sarrera bat zuei dedikatu dizuet!
How fun! I love refashions. The pockets are adorable. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you Alessa!!!!