Gaurko sarrerak izen arraroa du ezta? Baina bai hala da, ez da inoiz gehiago praka parea izango! Armairuan praka pare zaharra aurkitu nuenean hasi zen istorioa. Tela asko gustatzen zitzaidan, hori dela eta, beraiekin transformazio bat egin behar nuela pentsatu nuen.
This post calls strange, doesn´t it? But it´s so, there will never be a pair of pants again! The story started when I found an old pair of trousers in the wardrobe. I loved the fabric, for this reason, I thought they had to suffer a transformation.
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Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Proiektu hau egiteko ez nuen patroirik erabili, gustoko nuen alkandora baten neurriak hartu eta listo! Manga eta lepoaldea bies zinta beltzarekin amaitu nituen eta barrenak josteko "frantsez josketa" erabili nuen. Azkenik, zinta gorri bat josi nuen sorbalda nabarmentzeko. Paparraldean, alde bakoitzean pintzak josi dizkiot.
Nik jositako beste piezaren baten esan dudan bezalaxe, bizkarraldea erakusten duten modeloak asko gustatzen zaizkit, horregatik nireak atzekaldea aurrekaldea baino gehiago erakusten du. Paparrean bies zintaren ganean lazadatxo bat jarri dut apaingarri gisa.
I didn´t use a pattern for this project, I used a shirt I like and ready to take action! I finished sleeves and the necklace with black bias binding and a red tape marked the shoulder pad. In the both side of the chest, I sewed a pleat.
I told you in some post before, I love pieces that shows my back, therefore in this project the back is lower than the front. Also, I put a loop in the chest, as well as decorative.
I told you in some post before, I love pieces that shows my back, therefore in this project the back is lower than the front. Also, I put a loop in the chest, as well as decorative.
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Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Argazkiak Atxondon egin genituen. Argazkilariari musu handi bat, ze ederrak atera dira! Atxondo Bizkaiko zonalde ederrenetariko bat da, Arrazola eta Axpe auzoetatik paseotxo bat ematea Anbotopean plazerra da urteko edozein sasoietan.
Pictures were taken at Atxondo. A big kiss to the photographer, pictures are beautiful! Atxondo is one of the most beautiful places in Bizkaia, to make a walk in Arrazola and Axpe below the Anboto (a spectacular mountain) is a great pleasure any season of the year.
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Argazkietan asko maite dudan beroki gorria jantzi dut. Urte asko daramatza nirekin, oso espeziala da... Iadanik nahiko zaharkitua dagoen arren ezin dut inola ere bota eta noizean behin bere gordelekutik atera eta bere kurba eta testura eleganteak begiratzen ditut, kostatuko zait horrelako beste beroki galant bat aurkitzea!
In the pictures, I was wearing a red coat that I love much. This coat is with me during many years, is very special ... Already, it´s quite old, but I can´t throw it. And occasionally I open the cabinet and I look its elegant shape and its texture, it´ll be difficult to find a coat as elegant like that!
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan. |
Kamiseta / Shirt: Old trousers refashioned.
Prakak/ jeans: Stradivarious.
Zapatilak / Slippers: Onitsuka Tiger.
Berokia / Coat: Zara.
Cute! And I love your coat!
ReplyDeletePretty shirt! And that coat really is elegant!