San Blas egun zuri zuria! Guar San Blas da eta Abadiñon jai handia izaten da egun honetan, San Blas opilak jan, kordela erosi (eztarriko minik ez izateko), animaliak ikusi eta aurten erropa mordoaz eta ardaua edanez berotu beharko dira bertaratzen direnak, ze hau hotza egiten duena!
So white, San Blas day! Today is the San Blas day in Abadiño, it´s a great event, many people go there, if you go, you´ll eat San Blas cakes, buy the cord (to wear in the neck to help the shore throat), look the animals (there is usually a cattle fair) and this year, you´ve to wear a lot of clothes and drink wine to fight against the cold!
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An old picture from Abadiño in San Blas day. |
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An old picture from Abadiño in San Blas day. |
Nire lehiotik begiratu eta dena zuri dago, urteko sasoi honetan normala da, baina hori hotzikara! Hori dela eta gaurko modelitoa epel epela egin dut, ia gustatzen zaizuen.
Looking out from my window, everything is white, it is normal for this season of year, but what a chill! So today, I´ll present you a warm outfit.
1. Sita Murt prakak/ Sita Murt´s trousers.
2. Asian iCandy jertsea/ Asian iCandy´s sweater.
3. Les Jumelles Boutiquen eskumuturrekoa/ Les Jumelles Boutique´s bracelet.
4. Anthropologieren botak/ Anthropologie´s boots.
5. Mod Clothen alkandora/ Mod Cloth´s blouse.
Asian iCandyren jertsea eskuz margotuta dago, benetako artelana da eta oso prezio onean daukagu 39dolar. Egia esan online denda hontan gauza interesgarriak prezio onean ditugu.
Sita Murten praka hauek aukeratu ditut era honetakoak oso gustoko ditudalako. Lanera joateko oso erosoak dira, nik antzerakoak ditut eta gustora ibiltzen naiz beraiekin.
Mod Clothen gauza ederrak aurkitu daitezke. Europara bidaltzeak kostua handiagotu egiten du, baina bueno zerbait oso oso berezia aurkitu ezkero nik erosi egingo nuke. Vintage kutsua daukaten jantzi eta osagarriak dituzte eta egunero eguneratzen da beraien katalogoa.
Botak Anthropologien ikusi nituen eta hain dira finak baina indartsuak itxuran, gehiago ikusten ditudan einean gehiago gustatzen zaizkidala.
Eskumuturrekoa Les Jumelles Boutiquekoa da. Gauza dotoreak dituzten beraien online dendan eta nik aukeratu dudana "Limited edition"-etik atera dut. Itxura geometrikodun bitxiak oso modan daude!
Asian iCandy´s sweater is hand-painted, is a true work of art and it has a very good price. The truth is that this online store has interesting stuff at a good price.
I chose these Sita Murt´s pants because I really like this kind of stuff. They are very comfortable for working, I´ve a similar pair and I feel well when I´m wearing it.
In Mod Cloth, you always can find something beautiful. The cost of shipping to Europe increases the cost, but if you find somethin pretty, finally you´ll buy it. They update their catalog daily, and it´s full of vintage clothing and accessories.
When I saw Anthropologie´s boots, I thought they looked so delicated but strong, now I look them more and I like them more and more.
The wristband is from the Les Jumelles Boutique´s shop. There are elegant stuff in their online store and I chose this in their "Limited Edition". Geometric appearance jewellery is very fashionable!
I chose these Sita Murt´s pants because I really like this kind of stuff. They are very comfortable for working, I´ve a similar pair and I feel well when I´m wearing it.
In Mod Cloth, you always can find something beautiful. The cost of shipping to Europe increases the cost, but if you find somethin pretty, finally you´ll buy it. They update their catalog daily, and it´s full of vintage clothing and accessories.
When I saw Anthropologie´s boots, I thought they looked so delicated but strong, now I look them more and I like them more and more.
The wristband is from the Les Jumelles Boutique´s shop. There are elegant stuff in their online store and I chose this in their "Limited Edition". Geometric appearance jewellery is very fashionable!
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