
50´s: Pink birds´ skirt

Aste hontan nik jositako gona batekin nator. Izenak dioen bezalaxe 50. hamarkadan modan zeuden gonen antzekoa egin nahi izan dut, gona haiei "Swing skirt" deitzen zitzaien. Gona hauen ezaugarri nagusiak alde batetik gerri alde estua zen eta bestalde gonak zeukaten lasaiera handia.

This week I´ll present you a skirt sewed by me. As the name says, this kind of skirt were very fashionable in the 50´s, english readers can tell me if I´m wrong, but I think that this kind of skirt were called "Swing skirts". The main features of Swing skirts were, the narrow waist and his volume.

Gona hauek berriz ere modan jarri dira, baina orain minigonen tamainua jartzen zaie. "Patrones" aldizkarian aurkitu nuen beharrezkoa nuen patroia (Patrones 311, 18.Falda Naranja). Nik aldizkarikoa baino luzeagoa egin dut eta behekaldeko detallea txikitu egin diot.

This kind of skirts are in fashion again, but now they´re like miniskirts. I found the right pattern in "Patrones" magazine (311 Patrones, 18.Falda Naranja). I sewed it, longer than magazine´s pattern, and I had to reduce below detail.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.
Nire jostun maila oraindik hasiberria denez, nahiago dut tela merkeak erostea, desastreren bat pasa ezkero, izaten dudan pena txikiagoa baita! Kar, kar, kar... Gaurko tela Ikeako da, bai, bai, bai, Ikeakoa. Hasiberria bazara eta poltsikoa hustu nahi ez baduzu, egokiena Ikeara joatea da. Bertako telekin txapuzatxoak egin eta listo!

My sewing level is still novice, so I prefer to buy cheap fabric. If you have a great disaster, you´ll have a lower pity! Ha, ha, ha ... Today's fabric is Ikea´s one, yes, yes, yes, Ikea´s. If you are a beginner and if you don´t want to empty the pocket, the best is to go to Ikea!

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Gaurko proiektuko gonak, ikusten diren kremalleratarikoa dauka (nola ez!). Beltz kolorekoa jarri diot, era honetako xehetasunak asko gustatzen zaizkit.

In this project, I use again the exposed zipper. This time is a black exposed zipper, I love this kind of detail.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Eta hau da outfit osoa. Josteko erraza izan da eta lortutako emaitza asko gustatu zait. Zer iruditzen zaizue zuoi, Masustak Eguzkitaneko jarraitzaileok?

And here you are the full outfit. It was easy to sew and I love the result. What do you think, my nice follower?

Picture from Masustak Eguzkitan.

Kamiseta/ Shirt: Zara.
Jertsea/ Pullover: Kotoi.
Paparrekoa/ Clip: Depeapa.
Leotardoak/ Tights: Promod.
Zapatak/ Shoes: Geox.
Gonaren patroia/ Skirt´s pattern: Patrones 311, 18.Falda Naranja.
Gonaren ehuna/ Skirt´s fabric: Ikea.


  1. Very cute, especially in combination with the tights and shoes!

  2. Ikea always has great fabric, it looks super cute. Especially like the way you styled it!

    1. Yes, Ikea has many greats fabrics. Thanks for your comment!

  3. Artista!!!
    joe, ze polita!! eta norberak egina denean gehiago oraindik!

    1. Eskerrikasko!! Norberak egiten duenean beti izaten da espeziala.

  4. This skirt is so so cute! I would never have guessed the fabric came from Ikea!

  5. Oh that's awesome! Very cool look.

  6. Esta falda me la perdí, y me gusta mucho!!!
